< Galatians 2 >

1 After 14 years passed, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas. I took Titus also.
Depois de um período de catorze anos, subi novamente a Jerusalém com Barnabé, levando Titus também comigo.
2 But [I tell you that] I went up there because of what God revealed to me. [It was not because someone there asked me to come]. I told people what was the good message that I was preaching in regions where non-Jews live. But I talked privately to those whom your new teachers highly respect. I did that in order that what I was doing and what I had done [MET] might not become useless [MET] [as a result of people rejecting my message because they thought that I was teaching something that was not true].
Subi por revelação, e lhes apresentei a Boa Nova que prego entre os gentios, mas em particular diante daqueles que foram respeitados, por medo de que eu estivesse correndo, ou tivesse corrido, em vão.
3 But [even though the leaders of the believers usually insisted that when non-Jews trusted in Christ someone must circumcise them], they did not even insist that Titus be circumcised, even though he was a Greek man who was with me.
Mas nem mesmo Tito, que estava comigo, sendo grego, foi compelido a ser circuncidado.
4 [I talked to them privately] because some people [successfully] pretended that they were fellow believers and associated with the true believers. They did that in order that they might observe closely what we do because we are free [from having to obey all the Jewish laws and rituals] because of our close relationship with Christ Jesus [MET]. Those people wanted to make us [like] slaves [MET] [of those rituals by convincing us that we cannot trust Christ solely but that we must also obey all the Jewish rituals].
Isto foi por causa dos falsos irmãos trazidos secretamente, que roubaram para espionar nossa liberdade que temos em Cristo Jesus, para que nos levassem à escravidão,
5 But not even briefly did we [(exc)] do what they wanted [about circumcision. We(exc) resisted them] in order that the truth of the message about Christ might continue to [benefit] you.
a quem não demos lugar no caminho da sujeição, não por uma hora, para que a verdade da Boa Nova pudesse continuar com vocês.
6 The [leaders in Jerusalem], whom your new teachers respect, did not add anything to what I preach. [And I would add that] what status those leaders had did not influence me, because God does not favor certain/important persons [IDM] more than others.
Mas, daqueles que tinham fama de ser importantes - o que quer que fossem, para mim não faz diferença; Deus não mostra parcialidade para com o homem - eles, digo eu, que eram respeitados não me transmitiram nada,
7 Instead of those leaders adding to the message that I tell people, they understood that I had been given the good message {God had given the good message to me} so that I might proclaim it to the non-Jews [MTY], just like [God] had given the good message to Peter so that he might tell it to those who are Jews [MTY].
mas ao contrário, quando viram que me foi confiada a Boa Nova para os incircuncisos, Mesmo como Pedro com a Boa Nova para os circuncisados-
8 That is, just like [God] had empowered/authorized Peter in order that he might be an apostle [to bring God’s message] to the Jews [MTY], he also had empowered/authorized me in order that I might be an apostle to [bring his message to] the non-Jews.
para aquele que trabalhou através de Pedro no apostolado com os circuncisados também trabalhou através de mim com os gentios-
9 And [those leaders] knew that God had kindly given to me this special work. So James, Peter, and John, the ones whom your new teachers [respect because they are] leaders [MET] [of the believers], shook hands with us [IDM] [to show that they agreed that Barnabas and I are serving the Lord just like they are, and that we are preaching the same message that they are preaching]. They also agreed that we [(exc)] are the ones whom God was sending to [tell his message to] non-Jews, but that God is sending them to [tell his message to] Jews [MTY].
e quando perceberam a graça que me foi dada, Tiago e Cefas e João, aqueles que tinham fama de serem pilares, deram a Barnabé e a mim a mão direita da comunhão, que devíamos ir aos gentios, e eles à circuncisão.
10 They merely urged that we [(exc)] still remember to help the poor [fellow believers who live in Jerusalem]. That is exactly what I have been eager to do.
Eles só nos pediram para lembrarmos dos pobres - o que eu também tive o zelo de fazer.
11 But [later while I was at] Antioch [city], after Peter came there, I told him directly [SYN] that what he was doing was wrong.
Mas quando Pedro chegou a Antioquia, eu o resisti até o rosto, porque ele ficou condenado.
12 [This is what happened]: [Peter went to Antioch and started eating regularly with non-Jewish believers there]. Later there were certain [Jewish believers who] came [to Antioch who claimed that] James, [the leader of the congregations in Jerusalem], had sent them. But when [those certain] men came, Peter gradually quit [eating] with the non-Jewish believers and would not associate with them. He was afraid that the Jewish [believers from Jerusalem would criticize him for associating with non-Jews].
