< Exodus 28 >

1 “Summon your [older] brother Aaron and his sons—Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. ([Set them apart/They are the ones whom I have chosen]) from [the rest of] the Israeli people, in order that they can serve me [by being] priests.
W'a pran Arawon ak pitit li yo: Nadab, Abiyou, Eleaza, Itama, w'a wete yo nan mitan moun Izrayèl yo, w'a fè yo vin jwenn ou. W'a mete yo apa pou yo sèvi m' prèt.
2 [Tell the people to] make beautiful clothes for Aaron, clothes that are [suitable for one who] has this dignified and sacred [work].
W'a fè rad pou Arawon, frè ou la, rad pou li mete lè l'ap fè sèvis, pou l' ka byen abiye, pou moun ka rekonèt grad li.
3 Talk to all the skilled workmen, those to whom I have given special ability. [Tell them] to make clothes for Aaron, for him to wear when he is (set apart/dedicated) [to become] a priest to serve me.
W'a pale ak atizan ki konnen metye yo byen. Se mwen menm ki ba yo tout ladrès yo genyen an. W'a mande yo pou yo fè rad Arawon yo, pou ou ka mete l' apa pou mwen pou l' ka sèvi m' prèt.
4 These are the clothes that they are to make: A sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest, a sacred apron, a robe, an embroidered tunic/gown, a (turban/cloth to wrap around his head), and a sash/waistband. These are the clothes that your [older] brother Aaron and his sons must wear as they serve me [by doing the work that] priests do.
Men ki rad pou yo fè: yon plastwon, yon jile, yon gwo rad long, yon chemiz byen bwode, yon gwo mouchwa pou vlope tèt ak yon sentiwon. y'a fè rad sa yo pou Arawon, frè ou la, ak pou pitit li yo pou yo ka sèvi m' prèt.
5 The skilled workmen must use fine linen and blue, purple, and red yarn/thread to make these clothes.”
Pou fè travay la, atizan yo va sèvi ak lò ak twal siperyè koulè ble, violèt ak wouj ansanm ak twal fen.
6 “The skilled workmen must make the sacred apron from fine linen, and skillfully embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
y'a fè jile a ak lò ak twal siperyè koulè ble, violèt ak wouj ansanm ak twal fen blan tise byen sere. y'a fè bèl bodri byen fèt sou li.
7 It must have two shoulder straps, to join the front part to the back part.
Va gen de zèpòlèt, yonn chak bò jile a. Se yo ki pou tache moso devan an ak moso dèyè a ansanm.
8 A carefully-woven sash, which must be made from the same materials as the sacred apron, must be [sewn] onto the sacred apron.
Bèl sentiwon byen bwode ki pou kenbe jile a va fè yon sèl pyès ak li, ak menm kalite bodri a sou li tou. y'a fè l' an lò ak twal siperyè koulè ble, violèt ak wouj, ansanm ak twal fen blan tise byen sere.
9 [A skilled workman] must take two [expensive] onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
W'a pran de pyè oniks, w'a grave non branch fanmi douz pitit Izrayèl yo sou yo.
10 He must engrave the names in the order in which Jacob’s sons were born. He must engrave six names on one stone, and the other six names on the other stone.
W'a grave non sis sou yon pyè, ak non sis sou lòt la, dapre laj yo, depi pi gran an jouk pi piti a.
11 A gem-cutter should engrave these names on the stones. Then he should enclose the stones in (settings/tiny gold frames).
Avèk ladrès òfèv ki konn grave non sou bag, ou ankò ladrès atizan ki konn fè so, w'a grave non branch fanmi pèp Izrayèl yo sou de pyè yo, epi w'a moute pyè yo chak sou yon moso lò.
12 Then he should fasten the stones onto the shoulder straps [of the sacred apron], to represent the twelve Israeli tribes. In that way, Aaron will carry the names of the tribes on his shoulders in order that [I], Yahweh, will never forget [my people] (OR, in order that [he will always] remember that [those tribes belong to] Yahweh).
W'a moute yo sou de zèpòlèt jile a pou yo pa bliye branch fanmi pèp Izrayèl yo. Konsa, Arawon va pote non yo sou zepòl li pou Seyè a pa janm bliye yo.
13 The settings for the stones must be made from gold.
W'a pran de moso lò pou moute pyè yo sou yo.
14 [Tell them to] make two tiny chains that are braided like cords, and fasten the chains to the settings.”
W'a fè de ti chenn ak pi bon kalite lò ki genyen. Chenn yo va trese tankou ti kòdon. W'a tache yo sou moso lò yo.
