< Deuteronomy 8 >

1 “You must faithfully obey all the commandments that I am giving you today. If you do that, you will live [a long time], you will become very numerous, and you will occupy the land that Yahweh solemnly promised your ancestors that he would give [to you].
Musa melanjutkan nasihatnya kepada umat Israel, “Kalian harus setia mematuhi semua perintah yang saya berikan kepada kalian hari ini. Bila kamu semua melakukannya, kamu boleh tetap hidup, keturunanmu akan bertambah banyak, dan kalian semua akan masuk serta menduduki negeri yang sudah dijanjikan TUHAN kepada nenek moyang kita.
2 And do not forget how Yahweh our God led us as we traveled through the desert during these past 40 years. He [caused you to have many problems/difficulties], because he wanted to cause you to realize that you needed to trust him and not yourselves. And he wanted to test you, to find out what you intended to do [IDM], whether you would obey his commandments or not.
Ingatlah bagaimana TUHAN Allahmu memimpin kalian sepanjang perjalanan di padang belantara selama empat puluh tahun. Melalui semua itu, Dia bermaksud merendahkan hatimu dan menguji kamu semua untuk mengetahui isi hatimu. Dia ingin tahu apakah kamu akan tetap taat kepada perintah-perintah-Nya atau tidak.
3 So he caused you to have/experience difficulties. He allowed you to become hungry. Then he gave you manna [food from heaven], food that you and your ancestors had never eaten before. He did that to teach you that people need food [for their bodies]; but [they also need food for their spirits, which comes from paying attention to] everything that Yahweh says [MTY].
Maka TUHAN merendahkan hatimu dengan cara membiarkan kalian kelaparan, kemudian memberimu manna, roti yang belum pernah dimakan, baik oleh kita maupun nenek moyang kita. Dia melakukan hal itu untuk mengajarimu bahwa manusia hidup bukan hanya dengan mengandalkan makanan, tetapi juga mengandalkan setiap perkataan TUHAN.
4 During those 40 years [of walking through the desert], our clothes did not wear out and our feet did not swell [from walking a very long way through the desert].
Biarpun mengembara selama empat puluh tahun di padang belantara, pakaianmu tidak usang dan kakimu tidak bengkak.
5 Do not forget that Yahweh our God disciplines us, like parents discipline their children.
Jadi, sadarilah betapa TUHAN sudah mendidik kalian, seperti seorang ayah mendidik anaknya.
6 “Do obey the commandments of Yahweh our God, and conduct your lives as he wants you to do, and revere him.
“Oleh karena itu, taatilah perintah-perintah TUHAN! Hiduplah menurut kehendak-Nya. Takut dan hormatlah kepada-Nya.
7 He is about to bring you into a good/fertile land, which has streams which flow down from the hills and pour/flow out of springs in the valleys.
Dia sedang membawa kalian ke suatu negeri yang subur, di mana sungai, kolam, dan mata air berlimpah, dan airnya mengalir dari bukit-bukit sampai ke lembah-lembah.
8 It is a land on which wheat and barley grow, a land where there are fig trees and pomegranates, and a land where there are olive trees and honey.
Negeri itu berlimpah juga dengan pohon-pohon ara dan delima, serta menghasilkan gandum, jelai, anggur, buah zaitun, dan madu.
9 It is a land where there will be plenty of food for you, where you will (not lack anything/have everything that you need) [LIT], a land which has iron [ore] in its rocks and from which you can dig copper [ore] from its hills.
Negeri itu berlimpah dengan makanan. Semua kebutuhanmu akan terpenuhi. Tanah di sana mengandung bijih besi, dan kalian dapat menambang tembaga dari perbukitannya.
10 [Every day] you will eat until your stomachs are full, and you will thank Yahweh our God for the fertile/good land that he has given you.
Nanti di sana, saat kalian makan sampai kenyang, hendaklah kalian memuji TUHAN karena segala kemakmuran yang kalian nikmati di negeri subur yang diberikan kepadamu itu!
11 But, [when that happens], be sure not to forget Yahweh our God by disobeying his commandments and rules and regulations that I am giving to you today.
“Berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu semua tidak melupakan TUHAN Allahmu dengan melanggar perintah, peraturan, dan ketetapan-Nya yang saya sampaikan kepadamu hari ini.
12 When your stomachs are full [every day], and when you have built good houses and are living in them,
Di negeri Kanaan kamu akan makan dengan puas dan membangun serta menempati rumah yang bagus.
13 and when the number of your cattle and sheep has greatly increased, and when you have accumulated a large amount of silver and gold, and the amount of all your other possessions has greatly increased,
Jumlah ternakmu akan bertambah banyak. Kamu juga akan mengumpulkan banyak emas, perak, dan harta kekayaan lainnya.
14 be sure that you do not become proud [IDM] and forget Yahweh our God, who rescued your ancestors from being slaves in Egypt and brought them out from there.
Saat itu terjadi, berhati-hatilah agar kamu tidak menjadi sombong dan melupakan TUHAN Allah yang sudah membawa kamu keluar dari perbudakan di Mesir!
15 Do not forget that he led them [while they traveled] through that huge and terrible desert, where there were poisonous snakes and scorpions. And do not forget that where the ground was very dry and there was no water, he caused water to flow for them out of (solid/very hard) rock.
Jangan lupa bahwa Dia menuntunmu menempuh perjalanan melalui padang belantara yang sangat luas dan mengerikan. Di sana ada banyak kalajengking dan ular berbisa. Tanahnya sangat kering dan tidak ada air untuk diminum, tetapi Dia membuat air mengalir dari batu yang sangat keras.
16 Do not forget that in that desert he gave your ancestors manna to eat, food that they had never eaten before. He [caused them to have/experience many problems/difficulties], because he wanted them to realize that they needed to trust him and not themselves. And he wanted to test them, to find out whether they intended to obey him, in order that when [those difficulties] ended, he would do many good things for them.
Jangan lupa bahwa di padang belantara, Dia memberi manna kepada kalian, makanan yang belum pernah dimakan oleh kita maupun nenek moyang kita. Dengan begitu, Dia menguji kalian demi kebaikanmu, karena Dia ingin kamu semua menjadi rendah hati.
17 Be sure that you do not think to yourselves, ‘I have acquired all these things by my own power [MTY] and ability.’
Oleh sebab itu, berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak pernah berpikir, “Aku memperoleh semua harta ini dengan kekuatan dan kemampuanku sendiri.”
18 Do not forget that it is Yahweh our God who has enabled you to become rich. He does this because he faithfully does what he solemnly promised our ancestors that he would do.
Ingatlah selalu bahwa kemampuanmu untuk menjadi kaya berasal dari TUHAN saja! Dia memberikan itu untuk memenuhi perjanjian-Nya yang Dia sahkan dengan nenek moyang kita.
19 “solemnly warn you that if you forget Yahweh our God and turn to other gods and start to serve them and worship them, you will certainly be destroyed.
“Jadi, sekarang saya memberi peringatan keras kepada kamu sekalian: Jika kamu melupakan TUHAN Allahmu dengan berpaling kepada dewa-dewa dan sujud menyembah mereka, kamu pasti binasa!
20 If you do not obey Yahweh our God, he will certainly destroy you just like he will destroy the people-groups that you will fight against.”
Sama seperti bangsa-bangsa lain yang sudah dimusnahkan TUHAN, begitu jugalah kalian akan dibinasakan bila kalian tidak mau menaati Dia!”

< Deuteronomy 8 >