< Ezekiel 39 >

1 [Yahweh said to me], “You human, prophesy about [more terrible things that will happen] to Gog, and say this [to him]: ‘Gog, I am opposed to you who rule Meshech and Tubal.
Seyè sèl Mèt la di ankò: -Nonm o! Bay mesaj mwen ba ou sou Gòg la. Wi, di li men mesaj mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, m' voye ba li: Ou menm Gòg, pi gwo chèf moun Mechèk ak moun Toubal yo, m' pral leve dèyè ou tou.
2 I will turn you around and drag you [and your armies] from far north [of Israel] and send you to [fight on] the mountains in Israel.
M'ap fè ou pran yon lòt direksyon, m'ap fè ou soti nan pwent nò a, m'ap mennen ou sou mòn Izrayèl yo.
3 When you are there, I will snatch your bows from your left hands and cause your arrows to fall from your right hands.
Lè sa a, m'ap kraze bwa banza ki nan men gòch ou a. M'ap fè flèch yo soti tonbe nan men dwat ou.
4 You and all the soldiers that are with you will die on the mountains in Israel. I will give your [corpses] to be food for the birds that eat [dead] flesh, and to the wild animals.
Ou menm Gòg, ansanm ak tout lame ou la ak tout lòt pèp k'ap mache avè ou yo, nou pral mouri sou mòn peyi Izrayèl la. M'ap kite kadav nou sèvi manje pou malfini karanklou, pou tout kalite zwezo ak bèt nan bwa.
5 You will die in the open fields. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, [have said that it will happen].
Nou pral mouri nan plenn yo. Se mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, ki pale.
6 I will cause [many] fires to burn in Magog and among [all] those who live safely in the areas along their coasts, and they will know that it is I, Yahweh, [who have the power to do what I say that I will do].
M'ap voye yon sèl dife nan peyi Magòg ak nan tout peyi bò lanmè kote moun t'ap viv san bri san kont lan. Tout moun va konnen se mwen menm ki Seyè a.
7 I will enable my Israeli people to know that I am holy. I will no longer allow people to damage my reputation, and [people in other] nations will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, am the Holy One in Israel.
Mwen pral fè tout moun nan pèp Izrayèl la konnen mwen gen yon non apa. Mwen p'ap kite yo trennen non mwen nan labou ankò. Lè sa a nasyon yo va konnen mwen menm, Seyè a, ki Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, se yon Bondye apa mwen ye.
8 [I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that it will soon be the day that those things will happen. It will be the day that I have spoken [to you] about.
Seyè sèl Mèt la di ankò: -Wè pa wè, jou mwen t'ap pale a gen pou rive. Sa se sèten.
9 At that time, those Israelis who live in the towns will go out and gather the weapons [from your dead soldiers], and use them to make fires [to cook their food]. They will burn the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs, and spears. There will be enough weapons to use as firewood for seven years.
Lè sa a, moun ki rete nan lavil peyi Izrayèl yo pral soti, yo pral ranmase dènye zam moun yo te kite, y'ap boule yo. Y'ap limen gwo boukan ak plak pwotèj yo, gwo kou piti, ak banza ak tout flèch yo, ak frenn yo, ak baton yo. Boukan an ap pran sètan pou l' boule.
10 They will not need to gather firewood in the fields or cut wood from trees in the forests, because those weapons will be all the firewood [that they will need]. And they will take valuable things from those who took valuable things from them, and steal things from people who stole things from them. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare [will happen].
Yo p'ap bezwen al chache bwa nan jaden pou fè dife, ni yo p'ap bezwen al koupe pyebwa nan rak, paske yo pral gen tout zam sa yo pou yo boule fè dife. Yo pral piye moun ki t'ap piye yo. Yo pral devalize moun ki t'ap devalize yo. Se Seyè sèl Mèt la ki di sa.
11 At that time I will create a graveyard for you, Gog, [and your soldiers], in the valley east of the [Dead] Sea. That graveyard will block the road that travelers [usually walk on], because you, Gog and all [the soldiers] of your huge army will be buried there. [So] it will be named ‘the Valley of Gog’s Huge Army’.
Seyè di ankò: -Lè sa a, m'a bay Gòg yon kote nan peyi Izrayèl la pou yo antere l'. Se va Fon Vwayajè yo, sou bò solèy leve lòt bò lanmè Mouri a. Se la yo pral antere Gòg ansanm ak tout lame li a. Y'a rele l' Fon lame Gòg la.
12 For seven months the people of Israel will be burying those corpses. [It will be necessary to bury all of them], in order that the land will not be (defiled/considered unacceptable to me) [because of any unburied corpses].
Moun Izrayèl yo pral pran sèt mwa pou yo antere tout kadav yo, anvan pou peyi a nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis pou Bondye ankò.
13 All the people of Israel will [do the work of] burying them. The day when I [win that victory] they will honor me.
Tout moun nan peyi a pral mete men pou antere yo. Konsa tou, jou y'ap fè lwanj pou mwen an, y'a nonmen non yo tou. Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa.
14 After those seven months are ended, the Israeli people will appoint men to go throughout the land to bury corpses, in order that the land will not remain defiled.
Apre sèt mwa sa yo, y'a chwazi gason pou vwayaje nan tout peyi a al chache kadav ki rete atè a pou yo antere yo. Se travay sa a ase y'a gen pou yo fè. Konsa, y'a mete peyi a nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye ankò.
15 When they go through the land, when one of them sees a human bone, he will set up a marker beside it. [When] the gravediggers [see the markers, they will pick up the bones] and bury them in the Valley of Gog’s Huge Army.
