< Ezekiel 1 >

1 [I am] Ezekiel, a priest, the son of Buzi. When I was 30 years [old], I [living] among [Israeli] people who had been (exiled from/forced to leave) [and had come to Babylon]. I was living along the Kebar River/ [south of Babylon]. Almost five years after King Jehoiachin had been (exiled/forced to leave Judah), on the fifth day of the fourth [of that year, it was as though] the sky was opened and I saw visions from God. On that day,
Awo mu mwaka ogw’amakumi asatu mu mwezi ogwokuna ku lunaku olwokutaano mu mwezi ogwo, bwe nnali nga ndi mu buwaŋŋanguse ku mabbali g’omugga Kebali, eggulu ne libikkulwa, ne ndaba okwolesebwa okuva eri Katonda.
Ku lunaku olwokutaano mu mwezi ogwo, gwe gwali omwaka ogwokutaano ogw’obuwaŋŋanguse bwa kabaka Yekoyakini,
3 God gave me [in visions here] in Babylonia, and I felt the power [MTY] of Yahweh on me.
ekigambo kya Mukama ne kinzijjira, nze Ezeekyeri kabona, mutabani wa Buuzi, mu nsi ey’Abakaludaaya ku mabbali g’omugga Kebali, n’omukono gwa Mukama gwali ku ye.
4 [In one of the visions, I saw a] windstorm coming from the north. There was a huge cloud, and lightning was flashing continually, and a brilliant light surrounded the cloud. In the center of where the lightning was flashing there was something that resembled glowing bronze.
Awo ne ntunula ne ndaba kibuyaga ng’ava mu bukiikakkono, n’ekire ekikutte ekimyansa ekyamwetooloola, wakati nga wafaanana ng’awali ekyuma ekimasamasa.
5 In the center of the storm I saw what resembled four living creatures. They resembled humans,
Wakati mu muliro mwalabika ng’omwali ebiramu ebina, nga birina ekifaananyi ky’omuntu.
6 but each of them had four faces and four wings [DOU].
Buli kimu kyalina obwenyi buna, n’ebiwaawaatiro bina.
7 Their legs were straight. Their feet resembled the hooves of calves, and the creatures shone like polished bronze.
Amagulu gaabyo gaali magolokofu, n’ebigere byabyo nga bifaanana ekigere ky’ennyana, era nga bitangalijja ng’ekikomo ekizigule.
8 On their four sides under their wings there were hands like humans have.
Byalina engalo ez’omuntu wansi w’ebiwaawaatiro byabyo ku njuyi zaabyo ennya. Byonna ebina byalina obwenyi n’ebiwaawaatiro,
9 As the four [stood there, they formed a circle/square], with their wings touching each other. They did not turn when they were moving; they went straight ahead.
era ebiwaawaatiro byabyo nga bisonga waggulu, buli kiwaawaatiro nga kikoona ku kinnaakyo. Buli kimu kyatambula nga kiraga mu maaso, nga tekikyuse kutunula mabega.
10 [of the creatures had four faces]. The face that was in front [of each one was a face that] resembled a human face. The face on the right side resembled a lion’s face. The face on the left side resembled an ox’s face. The face in back resembled an eagle’s face.
Obwenyi bwabyo bwafaanana bwe buti: Buli kimu kyalina ekyenyi eky’omuntu, oluuyi olwa ddyo olwa buli kyenyi nga lufaanana ekyenyi eky’empologoma, n’oluuyi olwa kkono ku buli kyenyi nga lufaanana ekyenyi eky’ente, ate nga birina n’ekyenyi ky’emunyungu.
11 Two of each creature’s wings were lifted up and touched the wings of the creatures that were on each side. The other two wings were folded against the creature’s body.
Ebyenyi byabyo n’ebiwaawaatiro byabyo byali byanjuluze nga bitunudde waggulu. Buli kimu kyalina ebiwaawaatiro bibiri, buli kiwaawaatiro nga kikona ku kinnaakyo, ebibiri ebirala nga bibisse ku mibiri gyabyo.
12 The creatures went straight ahead in whatever direction the [that controlled/guided them] wanted them to go, without changing directions while they were moving.
Buli kimu kyali kitunudde gye kyali kiraga. Omwoyo gye yalaganga nabyo gye byalaganga, ne bitakyuka kudda mabega.
13 [four] creatures resembled burning coals or torches. A blazing fire moved back and forth among the creatures, and lighting flashed from among them.
Endabika ey’ebiramu ebyo yafaanana ng’omuliro ogwaka ogw’amanda oba omuliro ogw’omumuli. Omuliro gwavanga mu maaso n’emabega, nga gwakaayaakana era nga gumyansa.
14 The creatures moved back and [extremely rapidly], like [SIM] flashes of lightning.
Ebiramu byetawulanga ng’okumyansa okw’eggulu.
15 While I looked at the four living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each of them.
Bwe nnali nga nkyali ku ebyo, ne ndaba zinnamuziga ku ttaka emabbali wa buli kiramu, n’ebyenyi byabyo ebina.
