< Amos 2 >

1 Yahweh [also] said this: “[I will punish the people of] Moab because of the many sins [that they have committed]; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they [dug up] the bones of the king of Edom and burned them completely, with the result that [the ashes became as white] as lime.
Так говорить Госпо́дь: За три пере́ступи Моа́ва й за чотири цього не прощу́: за те, що спалив на вапно́ кості едо́мського царя!
2 So I will cause a fire to completely burn the fortresses of Kerioth [city in Moab]. [People will hear soldiers] shouting and blowing trumpets [loudly] while I am causing Moab to be destroyed
І пошлю́ Я огонь на Моава, і пожере́ він пала́ти Керіййоту, і загине Моав серед га́ласу, серед кри́ку, при голосі ро́га.
3 [and while] I am getting rid of its king and all its leaders. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!”
І витну суддю́ з-серед нього, а з ним позабиваю князі́в його всіх, говорить Госпо́дь.
4 Yahweh [also] said this: “[I will also punish the people of] Judah because of the many sins [that they have committed]; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they have rejected what I taught them and they have not obeyed my commands. They have been deceived [and persuaded to worship false gods], the same [gods] that their ancestors [worshiped].
Так говорить Госпо́дь: За три про́гріхи Юди й за чотири цього́ не прощу́: за те, що повідкида́ли Господній Зако́н, і постано́в Його не стерегли́, і що на манівці́ їх звели́ їхні лжебо́ги, за якими пішли їхні батьки́.
5 So I will cause a fire to completely burn [everything in] Judah, including the fortresses in Jerusalem.”
І пошлю́ Я на Юду огонь, — і пожере́ він пала́ти Єрусалиму!
6 Yahweh [also] said this: “[I will punish the people of] Israel because of the many sins [that they have committed]; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they sell righteous [people] to get [a small amount of] silver; they sell poor [people, causing them to become slaves], getting for [each of] them [only the amount of money with which they could buy] a pair of sandals.
Так говорить Господь: За три пере́ступи Ізраїлеві й за чотири цього́ не прощу́: за те, що за срі́бло вони продають справедливого, а за чоботи — вбогого!
7 [It is as though] they trample the poor people into the dirt and do not allow those who are helpless to be treated fairly. Men and their fathers dishonor me [MTY] by both having sex [EUP] with the same [slave] girl.
Вони то́пчуть у зе́мному по́росі го́лову бідних, а доро́гу суми́рних викри́влюють. А син й його батько вчащають до однієї блудниці, щоб святе Моє Йме́ння знева́жити.
8 [When poor people borrow money], [the lenders force those people to give to them a piece of clothing] for them to keep until he can pay back the money. [But at the end of each day, instead of returning that garment as Yahweh had commanded them to], they lie down on that garment at the places where they worship [their gods]! They fine people, and with that money [they buy] wine and drink it in the temples of their gods!
І вони стелять одіж заста́влену, щоб півлежати при кожному же́ртівнику, і п'ють в домі Бога свого вино від пока́раних.
9 [Long ago, ] to assist your ancestors, I got rid of the Amor people-group. They [seemed to be] as tall as cedar [trees] and as strong as oak [trees], but I got rid of them completely, [as easily as someone cuts off] [MET] the branches of a tree and then digs out all its roots.
І Я вигубив був з-перед них Аморе́я, що його височі́нь, як високий той кедр, і він міцни́й, як дуб. Та Я плід його знищив згори́, а здо́лу — корі́ння його.
10 I brought your [ancestors] out of Egypt, and [then] I led them through the desert for 40 years. And then I enabled them to conquer/possess the Amor area.
А вас Я був вивів із кра́ю єгипетського, і сорок років прова́див пустинею вас, щоб ви край аморе́йський успадкува́ли.
11 I chose some of you Israelis to be prophets, and I chose others to be Nazir-men [who were completely dedicated to me]. You people of Israel certainly [RHQ] know that what I have said is true!
І пророків Я збу́джував з ваших синів, а з ваших юнці́в назоре́їв. Хіба ж то не так, сино́ве Ізраїлеві? говорить Госпо́дь.
12 But you commanded the prophets to not speak the messages that [I gave to] them, and you persuaded the Nazir-men to drink wine, [which I told them never to do].
А ви назоре́їв пої́ли вином, а пророкам наказували й говорили: „Не пророку́йте!“
13 So I will crush you like [SIM] [the wheels of] a wagon that is loaded with grain crushes [whatever it rolls over].
Отож Я поти́сну на вас, як тисне снопа́ми напо́внений віз, —
14 [Even] if you run fast, you will not escape; [even] if you are strong, [it will be as though] you are weak, and warriors will be unable to save themselves.
і згине й в мото́рного вте́ча, і поту́жний не втримає сили своєї, а ли́цар свого життя не врятує.
15 [Even] if you are able to shoot arrows [well], you will be forced to retreat [LIT]; [even] if you run fast or if you ride [away] on a horse, you will not [be able to] save yourself.
І не всто́їть із лука стріле́ць, і своїми ногами прудки́й не втече́, і верхіве́ць не врятує свого життя.
16 [Even] warriors who are very brave will drop their weapons when they try to flee on the day [that I get rid of them]. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
І наймужні́ший з лица́рства наги́м утече того дня, говорить Госпо́дь.

< Amos 2 >