< Daniel 12 >

1 [The angel also said to me, ] “After those things happen, the great angel Michael, who protects the [Israeli] people, will appear. Then there will be a time when there will be great troubles/suffering. The troubles will be greater than any troubles/suffering since the nations began. At that time, all of your people whose names have been written in the book [containing the names of those who have eternal life] will be saved.
Zanj ki te gen rad swa sou li a, di ankò: -Lè sa a, Michèl, gwo zanj k'ap veye sou pèp ou a, ap parèt. Se pral yon tan kè sere moun poko janm wè depi yo sou latè. Lè lè a va rive, tout moun ki fè pati pèp ou a epi ki gen non yo ekri nan liv Bondye a, va sove.
2 Many of those who have died [EUP] will become alive again. Some of them will live eternally [with God], and some will be eternally shamed/disgraced [in hell]. (questioned)
Anpil nan moun ki te mouri deja yo pral leve vivan ankò. Gen ladan yo ki pral jwi lavi ki p'ap janm fini an. Gen lòt ki pral wont, yo pral soufri avilisman ki p'ap janm fini an.
3 Those who were wise will shine as brightly as the sky [is bright when the sun is shining]. And those who have shown to others the way to live righteously will shine forever, like the stars [SIM].
Moun ki gen lespri yo pral klere tankou limyè nan syèl la. Moun ki te moutre jan pou moun mache dwat yo va klere tankou zetwal pou tout tan tout tan.
4 But as for you, Daniel, close up the scroll [on which you are writing], and seal it [in order that no one can open it] until the end [of the world] is near. [Before that happens, ] many people will travel rapidly here and there, learning more and more [about many things].”
Li di m' ankò: -Bon. Koulye a, Danyèl, fèmen liv la. Sele l' byen sele jouk lè a va rive pou tout bagay fini. Anpil moun pral bat kò yo pou yo konprann sa k'ap pase. Lè sa a, plis konesans pral gaye toupatou sou latè.
5 When [that angel finished speaking], I, Daniel, looked up, and suddenly I saw two other [angels]. One was standing on the side of the river [where I was], and one was standing on the other side.
Mwen gade, mwen wè de lòt moun ki te kanpe bò larivyè a, yonn sou bò dwat, yonn sou bò gòch.
6 One of them [called to] the other one, who was wearing linen/white clothes, who was now standing further up (OR, above) the river, “How long will it be until these amazing/frightening events end?”
Yonn ladan yo pale ak zanj ki te pi wo a, nan direksyon tèt dlo a, zanj ki te gen rad swa sou li a, li mande l': -Konbe tan ankò anvan pou gwo bagay sa yo rive?
7 The angel who was on the other side of (OR, above) the river raised his hands toward the sky, and solemnly promised, with the authority [MTY] of God, who lives forever, “It will be three and a half years. All these things will end after God’s people stop fighting against those who (persecute/cause trouble for/cause suffering for) them.”
Zanj lan leve bra l' anlè nan syèl la, mwen tande li fè yon gwo sèman nan non Bondye vivan an, li di konsa: -Nan twazan si mwa, lè y'a fin kraze tout fòs pèp Bondye a, tout bagay sa yo va rive.
8 I heard [what he said], but I did not understand it. So I asked, “Sir, what will be the result when these things end?”
Mwen tande sa l' te di a, men mwen pa t' konprann. Konsa, mwen mande l': -Men, mèt, ki jan sa ap fini menm?
9 He replied, “Daniel, you must leave now. [I cannot answer your question] because what it means must (be kept secret/not be revealed) [DOU] until the time when everything ends.
Li reponn mwen: -Danyèl monchè, ou mèt al fè wout ou, paske koze sa a fèt pou rete kache epi byen sele, jouk lè a va rive pou sa fini.
10 Many people will thoroughly purify their inner beings [DOU]. But wicked people will not understand these things. They will continue to be wicked. Only those who are wise will understand [these things].
Lè sa a, anpil moun pral pase anba soufrans yo te anonse a. Y'ap soti netwaye, lave, blanchi. Moun k'ap fè mechanste yo menm p'ap konprann anyen, y'ap toujou rete ap fè mechanste yo. Men, moun ki gen lespri ap konprann.
11 [But I can tell you that before everything ends, ] there will be 1,290 days, from the time that people are prevented from offering sacrifices each day, that is, from the time that the abominable/disgusting thing is put in the temple.
Si ou konte depi lè yo va aboli ofrann bèt ki pou fèt chak jou a, pou yo mete bagay nou pa ta renmen wè a, bagay k'ap bay gwo lapenn lan, kanpe nan Tanp lan, w'ap jwenn mil desankatrevendis (1290) jou ki gen pou pase.
12 God will be pleased with those who remain faithful until 1,335 days are ended.
Ala bon sa pral bon pou moun ki va kenbe fèm jouk mil twasantrannsenk (1.335) jou sa yo va fin pase!
13 So [now I say] to you, continue to faithfully [trust God] until [your life on earth] ends. You will die [EUP], but when everything ends, you will receive your reward [from God].”
Ou menm, Danyèl, kenbe fèm jouk sa kaba. Apre sa, w'a mouri. Men, w'a leve vivan ankò pou resevwa rekonpans ou lè tout bagay va fini!

< Daniel 12 >