15 “[Tell the skilled workman to] make a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest. [He will use the things he puts into the pouch] to determine [my answers to the questions he asks]. It must be made of the same materials as the sacred apron, and embroidered in the same way.
W'a fè yon plastwon pou yo mete bagay y'a sèvi pou chache konnen sa Bondye vle. Se yon bon atis ki pou fè travay bodri a tankou pou jile a. W'a fè l' an lò ak twal siperyè koulè ble, violèt ak wouj ansanm ak twal fen blan tise byen sere.
16 It is to be square, and the material must be folded double, so that it is (9 in./22 cm.) on each side.
Plastwon an va mezire nèf pous kare kare, l'a double.
17 [The skilled workman must] fasten four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row he must put a [red] ruby, a [yellow] topaz, and a [red] garnet.
W'a moute kat ranje pyè sou li. Nan premye ranje a, va gen yon pyè woubi, yon pyè topaz ak yon pyè emwòd.
18 In the second row he must put a [green] emerald, a [blue] sapphire, and a [clear/white] diamond.
Nan dezyèm ranje a, va gen yon pyè malachi, yon pyè safi ak yon pyè dyaman.
19 In the third row he must put a [red] jacinth, a [white] agate, and a [purple] amethyst.
Nan twazyèm ranje a, va gen yon pyè opal, yon pyè agat ak yon pyè ametis.
20 In the fourth row he must put a [yellow] beryl, a [red] carnelian, and a [green] jasper.
Nan katriyèm ranje a, va gen yon pyè krizolit, yon pyè oniks ak yon pyè jasp. y'a moute tout pyè sa yo chak sou yon moso lò.
21 A gem-cutter should engrave on each of these twelve stones the name of one of the sons of Jacob. These names will represent the twelve Israeli tribes.
Va gen douz pyè ak non branch fanmi pèp Izrayèl yo grave sou yo, yon non sou chak pyè. y'a grave non yo tankou lè òfèv ap grave bag.
22 The two [chains] that are made from pure gold and braided like cords are for [attaching] the sacred pouch [to the sacred apron].
W'a pran pi bon kalite lò ki genyen, w'a fè de ti chenn pou plastwon an. W'a trese yo tankou ti kòdon.
23 [The workman must] make two gold rings, and attach them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
W'a fè de ti bag an lò, w'a tache yo nan de bout anwo plastwon an.
24 [He must make] two gold cords, and fasten one end of each cord to one of the rings.
W'a mare de ti chenn yo nan de bag yo.
25 He must fasten the other end of each cord to the two settings [that enclose the stones]. In that way, the sacred pouch will be attached to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
W'a pran de lòt bout chenn yo, w'a fè yo pase pa devan jile a, w'a tache yo sou de moso lò ki sou zèpòlèt jile a.
26 Then [he must] make two more gold rings, and attach them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch, on the inside edges, next to the sacred apron.
W'a fè ankò de lòt bag an lò, w'a tache yo nan de bout anba plastwon an sou lanvè, nan bòdi a toupre jile a.
27 [He must] make two more gold rings, and attach them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps, near to where [the shoulder straps] are joined [to the sacred apron], just above the carefully-woven sash/waistband.
W'a fè de lòt bag an lò ankò, w'a tache yo anba zèpòlèt jile a pa devan, toupre kouti a anwo tèt sentiwon bwode a.
28 The skilled workman must tie the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord, so that the sacred pouch is above the sash/waistband and does not come loose from the sacred apron.
y'a mare de bag plastwon an ak de bag jile a ansanm ak yon kòdon ble pou plastwon an bat sou sentiwon jile a. Konsa, plastwon an p'ap ka soti detache sou jile a.
29 In that way, Aaron will have the names of the twelve Israeli tribes in the sacred pouch close to his chest when he enters the Holy Place. This will remind him that I, Yahweh, [will never forget my people] (OR, [that he represents my people when he talks to me, Yahweh]).
Lè Arawon va antre nan kote ki apa pou Bondye a, l'a pote non branch fanmi pèp Izrayèl yo sou kè l', sou plastwon an, konsa Seyè a p'ap janm bliye yo.
30 Put into the sacred pouch the two things that the priest will use to determine my answers to the questions he asks. In that way, they will be close to his chest when he enters [the Holy Place to talk] to me. He will use them to find out what is my will for the Israeli people.”
W'a mete nan plastwon an ourim yo ak toumim yo. Konsa, Arawon va pote yo sou kè l' lè l'ap parèt devan lòtèl Seyè a. Lè l'a kanpe devan lòtèl Seyè a, l'a toujou pote sou kè l' sa li sèvi pou fè pèp Izrayèl la konnen volonte m'.
