< 2 Samuel 4 >

1 When Saul’s son Ishbosheth heard that Abner had been killed at Hebron, [he realized that he might also be killed]. He became discouraged, and all the Israeli people (trembled/became afraid).
LUEGO que oyó el hijo de Saúl que Abner había sido muerto en Hebrón, las manos se le descoyuntaron, y fué atemorizado todo Israel.
2 Ishbosheth had two officers who were leaders of groups that raided other villages. [They were brothers; ] their names were Baanah and Rechab, sons of Rimmon from Beeroth [town] in the tribe of Benjamin. Beeroth is in the area that had [been assigned to] the tribe of Benjamin.
Y tenía el hijo de Saúl dos varones, los cuales eran capitanes de compañía, el nombre de uno era Baana, y el del otro Rechâb, hijos de Rimmón Beerothita, de los hijos de Benjamín: (porque Beeroth era contada con Benjamín;
3 But the people of Beeroth had fled to Gittaim [town], and they still live there.
Estos Beerothitas se habían huído á Gittaim, y habían sido peregrinos allí hasta entonces.)
4 Saul’s son Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth. When Mephibosheth was five years old, Saul and Jonathan died in the battle. When people brought that news from Jezreel, Mephibosheth’s nursemaid picked him up and ran away. She ran very fast, with the result that she dropped him, and his legs became crippled.
Y Jonathán, hijo de Saúl, tenía un hijo lisiado de los pies de edad de cinco años: que cuando la noticia [de la muerte] de Saúl y de Jonathán vino de Jezreel, tomóle su ama y huyó; y como iba huyendo con celeridad, cayó el [niño] y quedó cojo. Su nombre era Mephi-boseth.
5 One day, Rechab and Baanah left [their home] to go to Ishbosheth’s house. They arrived there about noontime, when Ishbosheth was taking his midday nap.
Los hijos pues de Rimmón Beerothita, Rechâb y Baana, fueron y entraron en el mayor calor del día en casa de Is-boseth, el cual estaba durmiendo en su cámara la siesta.
6 The woman who was the doorkeeper was sifting wheat. While doing that, she became sleepy, and fell asleep. So Rechab and his brother Baanah were able to creep in quietly.
Entonces entraron ellos en medio de la casa [en hábito de] mercaderes de grano, y le hirieron en la quinta [costilla]. Escapáronse luego Rechâb y Baana su hermano;
7 They entered Ishbosheth’s bedroom, where he was sleeping. They killed him [with their swords] and cut off his head. They carried his head and walked all night through the Jordan [River] Valley.
Pues como entraron en la casa, estando él en su cama en su cámara de dormir, lo hirieron y mataron, y cortáronle la cabeza, y habiéndola tomado, caminaron toda la noche por el camino de la campiña.
8 They took the head of Ishbosheth to David at Hebron. They said to him, “Here is the head of Ishbosheth, the son of your enemy Saul, who tried to kill you. Your majesty, today Yahweh has allowed you to get revenge on Saul and his descendants!”
Y trajeron la cabeza de Is-boseth á David en Hebrón, y dijeron al rey: He aquí la cabeza de Is-boseth hijo de Saúl tu enemigo, que procuraba matarte; y Jehová ha vengado hoy á mi señor el rey, de Saúl y de su simiente.
9 But David replied to them, “Yahweh is the one who has rescued me from all my troubles. And just as surely as Yahweh lives, what I am now saying is also true.
Y David respondió á Rechâb y á su hermano Baana, hijos de Rimmón Beerothita, y díjoles: Vive Jehová que ha redimido mi alma de toda angustia,
10 When a messenger came to Ziklag and told me ‘Saul is dead!’ and he thought that the news that he was bringing to me was good news, I seized him and [commanded one of my soldiers to] kill him. That was the reward I gave to him for his news!
Que cuando uno me dió nuevas, diciendo, He aquí Saúl es muerto imaginándose que traía buenas nuevas, yo lo prendí, y le maté en Siclag en pago de la nueva.
11 So because you two evil men murdered a man who is (innocent/has done nothing wrong) when he was sleeping on his bed in his own house, I will do something worse to you. I will surely [RHQ] get revenge on you two for murdering [MTY] him, and (wipe you/cause you to disappear) from the earth!”
¿Cuánto más á los malos hombres que mataron á un hombre justo en su casa, y sobre su cama? Ahora pues, ¿no tengo yo de demandar su sangre de vuestras manos, y quitaros de la tierra?
12 Then, following David’s orders, his soldiers killed the two men, and cut off their hands and their feet, and hung their bodies (OR, their hands and feet) [on a pole] near the pool at Hebron. But they took the head of Ishbosheth and buried it [respectfully] in the tomb of Abner, there at Hebron.
Entonces David mandó á los mancebos, y ellos los mataron, y cortáronles las manos y los pies, y colgáronlos sobre el estanque, en Hebrón. Luego tomaron la cabeza de Is-boseth, y enterráronla en el sepulcro de Abner en Hebrón.

< 2 Samuel 4 >