< 2 Kings 21 >

1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to rule. He ruled Judah for 55 years from Jerusalem. His mother was Hephzibah.
Manasses was of twelue yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde fyue and fifti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Asiba.
2 He did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil. He imitated the disgusting things that were formerly done by the people of the nations that Yahweh had expelled from the land of Israel as his people advanced [through the land].
And he dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, bi the idols of hethene men, whiche hethene men the Lord dide awei fro the face of the sones of Israel.
3 He commanded his workers to rebuild the shrines [for worshiping Yahweh] that his father Hezekiah had destroyed [because they were not in the place that Yahweh had said they should worship him]. He directed his workers to build altars for worshiping Baal. He made [a statue of the goddess] Asherah, like Ahab the king of Israel had done [previously]. And Manasseh worshiped [DOU] the stars.
And he was turned, and bildide hiye thingis, whiche Ezechie, his fadir, distriede; and he reiside auteris of Baal, and he made woodis, as Achab kyng of Israel hadde do; and he worschipide `with out forth al the knyythod of heuene, and worschipide it in herte.
4 He directed his workers to build altars [for worshiping foreign gods] in the temple of Yahweh, about which Yahweh had said, “It is here in Jerusalem where I want people to worship [MTY] me, forever.”
And he bildide auteris in the hows of the Lord, of which the Lord seide, Y schal sette my name in Jerusalem.
5 He directed that altars for worshiping the stars be built in both of the courtyards outside the temple.
And he bildide auteris to al the knyythod of heuene in the twei large places of the temple of the Lord;
6 He even sacrificed his own son by burning [him in a fire]. He performed rituals to practice sorcery and magic rituals. He also went to people who consulted the spirits of dead people to find out what would happen in the future. He did many things that Yahweh considered to be extremely evil, things that caused Yahweh to become very angry.
and he `ledde ouer his sone thorouy the fier; and he vside false dyuynyngis in auteris, on whiche sacrifice was maad to feendis, and he kepte false dyuynyngis bi chiteryng of bryddis; and he made men to haue yuele spiritis spekynge in the wombe, and he multipliede false dyuynours in entraylis of beestis sacrified to feendis, that he schulde do yuel bifor the Lord, and terre hym to ire.
7 He placed the statue of the goddess Asherah in the temple, the place about which Yahweh had said to David and his son Solomon, “My temple will be here in Jerusalem. This is the city that I have chosen from all the territory of the twelve tribes of Israel, where I want people to worship me, forever.
And he settide an ydol of wode, which he hadde maad, in the temple of the Lord, `of which temple the Lord spak to Dauid, and to Salomon, his sone, Y schal sette my name withouten ende in this temple, and in Jerusalem which Y chees of alle the lynagis of Israel.
8 And if the Israeli people obey all my commands and all the laws that I gave to Moses, the man who served me [very well], I will not again force them to leave this land that I gave to their ancestors.”
And Y schal nomore make the foot of Israel to be moued fro the lond which Y yaf to the fadris of hem; so netheles if thei kepen in werk alle thingis whiche Y comaundide to hem, and al the lawe whiche Moises, my seruaunt, comaundide to hem.
9 But the people did not heed Yahweh. And Manasseh persuaded them to commit sins that are more evil than the sins that were committed by the people of the nations that Yahweh had expelled from the land as the Israeli people advanced.
Sotheli thei herden not, but weren disseyued of Manasses, that thei diden yuel ouer hethene men, whiche the Lord al to-brak fro the face of the sones of Israel.
10 [These are some of the things that] the prophets said many times, messages that Yahweh had given them:
And the Lord spak in the hond of his seruauntis prophetis, and seide,
11 “Manasseh, the king of Judah, has done these abominable things, things that are much worse than the things that the Amor people-group did in this land long ago. He has persuaded the people of Judah to sin by [worshiping] idols.
