< Amos 9 >

1 Yahweh [showed me another vision. In the vision, ] I saw him standing next to the altar. He said, “Shake the tops of the pillars [of the temple], until they become loose and fall down, so that even the foundation will shake. Then cause the [pieces of the temple] to fall down on the people [who are inside]. I will kill with a sword anyone who [tries to] flee; no one will escape.
Nahita ny Tompo nitsangana teo anilan’ ny alitara aho, ka hoy Izy: Asio ny kapitaly hihetsiketsehan’ ny tokonana, ary torotoroy hianjera amin’ ny lohan’ izy rehetra, ka izay sisa aminy dia hovonoiko amin’ ny sabatra; Ary tsy hisy afa-mandositra izy, sady tsy hisy izay sisa ho afaka akory.
2 If they dig deep pits in the ground, or if they try to climb up to the sky [in order to escape], I will reach out and grab them. (Sheol h7585)
Na dia mibosesika ho any amin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita aza izy, dia any no hanalan’ ny tanako azy; Ary na dia miakatra ho any an-danitra aza izy, dia avy any no hampidinako azy. (Sheol h7585)
3 If they go to the top of Carmel [Mountain] to escape, I will search for them and seize them. If they [try to] hide from me at the bottom of the sea, I will command the [huge] sea monster to bite them.
Ary na dia miery any an-tampon’ i Karmela aza izy, dia any no hitadiavako sy hangalako azy; Ary na dia manafin-tena any ambanin’ ny ranomasina aza izy, mba tsy ho hitan’ ny masoko, dia any no handidiako ny menarana, ka hanaikitra azy.
4 If their enemies [capture them and] force them to go to other countries, I will command that they be killed there with swords. I am determined [IDM] to get rid of them, not to help them.”
Ary na dia lasan-ko babo eo anoloan’ ny fahavalony aza izy, dia any no handidiako ny sabatra, ka hamono azy; Ary hampanandriniko azy ny masoko hahatonga ny loza aminy, fa tsy ny soa.
5 When the Commander of the armies of angels touches the earth, it melts, and all over the earth [many people die, and the others] mourn for them. [It is as though] Yahweh causes the earth repeatedly to rise and fall like [SIM] the Nile [River] rises and falls.
Ary Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, no manendry ny tany, ka dia miempo izany, ka misaona ny mponina rehetra ao aminy; Ary dia hihatondraka tahaka an’ i Neily avokoa Izany, ary hihena indray izy toy ny Neilin’ i Egypta,
6 He builds his [beautiful] palace in heaven, and sets/causes the sky to be like a dome over the earth. He scoops up the water from the ocean and [puts it into clouds], and then empties [the clouds] onto the earth. His name is Yahweh.
Ary manao ny tranony ambony any an-danitra Izy, sady manorina ny andohalambony eny ambonin’ ny tany; Ary miantso ny rano eny an-dranomasina ka mampilatsaka azy eny amin’ ny tany, Jehovah no anarany.
7 And Yahweh says, “You people of Israel, you are certainly [RHQ] [now no more important to me] than the people of Ethiopia. I brought your [ancestors] here from Egypt, but I also brought the people of Philistia from Crete [Island], and I brought the people of Syria from the Kir [region].
Moa tsy toy ny taranaky ny Etiopiana va ianareo raha amiko, ry Zanak’ Isiraely? hoy Jehovah. Tsy ny Isiraely va no nentiko nivoaka avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta. Ary ny Filistina avy tany Kaftora, Ary ny Syriana avy tany Kira?
8 I [SYN], Yahweh the Lord, have seen that you people in the kingdom [of Israel] are very sinful, so I will (destroy you/wipe you off the earth). But I will not get rid of all you descendants [MTY] of Jacob. [That is what will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.
Indro, ny mason’ i Jehovah Tompo no manandrina ity fanjakana feno ota ity, ka dia hofongorako tsy ho eo ambonin’ ny tany izy; Kanefa tsy dia hofongorako avokoa ny taranak’ i Jakoba, hoy Jehovah.
9 When I command it, [it will be as though] I will shake you Israeli people [who are living] in various nations, like [MET] [a farmer] shakes a sieve [to separate] the stone pebbles [from the grain], in order that they do not fall on the ground [with the grain].
Fa, indro, Izaho no handidy, ka hosivaniko any amin’ ny firenena rehetra ny taranak’ Isiraely, tahaka ny fanasivana vary amin’ ny sivana; Nefa tsy hisy voam-bary ho latsaka amin’ ny tany na dia iray akory aza.
10 From among my people, all you sinful people who say, ‘We will not experience disasters; nothing evil will happen to us,’ will be killed by [your enemies’] swords.”
Sabatra no hamonoana ny mpanota rehetra amin’ ny oloko, dia ireo izay manao hoe: Ny loza tsy hanakaiky na hahatratra anay.
11 “The kingdom [over which King] David [ruled has been destroyed, like] [MET] a house that collapsed and then became ruins. But some day I will cause it to be a kingdom again. I will cause it to prosper again just like it did previously.
Amin’ izany andro izany dia hatsangako indray ny trano-bongon’ i Davida izay efa nianjera, ary hotampenako ny efa banga ao; Ary hamboariko izay efa rava aminy, ka hataoko tahaka ny taloha izy,
12 When that happens, your [armies] will seize/capture the remaining part of Edom [region] again, and they will also seize the land in other nations that previously belonged to me [MTY]. I, Yahweh, have said [that I will do these things], and I will certainly cause them to happen.
Mba hananany izay sisa amin’ i Edoma sy amin’ ny jentilisa rehetra, izay hantsoina amin’ ny anarako, hoy Jehovah, Izay manao izany.
13 There will be a time [when your crops will grow very well]. Very soon after the crops are harvested, farmers will plow the ground [to plant more crops in it again], and soon after the vineyards are planted, [farmers will harvest] grapes and tread on them [to make wine]. [And because there will be a lot of] wine, [it will seem as though] wine is flowing down from the hills [DOU].
Indro, avy ny andro, hoy Jehovah, Izay hahatraran’ ny mpiasa tany ny mpijinja, ary ny mpanosihosy voaloboka hahatratra ny mpamafy; Ny tendrombohitra hipoipoitra ranom-boaloboka, ary ny havoana rehetra hiempo.
14 I will cause you, my Israeli people, to prosper again. You will rebuild your towns and live in them. You will plant vineyards and then drink the wine [made from the grapes that grows in them].
Ary hampodiko ny Isiraely avy amin’ ny fahababoana, dia hanangana ny tanàna efa rava izy ka honina ao, ary hanao tanim-boaloboka izy ka hisotro ny divay avy aminy; Hanao saha koa izy ka hihinana ny vokatra.
15 I will enable you to live [MET] in your land again, the land that I gave to [your ancestors], and never again will you be forced to leave it. [That is what will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.”
Eny, hamboleko ao amin’ ny taniny izy, ka tsy hongotana amin’ ny taniny izay nomeko azy intsony izy, Hoy Jehovah Andriamanitrao.

< Amos 9 >