< Exodus 31 >

1 Yahweh [also] said to Moses/me, “Note that I have chosen Bezalel, the son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, [for special tasks].
Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada Musa,
“Untuk memimpin semua tugas dalam pembuatan kemah-Ku, Aku sudah memilih Bezalel dari suku Yehuda. Dia adalah anak Uri dan cucu Hur.
3 I have caused him to be completely controlled/empowered by my Spirit, and I have given him special ability [to make things] and have enabled him to know how to do very skilled work.
Aku sudah memenuhi Bezalel dengan Roh-Ku dan memberi dia kebijaksanaan, kepandaian, serta kemampuan dalam segala bidang kerajinan,
4 He can engrave skillful designs in gold, silver, and bronze.
termasuk pembuatan rancangan dari emas, perak, dan perunggu,
5 He can cut (jewels/valuable stones) and enclose them [in tiny gold settings/frames]. He can carve things from wood and do other skilled work.
pemotongan dan pemasangan batu permata, pemahatan kayu, serta segala macam kerajinan lainnya.
6 Note that I have also appointed Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, to work with him. I have also given special ability to other men, in order that they can make all the things that I have commanded you [to be made].
Aku juga sudah memilih Aholiab anak Ahisamak, dari suku Dan, untuk membantu pekerjaannya. Kepada semua perajin di antara umat Israel, Aku sudah memberikan kemampuan untuk membuat semua yang Aku perintahkan kepadamu:
7 That includes the Sacred Tent, the sacred chest and its lid, all the other things that will be inside the Sacred Tent,
Kemah-Ku, peti perjanjian, penutupnya yang disebut Takhta Pendamaian, dan segala perlengkapan untuk kemah itu,
8 the table and all the things that are used with it, the pure gold lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar [for burning] incense,
meja dengan segala peralatannya, tiang pelita emas murni dengan segala peralatannya, mezbah dupa,
9 the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned and all the things that will be used with it, the washbasin and its base,
mezbah kurban beserta peralatannya, bejana pembasuhan dan tumpuannya,
10 all the beautiful sacred clothes for Aaron and his sons to wear when they work as priests,
pakaian imam yang indah, yang akan dikhususkan bagi Harun dan anak-anaknya ketika mereka bertugas melayani sebagai imam,
11 the oil for anointing, and the sweet-smelling incense for the Holy Place. [The skilled workers] must make all these things exactly as I have told you to do.”
minyak pengurapan, dan dupa untuk ruang kudus. Mereka harus membuat semuanya itu sesuai dengan perintah-Ku.”
12 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa,
13 “Tell the Israeli people, ‘Obey my instructions regarding the (rest days/Sabbath days). Those days will remind you [and your descendants], throughout all future generations, that I, Yahweh, have (set you apart/chosen you) to be my people.
“Katakanlah kepada umat Israel, ‘Setiap orang di antara kalian harus menaati peraturan tentang hari Sabat. Karena Aku sudah menetapkan hari Sabat sebagai penanda secara turun temurun bahwa kamu menaati perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu. Dengan demikian, kamu akan mengingat bahwa Akulah TUHAN yang menguduskanmu.
14 You must obey [my rules about] the Sabbath days because they are holy/sacred. Those who treat those days in an irreverent way by working on those days must be executed [to show that] I no longer consider them to belong to my people.
Taatilah segala peraturan yang Aku buat tentang hari Sabat dan anggaplah hari itu kudus senantiasa. Siapa pun yang menodai kekudusan Sabat dengan bekerja pada hari itu, dia harus dimusnahkan dari antara umat Israel dengan hukuman mati.
15 You may work for six days [each week], but the seventh day [of each week] is a solemn day of rest, dedicated to me, Yahweh. Anyone who does any work on a day of rest is to be executed [because I no longer want them to be able to associate with my people].
Selama enam hari kamu boleh bekerja, tetapi hari yang ketujuh adalah hari Sabat, yaitu hari peristirahatan penuh yang dikhususkan bagi-Ku. Siapa pun yang tetap bekerja pada hari Sabat akan dihukum mati.
16 You Israeli people must respect the rest day, and you [and your descendants] must (celebrate it/keep it holy) throughout all future generations. [It will remind you] of the agreement that I have made with you that will last forever.
Umat Israel harus tetap menjaga hari Sabat dan menaatinya secara turun-temurun sampai selamanya.
17 It will remind you Israeli people and remind me [of that agreement] because I, Yahweh, created the heavens and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day I stopped doing that work and relaxed.’”
Karena, selama enam hari Aku menciptakan surga, langit, dan bumi, lalu pada hari yang ketujuh Aku berhenti bekerja dan beristirahat. Itulah sebabnya hari Sabat menjadi tanda perjanjian antara Aku dengan kalian umat Israel untuk selamanya.’”
18 When Yahweh finished talking with Moses/me on the top of Sinai Mountain, he gave him/me the two stone slabs on which he had engraved his commandments with his own fingers.
Setelah TUHAN berbicara kepada Musa di gunung Sinai, TUHAN memberikan dua lempengan batu kepadanya, yaitu lempengan berisi perintah-perintah yang ditulis oleh jari Allah.

< Exodus 31 >