< Daniel 7 >

1 [Previously, ] during the first year that Belshazzar was the king of Babylonia, I had a dream and a vision one night as I lay on my bed. [The next morning] I wrote down what I had dreamed. This is what I wrote:
En la première année de Baltassar, roi de Babylone, Daniel vit un songe; mais cette vision de sa tête, il l’eut dans son lit; et écrivant le songe, il le recueillit en peu de paroles, et le rapportant sommairement, il dit:
2 I, Daniel, had a vision last night. In the vision I saw that strong winds were blowing from all four directions, stirring up [the water in] the ocean.
Je voyais dans ma vision, durant la nuit, et voici que les quatre vents du ciel combattaient sur la grande mer.
3 Then [I saw] four beasts coming out of the ocean. All four of them were different.
Et quatre grandes bêtes montaient de la mer, différentes entre elles.
4 The first one resembled a lion, but it had wings like an eagle has. But as I watched, something tore off its wings {its wings were pulled off}. The beast was left there, standing on its two hind/rear legs, like a human being stands. And it was given a mind like humans have.
La première était comme une lionne, et elle avait des ailes d’aigle; je la regardais jusqu’à ce que ses ailes furent arrachées et qu’elle fut élevée de terre; et elle se tint sur ses pieds comme un homme; et un cœur d’homme lui fut donné.
5 The second beast resembled a bear. It was crouching, and it held between its teeth three ribs [from another animal that it had killed and eaten]. Someone said to it {It was told}, “Stand up and eat as much meat [as you want]!”
Et voici qu’une autre bête semblable à un ours, se tint à côté; et il y avait trois rangs dans sa gueule et dans ses dents, et on lui disait ainsi: Lève-toi, mange beaucoup de chairs.
6 Then I saw in front of me the third of those beasts. It resembled a leopard, but it had four wings protruding from its back. The wings were like a bird’s wings. It had four heads. It was given the power/authority to rule [people].
Après cela je regardais, et voici une autre bête comme un léopard, et elle avait quatre ailes d’oiseau au-dessus d’elle; et cette bête avait quatre têtes, et la puissance lui fut donnée.
7 In the vision I saw a fourth beast. It was stronger than the other beasts, and it was more terrifying. It crushed other creatures with its huge iron teeth and ate their flesh. The parts of animals that it did not grind with its teeth, it trampled [on the ground]. It was different from the other three beasts: It had ten horns [on its head].
Après cela je regardais dans cette vision de nuit, et voici une quatrième bête terrible et merveilleuse, et extrêmement forte; elle avait de grandes dents de fer, mangeant, et mettant en pièces, et foulant les restes avec ses pieds; mais elle était différente des autres bêtes que j’avais vues avant elle; et elle avait dix cornes.
8 While I was looking at those horns, I saw a little horn appear [on the head of that beast]. It tore out three of the other horns. This little horn had eyes like humans have, and it had a mouth [with which it spoke] very boastfully.
Je considérai ses cornes, et voici qu’une autre petite corne s’éleva du milieu d’elles; et trois des premières cornes furent arrachées de sa face; et voici que des yeux comme des yeux d’un homme étaient à cette corne, et qu’une bouche disait de grandes choses.
9 [Then] while I watched, thrones were put in the places [where they belonged], and [God], the one who had been living forever, sat on one of the thrones. His clothes were as white as snow, and his hair was as white as pure/clean wool. His throne had wheels that were blazing with fire, and his throne was [also] blazing.
Je regardais jusqu’à ce que des trônes furent placés, et un vieillard s’assit; son vêtement était blanc comme la neige, et les cheveux de sa tête blancs comme une laine pure; son trône, des flammes de feu; ses roues, un feu brûlant.
10 A fire was rushing out of in front of him like a stream. Many thousands [of people] (OR, [angels]) [were there] serving him, and millions [of other people] (OR, [angels]) were standing in front of him. They started (the court session/judging people), and they opened the books [in which they had written the record of all the good and bad things that people had done].
Un fleuve de feu et rapide sortait de sa face; des milliers de milliers d’anges le servaient, et dix milliers de centaines de milliers d’anges assistaient devant lui; le jugement se tint, et des livres furent ouverts.
11 While I was watching, I could hear the little horn speaking very boastfully. As I [continued to] watch, the [fourth] beast was killed. Its corpse was thrown into a fire and completely burned.
Je regardais à cause de la voix des grandes paroles que cette corne prononçait; et je vis que la bête fut tuée, et que son corps périt, et qu’il fut livré pour être brûlé par le feu;
12 The power/authority of the other [three] beasts was taken away from them, but they were allowed to continue to live for a while.
Je vis aussi que la puissance des autres bêtes leur fut ôtée, et que les temps de vie leur furent marqués jusqu’à un temps et un temps.
13 While I [continued to] see the vision that night, I saw someone who resembled a human being. He was coming [closer to me], surrounded by clouds. Then he was taken to [God], the one who had been living forever.
Je regardais donc dans la vision de nuit, et voici comme le fils d’un homme qui venait avec les nuées du ciel; et il s’avança jusqu’au vieillard, et ils le présentèrent devant lui.
