< Ezekiel 6 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
2 “You human, turn toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy [what will happen to] them, and say,
Sine èovjeèji, okreni lice svoje prema gorama Izrailjevijem, i prorokuj protiv njih,
3 ‘You mountains and hills of Israel [APO], listen to what Yahweh the Lord says to you: “I am about to [enemy soldiers with] swords to come and destroy [the shrines on] your hilltops.
I reci: gore Izrailjeve, èujte rijeè Gospoda Gospoda, ovako veli Gospod Gospod gorama i humovima, potocima i dolinama: evo me, ja æu pustiti na vas maè i oboriæu visine vaše.
4 They will smash all the [for worshiping idols] and the altars for burning incense. And they will [many Israeli] people in front of those idols.
I vaši æe se oltari raskopati, i sunèani likovi vaši izlomiæe se, i povaljaæu pobijene vaše pred gadnijem bogovima vašim.
5 Their corpses will lie in front of their idols, and their bones will be scattered around their altars.
I pobacaæu mrtva tjelesa sinova Izrailjevijeh pred gadne bogove njihove, i razmetnuæu kosti vaše oko oltara vaših.
6 Wherever the Israelis live, their towns will be ruined, and the shrines where they worship idols will be smashed. Their altars will be completely smashed [DOU], their idols will be completely smashed [DOU], and everything that they own will become a pile of ruins.
Svuda gdje nastavate gradovi æe se opustošiti i visine æe opustjeti, i oltari æe se vaši raskopati i opustjeti, i gadni bogovi vaši izlomiæe se i neæe ih više biti, i sunèani likovi vaši isjeæi æe se, i djela æe se vaša uništiti.
7 Many of their people will be killed; and then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].
I pobijeni æe padati usred vas, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod.
8 But I will allow some of the Israelis to remain alive. They will escape being killed when their enemies scatter them among many other nations.
Ali æu vas ostaviti nekoliko koji bi utekli od maèa meðu narodima kad se rasijete po zemljama.
9 When that happens, in those nations to which they have been forced to go, those who have escaped from being killed will think about me. They will remember that I was very grieved because of their turning away from me [IDM] with their inner beings, and because they very much desired [IDM] to worship their idols. They will (hate/be very displeased with) themselves because of the evil and detestable things that they have done.
I koji vas uteku, opomenuæe se mene meðu narodima, gdje budu u ropstvu, kako mi dotužaše srcem svojim kurvarskim koje otstupi od mene, i oèima svojim kurvarskim, kojima idoše za gadnijem bogovima svojim, i sami æe sebi biti mrski za zla koja èiniše u svijem gradovima svojim.
10 [they will realize that] I, Yahweh, [have punished them. They will realize that] when I threatened to punish them, I surely intended [LIT] to do that.
I poznaæe da sam ja Gospod i da nijesam govorio uzalud da æu im uèiniti to zlo.
11 So this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, [to you, Ezekiel]: ‘Wring your hands and stamp your feet and cry [to show that you are distressed], and [about what will happen to] your Israeli people [MTY] because of all their wicked and detestable behavior. They will be killed [their enemies’] swords, they will die from hunger, and they will die from plagues.
Ovako veli Gospod Gospod: pljesni rukama i lupi nogom, i reci: jaoh! radi svijeh gadnijeh zala doma Izrailjeva, jer æe pasti od maèa, od gladi i od pomora.
12 Those who are far [from Jerusalem] will die from plagues, those who are close [to Jerusalem] will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and those who are still alive will die from hunger. That is how I will punish [MTY] them.
Ko bude daleko, umrijeæe od pomora; a ko bude blizu, pašæe od maèa; a ko ostane i bude opkoljen, umrijeæe od gladi; tako æu navršiti gnjev svoj na njima.
13 [Some of] your people’s corpses will lie among their idols around their altars, on every high hilltop and on all the mountaintops, under every big tree [DOU]—at all the places where they burned incense [honor] their idols. Then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
I poznaæete da sam ja Gospod kad budu pobijeni njihovi meðu gadnijem bogovima njihovijem, oko oltara njihovijeh, na svakom visokom humu i na svijem vrhovima gorskim i pod svakim zelenijem drvetom i pod svakim granatijem hrastom, svuda gdje su kadili ugodnijem mirisima svijem gadnijem bogovima svojim.
14 And I will stretch out my arm and cause your entire country to become an empty wasteland, from the [in the far south] to [town in the far north]. Then they will realize that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].’”
Jer æu zamahnuti rukom svojom na njih, i obratiæu zemlju njihovu u pustoš goru od pustinje Divlate po svijem stanovima njihovijem; i poznaæe da sam ja Gospod.

< Ezekiel 6 >