< 2 Samuel 21 >

1 During the time that David [ruled], there was a famine [in Israel] for three years. David prayed to Yahweh about it. And Yahweh said, “[In order for the famine to end], Saul’s family needs to be punished [MTY] because Saul killed many people from Gibeon [city].”
ORA al tempo di Davide vi fu una fame tre anni continui. E Davide domandò la faccia del Signore. E il Signore disse: [Questo è avvenuto] per cagion di Saulle, e di quella casa di sangue; perciocchè egli fece morire i Gabaoniti.
2 The people of Gibeon were not Israelis; they were a small group of the Amor people-group whom the Israelis had solemnly promised to protect. But Saul had tried to kill all of them because he (was very zealous/wanted very much) to enable the people of Judah and Israel [to be the only ones living in that land]. So the king summoned the leaders of Gibeon
Allora il re chiamò i Gabaoniti, e disse loro (ora i Gabaoniti non erano de' figliuoli d'Israele, anzi del rimanente degli Amorrei; ed i figliuoli d'Israele aveano loro giurato; ma Saulle, per una certa gelosia ch'egli avea per li figliuoli d'Israele e di Giuda, cercò di farli morire);
3 and said to them, “What shall I do for you? How can I make amends/up for what was done to your people, in order that you will bless us who belong to Yahweh?”
Davide, dico, disse a' Gabaoniti: Che vi farò io, e con che purgherò io [il torto che vi è stato fatto], acciocchè voi benediciate l'eredità del Signore?
4 They replied, “You cannot settle our quarrel with Saul and his family by giving us silver or gold. And we do not have the right to kill any Israelis.” So David asked, “Then/So what do you say that I should do for you?”
Ed i Gabaoniti gli dissero: Noi non abbiam da fare con Saulle, nè con la sua casa, per argento, nè per oro; nè anche abbiam da fare di far morire alcuno in Israele. E [il re] disse [loro: ] Che chiedete voi che io vi faccia?
5 They replied, “Saul [wanted to] get rid of us. He wanted to annihilate/kill all of us, in order that none of us would live anywhere in Israel.
Ed essi dissero al re: Sienci dati sette uomini de' figliuoli di colui che ci ha distrutti, ed ha macchinato contro a noi; [talchè] siamo stati sterminati, sì che non siam potuti durare in alcuna contrada d'Israele;
6 Hand over to us seven of Saul’s descendants. We will hang them where Yahweh is worshiped in Gibeon, our town, the town where Saul, whom Yahweh previously chose to be king, lived.” The king replied, “Okay, I will hand them over to you.”
e noi li appiccheremo al Signore in Ghibea di Saulle, eletto del Signore. E il re disse loro: Io [ve li] darò.
7 The king did not hand over to them Saul’s grandson Mephibosheth, because of what he and [Mephibosheth’s father] Jonathan had solemnly promised to each other.
E il re risparmiò Mefiboset, figliuolo di Gionatan, figliuolo di Saulle, per cagion del giuramento [fatto nel Nome] del Signore ch' [era stato] fra loro; fra Davide, e Gionatan, figliuolo di Saulle.
8 Instead, he took Armoni and another man named Mephibosheth, the two sons that Saul’s slave wife Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah, had given birth to, and the five sons that Saul’s daughter Merab had given birth to. Merab’s husband was Adriel, the son of a man named Barzillai from Meholah [town].
Ma il re prese i due figliuoli di Rispa, figliuola di Aia, i quali ella avea partoriti a Saulle, [cioè] Armoni e Mefiboset; e i cinque figliuoli di Mical, figliuola di Saulle, i quali ella avea partoriti ad Adriel, figliuolo di Barzillai, Meholatita;
9 David handed those men over to the men from Gibeon. Then they hanged those seven men on a hill where they worshiped Yahweh. They were all killed during the time of the year that the people started to harvest the barley.
e li diede nelle mani de' Gabaoniti; ed essi li appiccarono in quel monte, davanti al Signore; e tutti e sette morirono insieme. Or furono fatti morire ai primi giorni della mietitura, in sul principio della ricolta degli orzi.
10 Then Rizpah took coarse cloth made from goats’ hair, and spread it on the rock [where the corpses lay]. She stayed there from the time that people started to harvest the barley until the rains started. She did not allow any birds to come near the corpses during the day, and she did not allow any animals to come near during the night.
E Rispa, figliuola di Aia, prese un panno grosso, e se lo stese sopra una pietra, [dimorando quivi], dal principio della ricolta, finchè stillò dell'acqua dal cielo sopra essi; e non permetteva che alcuno uccello del cielo si posasse sopra loro di giorno, nè alcuna fiera della campagna di notte.
11 When someone told David what Rizpah had done,
E fu rapportato a Davide ciò che Rispa, figliuola di Aia, concubina di Saulle, avea fatto.
