< Ezekiel 48 >

1 “Here is a list of the tribes of Israel [and the territory that each tribe is to receive]: [The tribe of] Dan will be allotted land at the northern boundary [of Israel]: It will extend east from the Mediterranean Sea east to Hethlon [city], then from there to Hamath Pass, and on to [the town of] Hazar-Enan south of Damascus, between Damascus and Hamath. The tribe of Dan will receive land on the northern border [of Israel] from the eastern end [of the country] west to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
Ary izao no anaran’ ny firenena: Hatramin’ ny farany avaratra any amoron-dranomasina amin’ ny lalana mankany Hetlona any akaikin’ i Hamata sy Hazar-enana, fari-tanin’ i Damaskosy eo avaratra, any anilan’ i Hamata; izany no ho lafiny atsinanana sy andrefana; anjara iray ho an’ i Dana.
2 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Asher.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Dana hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana dia iray koa ho an’ i Asera.
3 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Naphtali.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Asera, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana dia iray koa ho an’ i Naftaly.
4 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Manasseh.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ i Naftaly, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ i Manase,
5 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Ephraim.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Manase, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ i Efraima.
6 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Reuben.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Efraima, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an? i Robena.
7 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Judah.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Robena, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ i Joda.
8 South of their land will be an area set apart for special use. The temple will be in the center of that area.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ i Joda, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, no hisian’ ilay tany hatokanareo, indimy arivo amby roa alin’ ny volotara ny sakany, ary ny lavany mitovy amin’ ny anjaran’ ny sasany hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana; ary ny fitoerana masìna no ho eo afovoany.
9 It must be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.7 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Ny tany izay hatokanareo ho an’ i Jehovah, dia dimy arivo amby roa alina ny lavany, ary iray alina ny sakany.
10 For the priests, there must be a strip of land (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (3.3 miles/5.3 km.) wide. The temple will be in the center of that area.
Ary ho an’ ny mpisorona izany tany masìna voatokana izany, dimy arivo amby roa alina ny lavany avaratra, ary iray alina ny sakany andrefana, ary iray alina ny sakany atsinanana, ary dimy arivo amby roa alina ny lavany atsimo; ary ny fitoerana masin’ i Jehovah no ho eo afovoany.
11 That area is for the priests who are descendants of Zadok. They are ones who served me faithfully and did not turn away from me, like most of the descendants of Levi and the other Israeli people did.
Ho an’ ny mpisorona izay nohamasinina avy amin’ ny taranak’ i zadota izany, dia ireo nitandrina ny nasaiko notandrenam ka tsy nivily tamin’ ny nivilian’ ny zanak’ Isiraely, tahaka ny nivilian’ ny Levita,
12 When the land is distributed, that area must be given to the priests; it is land that is very sacred. It will be next to the land that will be given to the other descendants of Levi.
eny, ho azy izany ho tany halaina amin’ ilay efa voatokana, dia zavatra masìna indrindra, mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ ny Levita.
13 The land that will be allotted to the [other] descendants of Levi will be the same size as the land allotted to the priests. So together, those two portions of land will be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.6 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Ary ny Levita koa dia hahazo ny mifanolotra amin’ ny fari-tanin’ ny mpisorona, dia dimy arivo amby roa alina ny lavany, ary iray alina ny sakany, eny, samy dimy arivo amby roa alina ny lavany, sy iray alina ny sakany.
14 None of this special land will ever be permitted to be sold or traded or used by other people, because it belongs to me, Yahweh. It is set apart for me.
Ary tsy ho azony hamidy izany, na hatakalo, ary tsy hafindrany ny voaloham-bokatra amin’ ny tany; fa masìna ho an’ i Jehovah izany.
15 The rest [of that sacred area, a strip of land] (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (1.7 miles/2.65 km.) wide will be allotted for other people to use. It will be land where they will be permitted to build homes and have pasturelands. There will be a city at the center.
Ary ny dimy arivo, ilay navela tamin’ ny sakany mifanolotra amin’ ny dimy arivo amby roa alina, dia tsy masìna, fa ho an’ ny tanàna, ho fonenana sy ho tany fiandrasana; ary ny tanàna no ho ao afovoany.
16 The city will be square, (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) on each side.
Ary izao no ohany: Ny avaratra ho dinan-jato amby efatra arivo, ary ny atsimo ho diman-jato amby efatra arivo, ary ny atsinanana ho diman-jato amby efatra arivo, ary ny andrefana ho diman-jato amby efatra arivo.
17 Around the city there will be an area for farming, that will be (150 yards/135 meters) in each direction.
Ary ny amin’ ny tany fiandrasana momba ny tanàna, ny eo amin’ ny avaratra dia ho dimam-polo amby roan-jato, ary ny eo amin’ ny atsinanana dia ho dimam-polo amby roan-jato, ary ny eo amin’ ny andrefana dia ho dimam-polo amby roan-jato.
18 Outside the city, to the east and to the west, there will be a farming area. It will extend (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the east and (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the west. [Men who work there] will produce food for the people who work in the city.
