< Acts 12 >

1 It was about this time that King Herod [Agrippa sent soldiers] [MTY] who seized [and put in prison] some of the [leaders] of the congregation [in Jerusalem. He did that] because he wanted to make the believers suffer.
У оно пак време подиже Ирод цар руке да мучи неке од цркве.
2 He commanded [a soldier] to cut off the head of [the apostle] James, the [older] brother of [the apostle] John.
И погуби Јакова брата Јовановог мачем.
3 When Herod realized that he had pleased the [leaders of the] Jewish people by [doing that], he commanded [soldiers] to arrest Peter [in order to kill him], too. This happened during the festival [when the Jewish people ate] bread [that] did not have yeast.
И видевши да је то по вољи Јеврејима настави да ухвати и Петра (а беху дани пресних хлебова),
4 After [they] seized Peter, they put him in prison. They arranged for four groups of soldiers to guard Peter. Each [group] had four soldiers. [Every three hours a different group began to guard him while the others rested]. Herod wanted to bring Peter out [of prison and judge him] in front of the [Jewish] people after the Passover [Festival was finished. He then planned to command soldiers to execute Peter].
Ког и ухвати и баци у тамницу и предаде га четворици четвртника војничких да га чувају, и мишљаше га по пасхи извести пред народ.
5 So [for several days] Peter was kept {they kept Peter} in prison. But the [other believers] in the congregation at [Jerusalem] were praying earnestly to God [that he would help] Peter.
И тако Петра чуваху у тамници; а црква мољаше се за њега Богу без престанка.
6 The night [before] Herod planned to bring Peter out [from prison to have him executed] publicly, Peter was sleeping [in the prison] between two soldiers, with two chains binding his arms [to the arms of the soldiers. Two other] soldiers were guarding the prison doors.
А кад хтеде Ирод да га изведе, ону ноћ спаваше Петар међу двојицом војника, окован у двоје вериге, а стражари пред вратима чуваху тамницу.
7 Suddenly an angel [from] the Lord [God] stood [beside Peter], and a [bright] light shone in his cell. The angel poked Peter in the side and woke him up and said, “Get up quickly!” [While Peter was getting up], the chains fell off from his wrists. [However, the soldiers were not aware of what was happening].
И гле, анђео Господњи приступи, и светлост обасја по соби, и куцнувши Петра у ребра пробуди га говорећи: Устани брже. И спадоше му вериге с руку.
8 Then the angel said to Peter, “Put on your clothes and sandals!” So Peter did. Then the angel said to him, “Fasten your belt/girdle [around you(sg)] and put on your sandals!” So Peter did that. Then the angel told him, “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me!”
А анђео му рече: Опаши се, и обуј опанке своје. И учини тако. И рече му анђео: Обуци хаљину своју, па хајде за мном.
9 So, [after Peter put on his cloak and sandals], he followed [the angel] out [of the prison cell], but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening. He thought [that he] was seeing a vision.
И изишавши иђаше за њим, и не знаше да је то истина што анђео чињаше, него мишљаше да види утвару.
10 Peter and the angel walked by the soldiers who were guarding the two doors, [but the soldiers did not see them. Then] they came to the iron gate that [led] out into the city. The gate opened by itself, and Peter and the angel walked out [of the prison]. After they had walked [a ways] along one street, the angel suddenly disappeared.
А кад прођоше прву стражу и другу и дођоше к вратима гвозденим која вођаху у град, она им се сама отворише; и изишавши прођоше једну улицу, и анђео одмах одступи од њега.
11 Then Peter [finally] realized that [what had happened to him was not a vision, but] it had really happened. So he said [to himself], “Now I really know that the Lord [God] sent an angel [to help me]. He rescued me from what Herod planned to do [MTY] [to me], and [also] from all the things that the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] expected [that Herod would do to me].”
И кад дође Петар к себи рече: Сад заиста видим да Бог посла анђела свог те ме избави из руку Иродових и од свега чекања народа јеврејског.
12 When Peter realized [that God had rescued him], he went to Mary’s house. She was the mother of John whose other name was Mark. Many [believers] had assembled there, and they were praying [that God would help Peter somehow].
И размисливши дође кући Марије матере Јована који се зваше Марко, где беху многи сабрани и мољаху се Богу.