31 “[Tell the workmen to] use only blue [cloth] to make the robe that is to be worn underneath the priest’s sacred apron.
W'a pran twal ble pou fè rad ki ale anba jile a.
32 It is to have an opening through which [the priest] can put his head. They must sew a border around this opening, to keep the material from tearing.
Nan mitan rad la, w'a fè yon twou pou l' pase tèt li. W'a mete yon doubli nan ankoli a, tankou yo fè l' pou varèz an po bèt yo, pou li pa chire.
33 At the lower edge on the robe, they must fasten [decorations that look like] pomegranate fruit. They must be [woven from] blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
Sou tout woulèt anba rad la, w'a pran twal ble, violèt ak wouj, w'a fè bodri an fòm grenad ak ti klòch an lò nan mitan yo.
34 Between each of these decorations, they must fasten a tiny gold bell.
Sou tout woulèt rad la va gen yon grenad, yon ti klòch, yon grenad, yon ti klòch, jouk yo fè tout tou rad la.
35 When Aaron enters the Holy Place [in the Sacred Tent] to do his work as a priest and when he leaves the Sacred Tent, the bells will ring [as he walks]. As a result, he will not die [because of disobeying my instructions].
Se rad sa a Arawon va mete sou li lè li pral fè sèvis. Lè l'ap antre kote yo mete apa pou Bondye a pou l' parèt devan lòtèl Seyè a, ansanm ak lè l'ap soti, y'a tande ti klòch yo ap sonnen. Konsa li p'ap mouri.
36 “[Tell them to] make a tiny ornament of pure gold, and tell a (skilled workman/gem-cutter) to engrave on it the words, ‘Dedicated to Yahweh.’
W'a fè fè yon ti plak ak pi bon kalite lò ki genyen. Tankou lè y'ap fè so, w'a grave pawòl sa a sou li: Apa pou Seyè a.
37 They should fasten this ornament to the front of the turban by a blue cord.
W'a mare l' sou devan mouchwa tèt la avèk yon ti kòdon ble.
38 Aaron must always wear this on his forehead. In that way, Aaron himself will show [that he accepts] the guilt if the Israeli people offer [their sacrifices] to me in a way that is not correct, and I, Yahweh, will accept their sacrifices.
Arawon va mete l' sou fwon li, konsa Arawon va pran sou tèt li tou sa pèp Izrayèl la va fè ki mal lè y'ap pote ofrann apa yo bay Seyè a. Arawon va toujou pote l' sou fwon li pou ofrann yo ka toujou fè Seyè a plezi.
39 “[Tell them to] weave the long-sleeved tunic/gown from fine linen. Also, they must make from fine linen a turban and a sash/waistband, and embroider [designs on it].
W'a fè chemiz la ak mouchwa tèt la ak twal fen blan, ansanm ak yon sentiwon bwode byen bèl.
40 “[Tell them to] make beautiful long-sleeved tunics/gowns, sashes, and caps for Aaron’s sons. Make ones that will be suitable for those who have this dignified work.
W'a fè rad, sentiwon ak bonnèt pou pitit gason Arawon yo tou, pou yo ka byen abiye pou moun ka rekonèt grad yo.
41 Put these clothes on your [older] brother Aaron and on his sons. Then (set them apart/dedicate them) for this work by anointing them [with olive oil], in order that they may serve me [by being] priests.
Apre sa, w'a mete rad yo sou Arawon, frè ou la, ansanm ak pitit gason l' yo. Lèfini, w'a vide lwil sou tèt yo, w'a ba yo pouvwa pou yo fè sèvis Bondye. W'a mete yo apa pou mwen pou yo ka sèvi m' prèt.
42 Also [tell them to] make linen undershorts for them. The undershorts should extend from their waists to their thighs, in order that no one can see their private parts.
W'a fè kalson ak twal fen pou yo pou kò yo pa parèt anba rad la. Kalson yo va pran depi nan ren desann wotè jenou yo.
43 Aaron and his sons must always wear those undershorts when they enter the Sacred Tent or when they come near to the altar to offer sacrifices in the Holy Place. If they do not obey this command, I will cause them to die. Aaron and all his male descendants must obey this rule forever.”
Se pou Arawon ak pitit gason l' yo toujou pote kalson yo lè y'ap antre nan Tant Randevou a, osinon lè y'ap pwoche bò lòtèl la pou fè sèvis nan kote ki apa pou Bondye a. Konsa, yo p'ap fè sa ki mal, yo p'ap mouri. Sa se yon lwa k'ap la pou tout tan pou Arawon ak tout pitit pitit gason li yo apre li.

< Exodus 28 >