< Ezekiel 6 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
TUHAN berkata kepadaku,
2 “You human, turn toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy [what will happen to] them, and say,
"Hai manusia fana, pandanglah gunung-gunung Israel, dan sampaikanlah pesan-Ku tentang hukuman bagi mereka.
3 ‘You mountains and hills of Israel [APO], listen to what Yahweh the Lord says to you: “I am about to [enemy soldiers with] swords to come and destroy [the shrines on] your hilltops.
Suruhlah mereka mendengarkan dan memperhatikan apa yang Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi katakan kepada gunung-gunung itu, juga kepada bukit-bukit, jurang-jurang dan lembah-lembah. Sungguh, Aku akan mengirim pedang untuk menghancurkan tempat-tempat penyembahan berhala.
4 They will smash all the [for worshiping idols] and the altars for burning incense. And they will [many Israeli] people in front of those idols.
Mezbah-mezbahnya akan dirubuhkan dan pedupaan-pedupaannya akan dipecahkan. Semua orang di situ akan dibunuh di depan berhalanya.
5 Their corpses will lie in front of their idols, and their bones will be scattered around their altars.
Aku akan membuat mayat-mayat orang Israel berserakan; dan tulang-tulang mereka akan Kuhamburkan di sekitar mezbah-mezbah itu.
6 Wherever the Israelis live, their towns will be ruined, and the shrines where they worship idols will be smashed. Their altars will be completely smashed [DOU], their idols will be completely smashed [DOU], and everything that they own will become a pile of ruins.
Semua kota Israel akan dimusnahkan, semua mezbah dan berhalanya hancur berantakan, pedupaan-pedupaannya porak-poranda, dan segala apa yang mereka buat akan hilang.
7 Many of their people will be killed; and then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].
Di mana-mana ada orang yang terbunuh, dan mereka yang selamat akan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN.
8 But I will allow some of the Israelis to remain alive. They will escape being killed when their enemies scatter them among many other nations.
Sebagian kecil dari mereka akan Kuluputkan dari pembantaian itu tetapi mereka akan diceraiberaikan di antara bangsa-bangsa;
9 When that happens, in those nations to which they have been forced to go, those who have escaped from being killed will think about me. They will remember that I was very grieved because of their turning away from me [IDM] with their inner beings, and because they very much desired [IDM] to worship their idols. They will (hate/be very displeased with) themselves because of the evil and detestable things that they have done.
di sana mereka hidup dalam pembuangan. Lalu mereka akan teringat kepada-Ku serta mengerti bahwa Aku menghukum dan menghina mereka sebab hati mereka tidak setia kepada-Ku. Mereka telah meninggalkan Aku dan memilih berhala sebagai ganti-Ku. Lalu mereka akan muak dengan diri mereka sendiri karena segala kejahatan dan kekejian yang telah mereka lakukan.
10 [they will realize that] I, Yahweh, [have punished them. They will realize that] when I threatened to punish them, I surely intended [LIT] to do that.
Maka mereka akan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN dan bahwa semua peringatan yang Kuberikan bukan ancaman-ancaman kosong belaka."
11 So this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, [to you, Ezekiel]: ‘Wring your hands and stamp your feet and cry [to show that you are distressed], and [about what will happen to] your Israeli people [MTY] because of all their wicked and detestable behavior. They will be killed [their enemies’] swords, they will die from hunger, and they will die from plagues.
TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Bersedihlah! Merataplah! Menangislah dengan pilu karena segala kejahatan dan kekejian yang telah dilakukan bangsa Israel. Mereka akan mati karena perang, kelaparan dan wabah penyakit.
12 Those who are far [from Jerusalem] will die from plagues, those who are close [to Jerusalem] will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and those who are still alive will die from hunger. That is how I will punish [MTY] them.
Mereka semua akan merasakan amukan kemarahan-Ku. Orang-orang yang jauh di pembuangan akan jatuh sakit lalu mati; yang dekat akan mati dalam perang, dan sisanya akan mati kelaparan.
13 [Some of] your people’s corpses will lie among their idols around their altars, on every high hilltop and on all the mountaintops, under every big tree [DOU]—at all the places where they burned incense [honor] their idols. Then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Mayat-mayat akan berserakan di antara berhala-berhala dan di sekitar mezbah-mezbah, terhampar di setiap bukit yang tinggi, dan di puncak setiap gunung, di bawah setiap pohon yang rimbun dan setiap pohon yang besar; pendek kata, di mana saja mereka membakar kurban bagi berhala mereka. Maka setiap orang akan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN.
14 And I will stretch out my arm and cause your entire country to become an empty wasteland, from the [in the far south] to [town in the far north]. Then they will realize that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].’”
Ya, Aku akan mengacungkan tangan-Ku dan menghancurkan negeri mereka, sehingga menjadi sunyi sepi, mulai dari Gurun Selatan sampai kepada kota Ribla di utara. Dari tempat-tempat yang didiami orang Israel, tak satu pun akan diselamatkan. Maka tahulah semua orang bahwa Akulah TUHAN."

< Ezekiel 6 >