13 When Peter knocked at the outer entrance, a servant girl named Rhoda came to find out [who was outside the door].
А кад куцну Петар у врата од двора, приступи девојка по имену Рода, да чује.
14 [When Peter answered her], she recognized his voice, but she was so happy [and excited] that she did not open the door! Instead, she ran back [into the house]. She [excitedly] announced [to the other believers] that Peter was standing outside the door.
И познавши глас Петров од радости не отвори врата, него утрча и каза да Петар стоји пред вратима.
15 But [one of] them said to her, “You [(sg)] are crazy!” But she continued saying that it was [really true. Then] they repeatedly said, “[No], [it cannot be Peter]. It is [probably] the angel [who was guarding] him [who has come] (OR, It is the angel [who has guarded/protected] him, [and he has come to tell us that] Peter [has died].)”
А они јој рекоше: Јеси ли ти луда? А она потврђиваше да је тако. А они говораху: Анђео је његов.
16 But Peter continued knocking [on the door. So when someone finally] opened the door, they saw that it was Peter, and they were completely amazed!
А Петар једнако куцаше. А кад отворише, видеше га, и удивише се.
17 Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet. Then he told them exactly how the Lord [God] had led him out of the prison. He [also] said, “Tell James, the [leader] of our [congregation], and our [other] fellow believers what has happened.” Then [Peter left and] went away to another town.
А он махнувши на њих руком да ћуте, каза им како га Господ изведе из тамнице; и рече: јавите ово Јакову и браћи. И изишавши отиде на друго место.
18 The next morning the soldiers [who had been guarding] Peter became terribly distressed, [because they did not know] what had happened to him.
А кад би дан, беше не мала буна међу војницима, шта то би од Петра.
19 Then Herod [heard about it]. So he [commanded soldiers] to search for Peter, but they did not find him. Then he questioned the soldiers [who had been guarding Peter], and asked them, “[How did Peter get away when you were there guarding him?]” [But they could not explain it. So] he commanded them to be led away [to be executed] {[other soldiers] to lead them away [to execute them]}. [Afterwards], Herod went from Judea [province] down to Caesarea, where he stayed [for some time].
А кад га Ирод заиска и не нађе, онда испита стражаре, и заповеди да их одведу; и изишавши из Јудеје у Ћесарију онамо живљаше.
20 King Herod had been furiously angry with the people [who lived] in Tyre and Sidon [cities. Then] one day some men [who represented them] came unitedly [to Caesarea in order to meet with] Herod. They persuaded Blastus, who was one of Herod’s important officials, to tell [Herod] that the people [in their cities] wanted to make peace [with him. They wanted to be able to trade with the people that Herod ruled], because they needed to buy food from those regions. [Herod had commanded the people in the areas he ruled to stop selling food to the people in those cities].
Јер се Ирод срђаше на Тирце и Сидонце. Али они једнодушно дођоше к њему, и узевши на своју руку Власта, постељника царевог, искаху мира, јер се њихове земље храњаху од његовог царства.
21 On the day that Herod had planned to [meet with them], he put on (very expensive clothes that showed that he was king/his royal robes). Then he sat on his (throne/chair from which he ruled [people]), and [formally] addressed [all] the people [who had gathered there].
А у одређени дан обуче се Ирод у царску хаљину, и седавши на престо говораше им;
22 Those who [were listening to him] shouted repeatedly, “[This man who] is speaking is a god, not a man!”
А народ викаше: Ово је глас Божји, а не човечији.
23 So, because Herod [let the people praise him] instead of praising God, immediately an angel [from] the Lord [God] caused Herod to become seriously ill. [Many] worms ate his intestines, and [soon] he died [very painfully].
Али уједанпут удари га анђео Господњи: јер не даде славе Богу; и будући изједен од црви издахну.
24 [The believers] continued telling God’s message to people in many places, and ([the number of people who believed in Jesus] was continually increasing/there were continually more and more people who were believing in Jesus).
А реч Божија растијаше и множаше се.
25 When Barnabas and Saul finished [delivering the money to help the Jewish believers in Judea], they left Jerusalem and returned [to Antioch, in Syria province]. They took John, whose other name was Mark, with them.
А Варнава и Савле предавши помоћ вратише се из Јерусалима у Антиохију, узевши са собом Јована који се зваше Марко.

< Acts 12 >