< Exodus 24 >

1 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Come to me, up [on top of this mountain], you and Aaron and [his sons] Nadab and Abihu. Also [take along] 70 of the Israeli elders/leaders. While you are still some distance [from the top of the mountain], prostrate yourselves [on the ground] and worship me.
Moses taengah, “Namah neh Aaron, Nadab, Abihu neh Israel khuikah a ham rhoek sawmrhih te BOEIPA taengah ha mop lamtah lakhla la bakop uh saeh.
2 Moses, [I will allow] you alone to come near to me. The others must not come near, and the [rest of the] people must not come up the mountain.”
Tedae Moses amah bueng te BOEIPA taengah mop saeh. Amih te mop uh boel saeh lamtah pilnam khaw a taengla cet uh boel saeh,” a ti nah.
3 Moses/I went and told the people everything that Yahweh had said and all that he had commanded. The people all replied together, saying, “We will do everything that Yahweh has told us [to do].”
Te phoeiah Moses te cet tih BOEIPA ol boeih neh laitloeknah boeih te pilnam taengah a thui pah. Pilnam pum loh ol pakhat la a doo uh tih, “BOEIPA loh a thui ol te boeih ngai uh sih,” a ti uh.
4 Then Moses/I wrote down everything that Yahweh had commanded. Early the next morning Moses/I built a [stone] altar. He/I also set up twelve stones, one for each of the Israeli tribes.
Moses loh BOEIPA ol te boeih a daek. Mincang ah thoo tih tlang hmuiah hmueihtuk neh Israel koca hlai nit kah kaam hlai nit a suem.
5 He/I also selected some young men. They burned sacrifices to Yahweh and they also sacrificed some cattle [that they did not burn completely], for the purpose of maintaining fellowship with Yahweh.
Te phoeiah Israel ca cadong te a tueih tih hmueihhlutnah te a khuen uh. Te vaengah BOEIPA taengah rhoepnah hmueih la vaito a nawn uh.
6 Moses/I took half of the blood of the animals that were slaughtered and put it in bowls. The other half of the blood [he/I] threw/splashed against the altar.
Moses loh thii rhakthuem te a loh tih baeldung dongah a khueh tih thii rhakthuem te hmueihtuk a haeh thil.
7 Then he/I took the scroll on which he/I had written [everything that Yahweh had commanded in] the agreement that he had made, and he/I read it [aloud], while all the people were listening. Then all the people said, “We will do all that Yahweh has told us to do. We will obey [everything].”
Te phoeiah paipi cabu a loh tih pilnam kah hna ah a tae. Te dongah, “BOEIPA kah a thui boeih te ka saii uh vetih ka hnatun uh bitni,” a ti uh.
8 Then Moses/I took the blood [that was in the bowls] and threw/splashed it on the people. He/I said, “This is the blood [that (confirms/puts into effect)] the agreement that Yahweh made with you when he gave you all these commands.”
Te phoeiah Moses loh thii te a loh tih pilnam a haeh thil. Te vaengah, “Paipi thii he BOEIPA loh he ol cungkuem neh nangmih taengah a saii coeng ne,” a ti.
9 Then Moses/I, along with Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the 70 Israeli elders/leaders, went up [the mountain],
Te phoeiah Moses neh Aaron, Nadab neh Abihu neh Israel kah a hamca sawmrhih rhoek te koep cet uh.
10 and they/we saw God, the one whom the Israeli people worship. Under his feet was something like a pavement [made of expensive blue stones called] sapphires. They were as clear as the sky is [when there are no clouds].
Te vaengah Israel Pathen kah a kho hmui te minhum laiboeng kutngo bangla, vaan khocil phek la a hmuh uh.
11 God did not harm [MTY] those Israeli elders/leaders [because of their having seen him]. They saw God, and they ate and drank together! [Then we all went back down the mountain].
Tedae Israel ca hlangcong rhoek te a kut thueng thil pawh. Te dongah Pathen a hmuh uh lalah a caak uh tih a ok uh bal pueng.
12 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Come up to me [again] on [top of this] mountain. While you are here, I will give you [two] stone slabs on which I have written all the laws [DOU] that I have given to you to instruct/teach [the people].”
Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Tlang soah kamah taengla ha luei lamtah pahoi om laeh. Amih thuinuet ham olkhueng neh olpaek ka daek thil lungto cabael te nang taengah kam pae eh,” a ti nah.
13 So Moses/I told the elders, “Stay here [with the other people] until we return! Do not forget that Aaron and Hur will be with you. So if anyone has a dispute [while I am gone], he can go to those two men.” Then Moses/I went with his/my servant Joshua [part of the way] up the mountain that [was dedicated to] God.
Te dongah Moses neh a taengah aka thotat Joshua tah thoo tih Moses te Pathen kah tlang dongla luei.
A hamca rhoek te khaw, “Nangmih taengla ka mael hil he ah he kai n'rhing uh. Aaron neh Hur khaw nangmih taengah om ngawn he ne. U khaw Olka dongah laikung long tah amih rhoi taengla mop saeh,” a ti nah.
15 Then Moses/I went the [rest of the way] up the mountain. A cloud covered the mountain.
Moses te tlang la a luei van neh cingmai loh tlang te a thing.
16 The (glory/brilliant light) of Yahweh came down on the mountain and covered it for six days. On the seventh day, Yahweh called to Moses/me from the middle of the cloud.
BOEIPA kah thangpomnah tah Sinai tlang ah pai tih cingmai loh hnin rhuk a dah. A hnin rhih dongah tah Moses te cingmai khui lamloh a khue.
17 When the Israeli people [looked at] the top of the mountain, the glory of Yahweh was like a big fire that was burning [there].
BOEIPA thangpomnah mueimae khaw Israel ca rhoek kah mik ah tah tlang som aka hlawp hmai bangla tueng.
18 Moses/I went into the cloud on top of the mountain. He/I was there for 40 days and nights.
Te vaengah Moses te cingmai khui la kun tih tlang la luei. Moses te tlang ah khothaih sawmli neh khoyin sawmli om.

< Exodus 24 >