< 2 Timothy 4 >

1 Christ Jesus [is going to come back and] judge those who are living [when he comes] and those who will have died. He will judge them [concerning what rewards they deserve, and] he will rule everyone. So, [knowing that] he and God are watching [everything that we do], I solemnly/earnestly command you
Před Bohem a Ježíšem Kristem, který jednoho dne přijde ustavit zde nové království a soudit živé i mrtvé, tě za-přísahám:
2 that you proclaim the [true] message to people. Always be ready/prepared [to proclaim it], whether people want to hear it or not. [Some people are saying things that are not correct]; (refute their teaching/show why their teaching is wrong). Rebuke them when they are doing wrong. Tell them what they ought to do. Be very patient while you teach them.
Hlásej neúnavně a naléhavě Boží slovo, kdykoliv se ti naskytne příležitost, ať jsou okolnosti příznivé či nepříznivé. Bude-li třeba, napomínej a kárej, povzbuzuj k dobrému a trpělivě předkládej Boží pravdy.
3 [Do these things] because there will be a time when people will not listen to good teaching. Instead, they will bring in many teachers for themselves who will tell them just what they want to hear [IDM]. [The reason that they will bring in such teachers is] that they want to do the evil things that they desire.
Přijde totiž doba, že lidé nebudou chtít pravdu slyšet a obklopí se učiteli, kteří budou přitakávat jejich názorům.
4 That is, they will not listen to [MTY] what is true, but will listen instead to [strange] stories from our ancestors.
Nebudou už naslouchat Bibli; slepě se pohrnou za svými klamnými představami.
5 [Furthermore, I command that] you always control what you think and do. [Be willing] to endure hardships/suffering. Your work should be telling people the message [about Christ Jesus]. As you serve [the Lord], do everything that [God has told] you to do.
Ty však stůj pevně a neboj se pro Krista i trpět. Přiváděj lidi k němu a věnuj se plně své službě.
6 [Timothy, I say these things to] you because as for me, [it is as though] [MET] [they are now about to kill me. It is as though my blood will] be poured out {they will kill me} [as a sacrifice on the altar]; that is, [I know] that it is the time for me to die [EUP].
Pro mne již přišel čas, že budu obětován a rozloučím se s tímto životem.
7 [And as to telling people the] good [message and defending it], I have (exerted myself thoroughly/done it with all my energy) [MET], [like a boxer does. As to doing] the work that God gave me to do, I have completed it, [like a runner who finishes] [MET] the race. [As to] what we believe, I (have been loyal to it/continue to believe it).
V boji, který mám za sebou, jsem bojoval ze všech sil, závod jsem dokončil a ve víře vytrval.
8 [So, like people award] a prize [MET] [to the winner of a race], the Lord, who judges rightly, will give me a reward [because I have lived] righteously. He will give me that reward when [MTY] [he judges people]. And not only [will he reward] me, but he will also reward all those who very much want him to come back.
Teď už mne čeká jen věnec vítěze. To mne Pán – ten spravedlivý Soudce – zprostí všech vin a odmění věčným životem; a nejen mne, ale každého, kdo toužebně vyhlíží jeho příchod.
9 (Do your best/Try hard) to come to me soon.
Prosím tě, přijď, jak jen budeš moci.
10 [I say that] because Demas has left me. He wanted very much [the good things that he might enjoy] [MTY] in this world [right now], and so he went to Thessalonica [city]. Crescens [went to serve the Lord] in Galatia [province], and Titus went to Dalmatia [district]. (aiōn g165)
Démas mne opustil, protože dal přednost pozemským zájmům, a odešel do Tesaloniky. Krescens odcestoval do Galacie, Titus do Dalmácie; (aiōn g165)
11 Luke is the only one who is still with me [of those who were helping me. And when you come], bring Mark with you, because he is useful to help me in my work.
jen Lukáš mi tu zůstal. Vezmi s sebou také Marka, jeho pomoc by mi byla velice vítaná.
12 Tychicus [cannot help me because] I sent him to Ephesus [city].
(Tychikus je taky pryč, poslal jsem ho do Efezu.)
13 And when you come, bring the coat that I left with Carpus in Troas [city]. Also, bring the books, but (most of all/especially) [I want] (the parchments/the animal skins) [on which important things are written].
Cestou se zastav u Karpa v Troadě, zůstal tam můj plášť. Přines mi ho, prosím tě, a taky knihy a hlavně pergamen.
14 Alexander, the man who makes things from metal, did many evil/harmful things to me. The Lord will punish him for what he did.
O všechno zlé, co mne potkalo, se největším dílem postaral kovář Alexandr. Stavěl se proti našemu poselství velmi tvrdě.
15 So you, too, must beware of him. [He will try to destroy your work if he can], because he very much opposes the message that we [proclaim].
Dej si na něho pozor. Pán mu jistě odplatí po zásluze.
16 When I first defended myself [in court here], no one came along [to help defend] me. Instead, they all left me. [I pray] that it will not be counted against {[God] will forgive} them [LIT] [for leaving me].
Při prvním přelíčení jsem se neměl o koho opřít, všichni mě nechali na holičkách. Kéž jim Bůh odpustí!
17 Nevertheless, the Lord was with me and strengthened me. He enabled me to fully preach the message, and all the non-Jewish people [in the court] (OR, people from many nations) heard it. And I was rescued [by the Lord] {[the Lord] rescued me} [from great danger, as if I were taken] [MET] out of a lion’s (OR, wild animal’s) mouth.
Ale Pán stál při mně a dal mi sílu vyřídit jeho poselství přede všemi cizinci a nepřáteli. Tentokrát mne tedy nehodili lvům.
18 [Therefore, I am sure that] the Lord will rescue me from everything that is truly evil and will bring me safely to heaven, where he rules. Praise him forever! (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn g165)
A já věřím, že i nadále budu chráněn od zlého a vejdu do nebeského království. Buď Bohu věčná sláva! (aiōn g165)
19 Greet [for me] Priscilla and [her husband] Aquila and the family of Onesiphorus.
Pozdravuj ode mne Prisku a Akvilu a taky Oneziforovu rodinu.
20 Erastus stayed in Corinth [city]. Trophimus, I left in Miletus [city] because he was sick.
Erastus zůstal v Korintu. Trofima jsem nechal v Milétu, protože onemocněl.
21 (Do your best/Try hard) to come to me before (the stormy season/winter). Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and many other fellow believers [in this city] (send their greetings to/say that they are thinking affectionately about) you.
Snaž se dorazit sem dřív, než uhodí zima. Pozdravuje Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Klaudia a všichni ostatní spoluvěřící.
22 [I pray that] the Lord will [help you in] your spirit, [Timothy, and] that [he] will act kindly toward all of you [believers who are there].
Ježíš Kristus nechť je s tebou. Pavel

< 2 Timothy 4 >