16 Each of the wheels was the same, and they all shone like [SIM] (chrysolite/a valuable green stone). Each seemed to have one wheel inside another wheel.
Endabika eya zinnamuziga n’okukolebwa kwazo kwali nga berulo, zonna nga zifaanana. Buli emu yafaanana nga nnamuziga ekwataganye ne ginnaayo.
17 Whenever they moved, they would go straight in one of the four directions that they faced; they did not [in another direction] while they moved.
Era zeetoolooleranga mu njuyi zonna ennya, nga tezizinaazina ng’ebiramu bitambula.
18 The rims of the wheels were covered with eyes.
Empanka zaazo zaali mpanvu nga zitiisa, era empanka ennya zonna nga zijjuddemu amaaso.
19 Whenever the living creatures moved, the wheels moved with them. [So] whenever the creatures rose from the ground, the [also] rose up.
Ebiramu bwe byaseeseetukanga, zinnamuziga zaabyo nazo ne ziseeseetuka; ebiramu bwe byagolokokanga okuva mu ttaka zinnamuziga nazo ne zigolokoka.
20 Wherever the [that controlled the creatures] wanted the creatures to go, they went, and the wheels went with them, because the [that controlled/guided them] was in the wheels [DOU].
Omwoyo buli gye yabanga agenda, gye byagendanga, ne zinnamuziga ne zisitukira wamu nazo, kubanga omwoyo eyali mu biramu ye yabanga ne mu zinnamuziga.
21 Whenever the creatures moved, the wheels moved. Whenever the creatures [still], the wheels stopped. Whenever the creatures rose up from the ground, the wheels rose up with them.
Ebiramu bwe byaseeseetukanga, nazo ne ziseeseetuka, ebiramu bwe byasitukanga, nazo ne zisituka; ebiramu bwe byagolokokanga okuva ku ttaka, ne zinnamuziga ne zigolokokera wamu nazo, kubanga omwoyo ow’ebiramu yabanga mu zinnamuziga.
22 Above the heads of the creatures there was something that resembled a dome. It shone like ice (OR, crystal) shines, and it was awesome.
Waggulu w’emitwe gy’ebiramu waliwo ekifaananyi eky’ekifo ekigazi, ekyatemagananga ng’omuzira.
23 Under the dome, the creatures stretched out their wings. Each one had two wings; [each wing] stretched towards the creature [was next to] it, and two wings that were against the creature’s body.
Wansi w’ekifo ekyo ekigazi ebiwaawaatiro byabyo byali bigolole, nga bituukagana, buli kiramu nga kirina ebiwaawaatiro bibiri ebyabikkanga emibiri gyabyo.
24 Whenever the creatures moved, their wings made a sound that resembled the roar made by a rushing stream. It also sounded like the voice of Almighty God, and like [SIM] the noise of a huge army marching. Whenever the creatures stood [on the ground], they lowered their wings.
Ebiramu bwe byagenda, nawulira okuwuuma kw’ebiwaawaatiro byabyo, ng’okuwuuma kw’amazzi amangi, ng’eddoboozi lya Ayinzabyonna, ng’oluyoogaano lw’eggye. Bwe byayimirira, ne bissa ebiwaawaatiro byabyo.
25 While they [on the ground] with their wings lowered, there was a voice from the dome that was over their heads.
Awo ne wawulikika eddoboozi okuva waggulu w’ekifo ekigazi waggulu w’emitwe gyabyo, bwe byayimiriranga nga bissizza ebiwaawaatiro byabyo.
26 Above the dome was something that resembled [huge] [that was made of a huge] (sapphire/valuable blue stone). Sitting on the throne was someone that resembled a human.
Waggulu w’ekifo ekigazi waggulu w’emitwe gyabyo waaliwo ekyafaanananga entebe ey’obwakabaka, eya safiro, ate waggulu w’ekifaananyi eky’entebe ey’obwakabaka nga watuddeyo eyafaanana ng’omuntu.
27 I saw that above his waist his body resembled metal that was glowing as though it [a very hot] fire inside it. And I saw that below his waist there was a very brilliant light that surrounded him.
Ekyo nakirabira ku kyafaanana ng’ekiwato kye, okwambuka ng’afaanana ng’ekyuma ekyengeredde, nga kiriko omuliro mungi; n’okuva mu kiwato kye okukka ng’afaanana omuliro, nga yeetooloddwa okumasamasa enjuuyi zonna.
28 [shone] like [SIM] a rainbow shines in the clouds on a rainy day. That was the brilliant light that represented the presence of Yahweh. When I saw it, I prostrated myself on the ground, and I heard him speak.
Ekitiibwa ekyamwetooloolanga kyafaanana nga musoke mu bire ku lunaku olw’enkuba. Ekyo kye kyali ekifaananyi eky’ekitiibwa kya Mukama. Bwe nakiraba, ne nvuunama, ne mpulira eddoboozi ly’oyo eyali ayogera.

< Ezekiel 1 >