For Manasses, kyng of Juda, dide these worste abhomynaciouns ouer alle thingis which Ammorreis diden bifor hym, and maden also the puple of Juda to do synne in hise vnclennessis;
12 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh, the God whom you Israeli people worship, say: I will the cause the people of Jerusalem and the rest of Judah to experience great disasters. It will be terrible, with the result that everyone who hears about it will be stunned [MTY].
therfor the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge in yuelis on Jerusalem and Juda, that who euer herith, bothe hise eeris tyngle;
13 I will judge and punish [MET] the people of Jerusalem like I punished the family of King Ahab [of Israel]. I will (wipe Jerusalem clean/remove all the people from Jerusalem), like [MET] people wipe a plate and then turn it upside down [after they have finished eating, to show that they are now satisfied].
and Y schal holde forth on Jerusalem the corde of Samarie, and the birthun of the hows of Achab, and Y schal do awei Jerusalem, as tablis ben wont to be doon awei; and Y schal do awey and turne it, and Y schal lede ful ofte the poyntel on the face therof.
14 And I will abandon the people who remain alive, and I will allow their enemies to conquer them and steal everything valuable from their land.
Forsothe Y schal leeue relikis of myn eritage, and Y schal bitake hem in to the hond of enemyes therof; and thei schulen be in distriynge, and in raueyn to alle her aduersaries;
15 I will do this because my people have done things that I consider to be very evil, things which have caused me to become very angry. They have caused me to become angry continually, ever since their ancestors left Egypt.”
for thei diden yuel bifor me, and thei continueden terrynge me to ire, fro the dai in which her fadris yeden out of the lond of Egipt `til to this day.
16 Manasseh [commanded his officials to] kill many innocent people in Jerusalem, with the result that their blood flowed in the streets. He did this in addition to persuading the people of Judah to sin against Yahweh [by worshiping idols].
Ferthermore also Manasses schedde ful myche ynnocent blood, til he fillide Jerusalem `til to the mouth, with outen hise synnes bi whiche he made Juda to do synne, to do yuel bifor the Lord.
17 [If you want to know more about] all the things that Manasseh did, they are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
Forsothe the residue of the wordis of Manasses, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and his synne whiche he synnede, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda?
18 Manasseh died [EUP] and was buried in the garden outside his palace, the garden that Uzza [had made]. Then Manasseh’s son Amon became the king.
And Manasses slepte with hise fadris, and was biried in the gardyn of his hows, in the gardyn of Azam; and Amon, his sone, regnyde for hym.
19 Amon was twenty-two years old when he became king. He ruled Judah from Jerusalem for [only] two years. His mother’s name was Meshullemeth. She was from Jotbah [town], and was the granddaughter of Haruz.
He was of two and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne; and he regnede twei yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Mesalamech, the douyter of Arus of Gethela.
20 Amon did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil, like his father Manasseh had done.
And he dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, as Manasses, his fader, hadde do.
21 He imitated the behavior of his father, and he worshiped the same idols that his father had worshiped [DOU].
And he yede in al the weie, bi which his fader hadde go, and he seruide to vnclennessis, to whiche his fadir hadde seruyd, and he worschipide tho; and he forsook the Lord God of hise fadris,
22 He abandoned Yahweh, the God whom his ancestors [had worshiped], and did not behave as Yahweh wanted him to.
and he yede not in the weye of the Lord.
23 Then one day some of his officials plotted to kill him. They assassinated him in the palace.
And hise seruauntis settiden tresouns to hym, and killiden the kyng in hise hows.
24 But then the people of Judah killed all those who had assassinated King Amon, and they appointed his son Josiah to be their king.
Sothely the puple of the Lord smoot alle men, that hadden conspirid ayens kyng Amon, and thei ordeyneden to hem a kyng, Josias, `his sone, for hym.
25 [If you want to read about] [RHQ] the other things that Amon did, they are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Amon, whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda?
26 Amon was also buried in the tomb in the garden that Uzza [had made]. Then Amon’s son Josiah became the king.
And he slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in his sepulcre in the gardyn of Azam; and Josias, his sone, regnede for him.

< 2 Kings 21 >