Pois antes de algumas pessoas virem de Tiago, ele comeu com os gentios. Mas quando eles vieram, ele se afastou e se separou, temendo aqueles que eram da circuncisão.
13 Also, the other Jewish [believers who were in Antioch] [SYN] acted (insincerely/in a way that they knew was not right) along with [Peter]. The result was that they convinced even Barnabas to [stop associating with the non-Jewish believers]!
E o resto dos judeus se uniram a ele em sua hipocrisia, de modo que até Barnabé se deixou levar pela hipocrisia deles.
14 But when I realized that they were not acting according to the truth of the message about Christ, [when] all [the fellow believers there] were present, I told Peter [the following]: “Although you [(sg)] are a Jew, [you often conduct yourself] like non-Jews [do by disregarding Jewish laws about food. When you are among non-Jews], you [(sg)] do not customarily conduct yourself at all like Jews [do]. So, (now it is wrong that you [(sg)] are causing non-Jews [to think that they must obey all] the Jewish rituals and customs!/why are you [(sg)] causing non-Jews [to think that they must obey all] the Jewish rituals and customs?) [RHQ]”
Mas quando vi que eles não andavam de pé de acordo com a verdade da Boa Nova, disse a Pedro antes de todos eles: “Se você, sendo judeu, vive como os gentios, e não como os judeus, por que você obriga os gentios a viver como os judeus?
15 Some of us [believers] were born as Jews. We [(exc)] were not born as non-Jews. [We Jews have always considered non-Jews to be] ‘sinners’ [because they do not obey the Jewish rituals and laws].
“Nós, sendo judeus por natureza e não pecadores gentios,
16 But we [(exc)] now know that it is not because some person obeys the laws [that God gave to Moses] that [God] erases the record of that person’s sins. [God erases the record of a person’s sins only if that person trusts in what Jesus Christ has done]. Even we [(exc)] Jews trusted Christ Jesus. We [(exc)] did that in order that [God] would erase the record of our sins because of our trusting Christ, and not because of our obeying the laws [that God gave to Moses. God has said that] he will [never] erase the record of people’s sins just because of their obeying those laws.
ainda sabendo que um homem não é justificado pelas obras da lei, mas pela fé em Jesus Cristo, até mesmo nós cremos em Jesus Cristo, para que possamos ser justificados pela fé em Cristo e não pelas obras da lei, porque nenhuma carne será justificada pelas obras da lei.
17 Furthermore, because we [(exc) Jews] desired that [God] would erase the record of our sins because of our relationship with Christ, [it means that] we realized that we ourselves were sinners [like non-Jews, whom we called] sinners, [because we(exc) also were not obeying the Jewish rituals and laws]. [But] ([we(inc) certainly cannot conclude] that it is Christ who causes us to sin./[should we conclude] that it is Christ who causes us to sin?) [RHQ] [No, Christ] certainly does not [cause anyone to sin].
Mas se enquanto procuramos ser justificados em Cristo, nós mesmos também fomos encontrados pecadores, Cristo é um servo do pecado? Certamente que não!
18 So if I should again believe [that God would erase the record of my sins because of my obeying the laws that he gave to Moses] [MET], [I would be like a man who] rebuilds an old building that he tore down. It would [soon] be clear that I am one who disobeys those same laws [that God gave to Moses].
Pois se eu voltar a construir as coisas que destruí, eu me provarei um infrator da lei.
19 When [I realized that I could not earn God’s favor] by [obeying] the laws [that he gave to Moses, I decided not] to [respond to what those laws demanded] [MET], [just like] a dead person [does not respond to anything]. Now I live to [honor/serve] God.
Pois eu, através da lei, morri para a lei, para que eu pudesse viver para Deus.
20 [It is as though] I was with Christ when he was crucified {died on the cross} [MET] (OR, [It is as though] my [old way of life ended when] Christ died on the cross.) No longer am I [directing the way I behave as I did before I believed in Christ]. Now Christ [is directing how] I [behave. And whatever I do] now while I live, I do it trusting in God’s Son. He is the one who loved me and offered himself [as a sacrifice] for me.
Eu fui crucificado com Cristo, e não sou mais eu que vivo, mas Cristo vive em mim. Essa vida que agora vivo na carne, eu vivo pela fé no Filho de Deus, que me amou e se entregou por mim.
21 I am not rejecting [as useless] what God [did for me] ([kindly/that I did not deserve]), [as my opponents are doing. I fully accept that God saved me by acting kindly towards me]. If it is because people [obey the] laws [that God gave to Moses] that God erases the record of their sins, then Christ died (for nothing/needlessly).
Eu não rejeito a graça de Deus. Pois se a justiça é através da lei, então Cristo morreu por nada”!

< Galatians 2 >