< Ezekiel 6 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
2 “You human, turn toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy [what will happen to] them, and say,
Fili hominis, pone faciem tuam ad montes Israël, et prophetabis ad eos,
3 ‘You mountains and hills of Israel [APO], listen to what Yahweh the Lord says to you: “I am about to [enemy soldiers with] swords to come and destroy [the shrines on] your hilltops.
et dices: [Montes Israël, audite verbum Domini Dei. Hæc dicit Dominus Deus montibus et collibus, rupibus et vallibus: Ecce ego inducam super vos gladium, et disperdam excelsa vestra,
4 They will smash all the [for worshiping idols] and the altars for burning incense. And they will [many Israeli] people in front of those idols.
et demoliar aras vestras, et confringentur simulacra vestra, et dejiciam interfectos vestros ante idola vestra:
5 Their corpses will lie in front of their idols, and their bones will be scattered around their altars.
et dabo cadavera filiorum Israël ante faciem simulacrorum vestrorum, et dispergam ossa vestra circum aras vestras:
6 Wherever the Israelis live, their towns will be ruined, and the shrines where they worship idols will be smashed. Their altars will be completely smashed [DOU], their idols will be completely smashed [DOU], and everything that they own will become a pile of ruins.
in omnibus habitationibus vestris urbes desertæ erunt, et excelsa demolientur et dissipabuntur: et interibunt aræ vestræ, et confringentur, et cessabunt idola vestra, et conterentur delubra vestra, et delebuntur opera vestra:
7 Many of their people will be killed; and then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].
et cadet interfectus in medio vestri, et scietis quia ego sum Dominus.
8 But I will allow some of the Israelis to remain alive. They will escape being killed when their enemies scatter them among many other nations.
Et relinquam in vobis eos qui fugerint gladium in gentibus, cum dispersero vos in terris:
9 When that happens, in those nations to which they have been forced to go, those who have escaped from being killed will think about me. They will remember that I was very grieved because of their turning away from me [IDM] with their inner beings, and because they very much desired [IDM] to worship their idols. They will (hate/be very displeased with) themselves because of the evil and detestable things that they have done.
et recordabuntur mei liberati vestri in gentibus ad quas captivi ducti sunt: quia contrivi cor eorum fornicans et recedens a me, et oculos eorum fornicantes post idola sua: et displicebunt sibimet super malis quæ fecerunt in universis abominationibus suis.
10 [they will realize that] I, Yahweh, [have punished them. They will realize that] when I threatened to punish them, I surely intended [LIT] to do that.
Et scient quia ego Dominus non frustra locutus sum, ut facerem eis malum hoc.
11 So this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, [to you, Ezekiel]: ‘Wring your hands and stamp your feet and cry [to show that you are distressed], and [about what will happen to] your Israeli people [MTY] because of all their wicked and detestable behavior. They will be killed [their enemies’] swords, they will die from hunger, and they will die from plagues.
Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Percute manum tuam et allide pedem tuum, et dic: Heu! ad omnes abominationes malorum domus Israël: quia gladio, fame et peste ruituri sunt.
12 Those who are far [from Jerusalem] will die from plagues, those who are close [to Jerusalem] will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and those who are still alive will die from hunger. That is how I will punish [MTY] them.
Qui longe est, peste morietur: qui autem prope, gladio corruet: et qui relictus fuerit et obsessus, fame morietur: et complebo indignationem meam in eis.
13 [Some of] your people’s corpses will lie among their idols around their altars, on every high hilltop and on all the mountaintops, under every big tree [DOU]—at all the places where they burned incense [honor] their idols. Then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum fuerint interfecti vestri in medio idolorum vestrorum, in circuitu ararum vestrarum, in omni colle excelso, et in cunctis summitatibus montium, et subtus omne lignum nemorosum, et subtus universam quercum frondosam, locum ubi accenderunt thura redolentia universis idolis suis.
14 And I will stretch out my arm and cause your entire country to become an empty wasteland, from the [in the far south] to [town in the far north]. Then they will realize that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].’”
Et extendam manum meam super eos: et faciam terram desolatam et destitutam, a deserto Deblatha, in omnibus habitationibus eorum: et scient quia ego Dominus.]

< Ezekiel 6 >