12 he went with some of his servants to Jabesh in [the] Gilead [region] and got the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan. The people of Jabesh had stolen their bones from the (plaza/public square) in Beth-Shan [city], where the men from Philistia had hanged them previously, on the day that they had killed Saul and Jonathan on Gilboa [Mountain].
E Davide andò, e tolse le ossa di Saulle, e le ossa di Gionatan, suo figliuolo, d'appo quei di Iabes di Galaad, le quali essi aveano furtivamente tolte dalla piazza di Betsan, ove i Filistei li aveano appiccati, al giorno che i Filistei percossero Saulle in Ghilboa.
13 David and his men took the bones of Saul and Jonathan, and they also took the bones of the seven men [from Gibeon] whom the men from Philistia had hanged.
E avendo fatte trasportar di là le ossa di Saulle, e le ossa di Gionatan, suo figliuolo; e le ossa di coloro ch'erano stati appiccati essendo eziandio state raccolte;
14 They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan in Zela [town] in the land of [the tribe of] Benjamin. Doing all that the king commanded, they buried their bones in the tomb where Saul’s father Kish [was buried]. After that, [because] God [saw that Saul’s family had been punished to pay for Saul’s murder of many people from Gibeon, he] answered the Israelis’ prayers for their land, and caused the famine to end.
furono sotterrate con le ossa di Saulle, e di Gionatan, suo figliuolo, nel paese di Beniamino, in Sela, nella sepoltura di Chis, padre di Saulle; e fu fatto tutto ciò che il re avea comandato. E, dopo questo, Iddio fu placato inverso il paese.
15 The army of Philistia again started to fight against the army of Israel. And David and his soldiers went to fight the Philistines. During the battle, David became weary.
ORA, mentre i Filistei aveano ancora guerra con Israele, Davide, con la sua gente, andò e combattè contro a' Filistei. Ed essendo Davide stanco,
16 One of the Philistia men thought that he could kill David. His name was Ishbi-Benob. He was a descendant of [a group of] giants. He carried a bronze spear that weighed about (7-1/2 pounds/3-1/2 kg.), and he also had a new sword.
Isbibenob, ch'[era] de' discendenti di Rafa (il ferro della cui lancia era di peso di trecento sicli, [ed era] di rame, ed egli avea cinta una [spada] nuova), propose di percuotere Davide.
17 But Abishai came to help David, and attacked the giant and killed him. Then David’s soldiers forced him to promise that he would not go with them into a battle again. They said to him, “[If you die, and none of your descendants become king, that would be like] [MET] extinguishing the last light in Israel.”
Ma Abisai, figliuolo di Seruia, lo soccorse, e percosse il Filisteo, e l'uccise. Allora la gente di Davide giurò, dicendo: Tu non uscirai più con noi in battaglia, che talora tu non ispenga la lampana d'Israele.
18 Some time after that, there was a battle with the army of Philistia near Gob [village]. During the battle, Sibbecai, from [the] Hushah [clan], killed Saph, one of the descendants of the Rapha giants.
Ora, dopo questo, vi fu ancora guerra contro a' Filistei, in Gob; ed allora Sibbecai Hussatita percosse Saf, ch'[era] dei discendenti di Rafa.
19 [Later] there was another battle with the army of Philistia at Gob. During that battle, Elhanan, the son of Jaare-Oregim from Bethlehem, killed [the brother of] Goliath from Gath [city]; Goliath’s spear shaft/handle was (very thick, like the bar on a weaver’s loom/over two inches thick).
Vi fu ancora un'[altra] guerra contro a' Filistei, in Gob; ed Elhanan, figliuolo di Iaare-oreghim, Bet-lehemita, percosse Goliat Ghitteo; l'asta della cui lancia [era] come un subbio di tessitore.
20 Later there was another battle near Gath. There was a (huge man/giant) there who liked to fight [in battles]. He had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. He was descended from [the] Rapha [giants].
Vi fu ancora un'[altra] guerra in Gat; e [quivi] si trovò un uomo di grande statura, che avea sei dita in ciascuna mano, e in ciascun piede, ventiquattro in tutto; ed [era] anche esso della progenie di Rafa.
21 But when he (made fun of/ridiculed) the men in the Israeli [army], Jonathan, the son of David’s [older] brother Shimeah, killed him.
Ed egli schernì Israele; ma Gionatan, figliuolo di Sima, fratello di Davide, lo percosse.
22 Those four men were some of the descendants of the Rapha giants who had lived in Gath, who were killed [MTY] by David and his soldiers.
Questi quattro nacquero in Gat, della schiatta di Rafa; e furono morti per mano di Davide, e per mano de' suoi servitori.

< 2 Samuel 21 >