14 He was honored and given great authority to rule over all the nations in the world, in order that people from every people-group and every nation, people from all language groups, would worship/serve him. He will rule forever; he will never stop ruling. The kingdom that he rules will never be destroyed.
Et il lui donna la puissance, et l’honneur, et le royaume; et tous les peuples, tribus et langues le serviront; sa puissance est une puissance éternelle, qui ne lui sera pas enlevée; et son royaume, un royaume qui ne sera pas détruit.
15 As for me, Daniel, I was very terrified by what I had seen in that vision, and I did not know what to think about it.
Mon esprit fut saisi d’effroi; moi Daniel, je fus épouvanté de ces choses, et les visions de ma tête me troublèrent.
16 I went to one of those who were standing in front of the throne of God, and I asked him to tell me what it meant. So he told me the meaning of it.
Je m’approchai de l’un des assistants, et lui demandai la vérité sur toutes ces choses. Et il me donna l’interprétation des paroles, et il m’instruisit, disant:
17 [He said], “The four huge beasts represent four kingdoms/empires that will exist on the earth.
Ces quatre grandes bêtes sont quatre royaumes qui s’élèveront de la terre.
18 But the Supreme God will give power/authority to his people [to rule], and they shall rule forever.”
Et les saints du Dieu très haut recevront le royaume, et ils le posséderont jusqu’au siècle et au siècle des siècles.
19 Then I wanted to know what the fourth beast signified—[the beast] that was different from the other three, the beast that crushed [those that it attacked] with its bronze claws, and [then] ate [their flesh] with its iron teeth, and trampled on the parts of their bodies [that it did not eat].
Après cela je voulus soigneusement m’informer de la quatrième bête, qui était très différente de toutes les autres, et terrible; ses dents et ses ongles étaient de fer; elle mangeait, et mettait en pièces, et foulait les restes avec ses pieds;
20 [I also wanted to know about] the ten horns on its head, and about the horn that appeared later, which got rid of three of the other horns. [I wanted to know what it meant that] it had eyes and a mouth with which it spoke very boastfully. [The beast that was represented by] that horn was more terrifying than the other beasts.
Je voulus m’informer aussi des dix cornes qu’elle avait à la tête, et de l’autre qui s’était élevée, devant laquelle étaient tombées trois cornes; et de cette corne qui avait des yeux et une bouche qui disait de grandes choses et était plus grande que les autres.
21 While I was having the vision, I saw that this horn attacked God’s people and was defeating them.
Je regardais, et voici que cette corne faisait la guerre aux saints et prévalait sur eux,
22 But then the Supreme God, the one who had been living forever, came and judged in favor of the people who belonged to him. And [I knew that] it was time for God’s people to receive authority [to rule].
Jusqu’à ce que vint l’ancien des jours, et qu’il donna le jugement aux saints du Très-Haut; et le temps arriva, et les saints possédèrent le royaume.
23 [Then] the man who was standing there said [to me], “The fourth beast represents an empire that will exist on the earth; that [empire] will be different from all [other] empires. [The army of] that empire will crush/kill [people all over] the world and trample [on their bodies].
Et il dit ainsi: La quatrième bête sera le quatrième royaume sur la terre, lequel sera plus grand que tous les autres royaumes, et dévorera toute la terre, et la foulera et la réduira en poudre.
24 As for its ten horns, they represent ten kings who will rule that empire, [one after the other]. Then another [king] will appear. He will be different from the previous kings. He will defeat the three kings [that were represented by the three horns that were pulled out].
Or les dix cornes de ce royaume même seront dix rois; et un autre s’élèvera après eux, et celui-ci sera plus puissant que les premiers, et il humiliera trois rois.
25 He will revile the Supreme God, and he will oppress God’s people. He will try to change the [sacred] festivals and their [religious] laws/regulations. He will control them for three and a half years.
Et il proférera des paroles contre le Très-Haut, et il brisera les saints du Très-Haut; et il pensera qu’il peut changer les temps et les lois; et ils seront livrés en sa main jusqu’à un temps, et deux temps, et la moitié d’un temps.
26 But there will be a session/meeting of the court/judges in heaven, and that king’s authority/power will be taken away, and he will be completely destroyed.
Et le jugement se tiendra, afin que la puissance lui soit ôtée, et qu’il soit brisé, et qu’il périsse entièrement pour jamais;
27 Then all the power and the greatness of all the kingdoms on the earth will be given to the people who belong to the Supreme God. The kingdom that he rules (OR, they rule) will endure forever. And the rulers of all the nations on the earth will serve and obey him (OR, them).”
Mais que le royaume, et la puissance, et l’étendue du royaume, laquelle est sous le ciel entier, soit donnée au peuple des saints du Très-Haut, dont le royaume est un royaume éternel, et tous les rois le serviront et lui obéiront.
28 That is [what I saw in] my vision/dream. I, Daniel, was terrified, with the result that my face became pale. But I did not tell anyone about the vision [that I had seen].
Ici est la fin de la parole. Moi, Daniel, jetais beaucoup troublé par mes pensées, et ma face changea en moi; mais la parole, je la conservai dans mon cœur.

< Daniel 7 >