Nan vwayaj y'ap fè nan tout peyi a, chak fwa y'a jwenn yon zosman moun, y'a mete yon mak bò kote l' pou kwòkmò yo ka vin pran l' pou y' al antere l' nan Fon lame Gòg la.
16 There will be a city there named Hamonah, [which means ‘huge army’]. And by doing this [work of burying the corpses], they will (cleanse the land/cause the land to be acceptable to me again).’”
Va gen yon lavil toupre, y'a rele l': Amona Fon lame a. Se konsa peyi a va nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis pou mwen ankò.
17 [Yahweh said to me], “You human, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: Summon every kind of bird and wild animal. Say to them, ‘Gather together from everywhere and come to the feast that Yahweh is preparing for you. [It will be] a great feast on the mountains in Israel. [There] you will eat [men’s] flesh and drink their blood.
Seyè sèl Mèt la di ankò: -Nonm o! Rele tout kalite zwezo ak tout kalite bèt nan bwa. Fè yo soti toupatou nan vwazinaj la pou yo sanble vin manje bèt mwen pare pou m' touye pou yo a. Pral gen yon gwo fèt sou mòn Izrayèl yo, kote yo pral manje vyann, kote yo pral bwè san.
18 You will eat the flesh of strong soldiers and drink the blood of kings [as if they were] fat animals—rams and lambs, goats and bulls—from the Bashan [region].
Y'a manje vyann vanyan sòlda yo, y'a bwè san chèf latè yo. Moun sa yo, yo tankou belye mouton, ti mouton, bouk kabrit ak towo chatre byen gra peyi Bazan yo touye pou mwen.
19 At that feast that Yahweh is preparing for you, you will eat fat until your [stomachs] are full, and you will drink blood until [it is as though] you are drunk.
Lè m'a fin touye tout moun sa yo tankou lè y'ap fè ofrann bèt pou mwen, zwezo yo ak bèt nan bwa yo va manje grès vyann mezi yo kapab. Y'a bwè san jouk yo sou.
20 [It will be as though] you are eating at a table that I [have set up for you. You will eat all you want of the flesh] of horses and their riders, strong soldiers [DOU] of every kind.’ [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Sou tab mwen an, y'a manje chwal, kavalye, sòlda ak moun k'ap fè lagè mezi yo kapab. Se mwen menm, Seyè sèl Mèt la, ki di sa.
21 I will show [people of] many nations that I am glorious, and all those nations will see how I punish them [DOU].
Seyè a di ankò: -M'ap fè nasyon yo wè gwo pouvwa mwen. M'ap moutre yo jan mwen konn pini lè m'a pini yo, y'a santi fòs ponyèt mwen lè y'a tonbe anba men m'.
22 After that time, the Israeli people will know that I, Yahweh their God, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Depi lè sa a, jouk byen lontan apre sa, moun pèp Izrayèl yo va konnen se mwen menm Seyè a ki Bondye yo.
23 And the [people of other] nations will know that the Israeli people had been forced to go to other countries because they sinned by not being faithful to me. I (turned away from/abandoned) them, and allowed their enemies to capture them [IDM], and many [HYP] of them were killed by [their enemies’] swords.
Tout lòt nasyon yo va konnen se paske moun pèp Izrayèl yo pa t' kenbe pawòl yo te gen avè m' lan kifè yo te depòte yo. Se poutèt sa, mwen te vire do ba yo, mwen te lage yo nan men lènmi yo pou touye yo nan lagè.
24 I punished them like they deserved to be punished because of their disgusting behavior and sins, and I turned away from them [MTY].
Mwen te ba yo sa yo te merite pou mechanste yo ak tout vye bagay derespektan yo te fè yo. Mwen vire do ba yo.
25 Therefore, this is [now] what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: I will now bring back from exile/Babylonia [the descendants of] Jacob; I will pity all the Israeli people, and I will [also] jealously protect my reputation.
Apre sa, Seyè sèl Mèt la di ankò: -Koulye a, mwen pral gen pitye pou pitit pitit Jakòb yo, pou pèp Izrayèl la. M'ap mete yo kanpe ankò. M'ap defann repitasyon non mwen an ki yon non apa.
26 When the Israeli people [are back in their own country, they will] live safely in their land, with no one to cause them to be afraid, but they will be ashamed when they think about the disgraceful and unfaithful things that they did [previously].
Lè y'a vin rete ankò nan peyi yo a san ankenn danje ni malè, san pesonn pou fè yo pè, y'a bliye jan moun te konn fè yo wont, jan yo pa t' kenbe pawòl yo avè m' pou y' al fè sa ki mal.
27 When I have brought them back from their enemies’ countries and gathered them together [in Israel], the people of many nations will know that I am holy.
M'ap fè pèp mwen an soti nan mitan lòt nasyon yo pou yo tounen lakay yo. M'ap mache ranmase yo nan tout peyi kote lènmi yo ap viv. Lè m'a fè sa pou yo anpil nasyon va wè se yon Bondye apa mwen ye.
28 And the Israeli people will know that I, Yahweh their Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do]. They will know that because [even though] I forced them to go to [other] countries, I will gather them together in their own country. I will not leave any of them in those countries.
Lè sa a, pèp mwen an va konnen se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki Bondye yo. Wi, mwen te fè depòte yo nan mitan lòt nasyon. Koulye a, m'ap ranmase yo, m'ap mete yo ansanm ankò nan peyi pa yo a, san mwen pa kite yonn dèyè.
29 I will no longer turn away from them; I will pour out my Spirit on the Israeli people. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Mwen p'ap janm vire do ba yo ankò paske m'ap voye lespri m' sou pèp Izrayèl la. Se Seyè sèl Mèt la ki di sa.

< Ezekiel 39 >