Ary ny lavany sisa mifanolotra amin’ ny anjara masìna voatokana dia iray alina atsinanana ary iray alina andrefana, ary hifanolotra amin’ ny anjara masìna voatokana izany; ary ny vokany hohanin’ ny mpiasa ao an-tanàna.
19 [Some of] those who come from the various Israeli tribes to work in the city may also work on the farmland.
Ary izay mpiasa ao an-tanàna avy amin’ ny firenen’ Isiraely rehetra no hiasa azy.
20 That entire special area, including the sacred lands and the city, will be a square that is (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) on each side.
Ny tany voatokana rehetra dia dimy arivo amby roa alina sokera; ny ampahefatry ny anjara masìna voatokana dia halainareo ho zara-tany momba ny tanàna.
21 The areas to the east and to the west of the sacred area and the city will belong to the king. One area will extend east to the eastern boundary of Israel and the other will extend west to the Mediterranean Sea. The sacred area in which the temple is located will be in the middle.
Ary ho an’ ny mpanjaka ny sisa an-daniny roa amin’ ny anjara masìna voatokana sy ny zara-tany momba ny tanàna; mifanolotra amin’ ny dimy arivo amby roa alina amin’ ny anjara voatokana hatramin’ ny fari-tany atsinanana, ary mifanolotra amin’ ny dimy arivo amby roa alina hatramin’ ny fari-tany andrefana, mifanolotra amin’ ireo anjaran’ ny sasany, ho an’ ny mpanjaka izany; ary ny anjara masìna voatokana sy ny trano fitoerana masìna no ho eo aforoany.
22 The area that belongs to the king will be between the land [of the tribe] of [to the north] and the land [of the tribe] of Benjamin [to the south].
Ary hatramin’ ny zara-tanin’ ny Levita sy ny zara-tany momba ny tanàna, sy ao ampovoan’ ny an’ ny mpanjaka, anelanelan’ ny fari-tanin’ i Jada sy Benjamina, dia ho an’ ny mpanjaka izany.
23 South of that special area, each of the other tribes must be allotted one portion of land that extends from the eastern [boundary of Israel] west [to the Mediterranean Sea]. [Beginning at the north] will be land for [the tribe of] Benjamin.
Ary ny amin’ ny firenena sisa, dia hatramin’ ny lafiny atsinanana ka hatramin’ ny andrefana, dia hisy anjara iray ho an’ i Benjamina.
24 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Simeon.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ i Benjamina, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ i Simeona.
25 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Issachar.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ i Simeona, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ Isakara.
26 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Zebulun.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ Isakara, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ i Zebolona.
27 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Gad.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ i Zebolona, hatrany atsinanana ka hatrany andrefana, dia iray koa ho an’ i Gada.
28 The southern boundary of [the tribe of] Gad will extend south from Tamar to the springs at Meribah-Kadesh, and from there [to the west] along the dry riverbed at the border of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.
Ary mifanolotra amin’ ny faritanin’ i Gada, amin’ ny lafiny atsimo, dia hatrany Tamara sy ny ranon’ i Meriba any Kadesy sy ny lohasahan-driaka ka hatramin’ ny Ranomasina Lehibe.
29 That is the land that you must allot to the tribes of Israel, to belong to them permanently. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
Izany no tany hozarainareo amin’ ny filokana ho an’ ny firenen’ Isiraely ho lovany, ary izany no ho anjarany ary, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
30 These will be the exits from the city: On the north side, which will be (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long,
Ary izao no ohatry ny tanàna amin’ ny lafiny avaratra: diman-jato amby efatra arivo.
31 there must be three gates; each one will have the name of one of the tribes of Israel. The first one will be named for Reuben, the next for Judah, the next for Levi.
Ary ny anaran’ ny vavahady dia ho toy ny anaran’ ny firenen’ Isiraely: ny vavahady telo avaratra, dia vavahadin’ i Robena ny iray vavahadin’ i Joda ny iray, vavahadin’ i Levy ny iray.
32 On the east side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan.
Ary amin’ ny atsinanana dimanjato amby efatra arivo; ary ny vavahady telo, dia vavahadin’ i Josefa ny iray, vavahadin’ i Benjamina ny iray, ary vavahadin’ i Dana ny iray.
33 On the south side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun.
Ary amin’ ny atsimo diman-jato amby efatra arivo ohatra, ary ny vavahady telo, dia vavahadin’ i Simeona ny iray, vavahadin’ Isakara ny iray, vavahadin’ i Zebolona ny iray.
34 On the west side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali.
Ary amin’ ny andrefana dimanjato amby efatra arivo sy vavahady telo, dia vavahadin’ i Gada ny iray, vavahadin’ i Asera ny iray, vavahadin’ i Naftaly ny iray.
35 [So] the distance around the city will thus be (6 miles/9.6 km.). And from that time on, the name of the city will be ‘Yahweh Is There’.’
Valo arivo amby iray alina ny manodidina. Ary ny anaran’ ny tanàna hatramin’ izay andro izay dia Jehovah no ao.

< Ezekiel 48 >