< 3 John 1 >

1 [You(sg) know me as] the [chief] Elder. [I am writing this letter to you], my dear friend Gaius, whom I truly love.
Senior Gaio charissimo, quem ego diligo in veritate.
2 Dear friend, I ask [God that things may go] well for you in every way, [specifically], that you will be physically healthy just like you are spiritually healthy [MTY].
Charissime, de omnibus orationem facio prospere te ingredi, et valere, sicut prospere agit anima tua.
3 I am very happy because some fellow believers have come [here] and told me that you conduct your life in a manner [that is consistent with God’s] true message.
Gavisus sum valde venientibus fratribus, et testimonium perhibentibus veritati tuæ, sicut tu in veritate ambulas.
4 I am very happy when I hear that (people whom I helped to believe in Christ/my [spiritual] children) are conducting their lives like you are!
Maiorem horum non habeo gratiam, quam ut audiam filios meos in veritate ambulare.
5 Dear friend, you are [serving Jesus] loyally/faithfully whenever you do things to help fellow believers, [even those whom you] do not know, who are traveling [around doing God’s work].
Charissime, fideliter facis quidquid operaris in fratres, et hoc in peregrinos,
6 [Some of] them have reported before the congregation [here how] you have showed that you love them. You should continue to help such people in their travels in a way that is pleasing to God.
qui testimonium reddiderunt charitati tuæ in conspectu Ecclesiæ: quos, benefaciens, deduces digne Deo.
7 When those fellow believers went out [to tell people about Jesus] [MTY], the people who do not believe in Christ did not give them anything [to help them].
Pro nomine enim eius profecti sunt, nihil accipientes a Gentibus.
8 So we [who believe in Christ] ought to give food and money to such people to help [them as they teach others God’s] true message.
Nos ergo debemus suscipere huiusmodi, ut cooperatores simus veritatis.
9 I wrote [a letter] to the congregation [telling them to help those fellow believers]. However, Diotrephes does not (acknowledge my authority/[pay any attention to what] I wrote), because he (desires to be in charge/wants to be the leader) of [the congregation].
Scripsissem forsitan Ecclesiæ: sed is, qui amat primatum genere in eis, Diotrephes, non recipit nos.
10 So, when I arrive [there], I will [publicly] tell what he does: He tells others evil nonsense about us [in order to] harm [us by what he] says, and he is not content with only doing that. He himself refuses to receive the fellow believers who are traveling around doing God’s work, and he also stops those who want to receive them by expelling them from the congregation.
propter hoc si venero, commonebo eius opera, quæ facit: verbis malignis garriens in nos: et quasi non ei ista sufficient: neque ipse suscipit fratres: et eos, qui suscipiunt, prohibet, et de Ecclesia eiicit.
11 Dear friend, do not imitate a bad [example like that]. Instead, [keep imitating] good [examples. Remember that] people who do good deeds ([truly] belong to God/are [spiritual children] of God), [but] those who do [what is] evil do not (know/have fellowship with) God.
Charissime, noli imitari malum, sed quod bonum est. Qui benefacit, ex Deo est: qui malefacit, non vidit Deum.
12 All [the believers who know Demetrius] say that he [is a good person]. The fact [that he conducts his life in a way that is consistent/in accordance with God’s] true [message] shows [that he is a good person], and we also say the same thing [about him]. You know that what we say [about him] is true. [So it will be good if you welcome him and help him. He is the one who will be bringing this letter to you].
Demetrio testimonium redditur ab omnibus, et ab ipsa veritate, sed et nos testimonium perhibemus: et nosti quoniam testimonium nostrum verum est.
13 [When I began] to write this letter, I had much more [that I intended] to tell you. But [now] I do not want to say [it] in a letter [MTY].
Multa habui tibi scribere: sed nolui per atramentum et calamum scribere tibi.
14 Instead, I expect to [come and] see you soon. Then we will talk directly with one another. [I pray that God will enable] you [to experience inner] peace. Our friends [here] (send you their greetings/say that they are thinking affectionately about you) [MTY]. Tell our friends [there] that we (send our greetings to/are thinking fondly about) them.
Spero autem protinus te videre, et os ad os loquemur. Pax tibi. Salutant te amici. Saluta amicos nominatim.

< 3 John 1 >