< Exodus 19 >

1 The Israeli people then left Rephidim, and exactly two months after leaving Egypt, they/we came to the desert near Sinai [Mountain]. They/We set up their/our tents at the base of the mountain.
Првог дана трећег месеца, пошто изађоше синови Израиљеви из Мисира, тог дана дођоше у пустињу Синајску.
Кренувши се из Рафидина дођоше у пустињу Синајску, и стадоше у логор у пустињи, а логор начинише Израиљци онде под гором.
3 Moses/I climbed up the mountain [to talk with] God. Yahweh called to [him/me] from [the top of] the mountain and said, “This is what I want you to say to the Israeli people, the descendants of Jacob:
И Мојсије изађе на гору к Богу; и повика му Господ с горе говорећи: Овако кажи дому Јаковљевом, и реци синовима Израиљевим:
4 ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You have seen [what I did for all of you] and how I brought you here to me. It was as though I [lifted you up as] an eagle [carries its young eaglets] on its wings [MET].
Видели сте шта сам учинио Мисирцима и како сам вас као на крилима орловим носио и довео вас к себи.
5 So now, if you will do what I tell you and obey all that I command you, you will be my own people. All the people-groups on the earth are mine, but you will be (dearer/more special) to me than all the other people-groups.
А сада ако добро узаслушате глас мој и ушчувате завет мој, бићете моје благо мимо све народе, премда је моја сва земља.
6 You will be people over whom I will rule, and you will all (be like priests/represent me to other nations as priests represent me to one nation) [MET], and you will be completely dedicated to me.’ That is what you must tell the Israeli people.”
И бићете ми царство свештеничко и народ свет. То су речи које ћеш казати синовима Израиљевим.
7 So Moses/I went [down the mountain] and summoned the elders/leaders of the people. He/I told them everything that Yahweh had told him/me to tell them.
А Мојсије дође и сазва старешине народне; и каза им све ове речи које му Господ заповеди.
8 The people all said, “We will do everything that Yahweh has told us to do.” Then Moses/I [climbed back up the mountain and] reported to Yahweh what the people had said.
А сав народ одговори сложно и рече: Шта је год казао Господ чинићемо. И Мојсије јави Господу речи народне.
9 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “[Listen carefully]: I am going to appear to you from inside a thick cloud. When I am speaking to you, the people will hear it, and they will always trust in you.” Then Moses/I went [down the mountain and reported to the people what Yahweh said. Then he/I went back up the mountain and] told Yahweh what the people replied.
А Господ рече Мојсију: Ево, ја ћу доћи к теби у густом облаку, да народ чује кад ти станем говорити и да ти верује до века. Јер Мојсије беше јавио Господу речи народне.
10 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Go [back down] to the people [again]. [Tell them to] purify themselves today and tomorrow. [Tell them to] wash their clothes, too.
И рече Господ Мојсију: Иди к народу, и освештај их данас и сутра, и нека оперу хаљине своје;
11 They must do that to be ready on the day after tomorrow. On that day I will come down to Sinai Mountain to where all the people can see me.
И нека буду готови за трећи дан, јер ће у трећи дан сићи Господ на гору Синајску пред свим народом.
12 You must make a boundary around the base of the mountain, and tell them, ‘Be sure that you do not climb the mountain or even go near it. Anyone who even touches the base of the mountain must be executed.’
А поставићеш народу међу унаоколо, и рећи ћеш: Чувајте се да не ступите на гору и да се не дотакнете краја њеног; шта се год дотакне горе, погинуће;
13 Do not let anyone touch any person or any animal that touches the mountain. You must [kill any person or animal that touches the mountain] by throwing stones at it or shooting it [with arrows]. But when you hear a long [loud] trumpet sound, the people can come close to the [base of the] mountain.”
Тога да се нико не дотакне руком, него камењем да се заспе или да се устрели, било живинче или човек, да не остане у животу. Кад рог затруби отежући онда нека пођу на гору.
14 So Moses/I went down the mountain [again] and told the people to purify themselves. They did what Moses/I told them to do, and they also washed their clothes.
И Мојсије сиђе с горе к народу; и освешта народ, и опраше хаљине своје.
15 Then Moses/I said to the people, “Be ready on the day after tomorrow. And [you men] must not have sex with [EUP] [your wives] until after then.”
И рече народу: Будите готови за трећи дан, и не лежите са женама.
16 Two days later, during the morning, there was thunder and lightning, and a very dark cloud on the mountain. A trumpet sounded very loudly, with the result that the people in the camp shook/trembled because they [were very afraid].
А трећи дан кад би ујутру, громови загрмеше и муње засеваше, и поста густ облак на гори, и затруби труба веома јако, да задрхта сав народ који беше у логору.
17 Then Moses/I led the people outside the camp to meet with God. They stood at the base of the mountain.
Тада Мојсије изведе народ из логора пред Бога, и стадоше испод горе.
18 All of Sinai Mountain was covered in smoke, because Yahweh had descended on it, surrounded by a fire. The smoke rose up like the smoke from [the chimney of] a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently.
А гора се Синајска сва димљаше, јер сиђе на њу Господ у огњу; и дим се из ње подизаше као дим из пећи, и сва се гора трешаше веома.
19 As the sound of the trumpet continued to become louder, Moses/I spoke [to Yahweh], and Yahweh answered [him/me] in [a loud voice that sounded like] thunder.
И труба све јаче трубљаше, и Мојсије говораше а Бог му одговараше гласом.
20 Then Yahweh came down [again] onto the top of Sinai Mountain, and he summoned Moses/me to come up to the top of the mountain. So Moses/I went up.
И Господ сишавши на гору Синајску, на врх горе, позва Мојсија на врх горе; и изађе Мојсије.
21 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Go down again and warn the people not to cross the boundary in order to look [at me]. If they [do] that, many of them will die.
А Господ рече Мојсију: Сиђи, опомени народ да не преступе међе да виде Господа, да не би изгинули од мене.
22 Also, the priests who habitually come near me must purify themselves. If they do not do that, I will punish them.”
И сами свештеници, који приступају ка Господу, нека се освештају, да их не би побио Господ.
23 Then Moses/I said to Yahweh, “The people will not climb the mountain, because you commanded them, saying, ‘Set a boundary around the mountain, to make it sacred/taboo.’”
А Мојсије рече Господу: Неће моћи народ изаћи на гору Синајску, јер си нас Ти опоменуо рекавши: Начини међу гори и освештај је.
24 Yahweh replied, “Go down the mountain, and bring Aaron back up with you. But do not allow the priests or other people to cross the boundary to come up to me. If they cross it, I will punish them.”
А Господ му рече: Иди, сиђи, па онда дођи ти и Арон с тобом; а свештеници и народ нека не преступе међе да се попну ка Господу, да их не би побио.
25 So Moses/I went down the mountain [again] and told the people [what Yahweh had said].
И сиђе Мојсије к народу, и каза им.

< Exodus 19 >