< 2 John 1 >

1 [You all know me as] the [chief] Elder. [I am writing this letter] to all of you [MET] in your congregation. [God has] chosen [you], and I love you truly! Not only do I myself love you, but all those who know [and accept the] true message [that Jesus taught] also love you!
Bu'ka kwa mpindo, linga kwa nwawa ywa saulilwe na bana bake, banapenda kitumbu sa kweli, na'penda kwaku kisangu, kwa bhandu boti baitangite kweli,
2 All of us [believe God’s] true message. It is in our ([inner beings/hearts]) and we will continue [to believe it] forever! (aiōn g165)
Kitumbu sa kweli yangayomoka yaibile nkati yitu yaipala baa pamope natwee. (aiōn g165)
3 God the Father and Jesus Christ, who is (his Son/the man who is also God), will continue [to act] kindly and mercifully [toward us because they] love [us. They will enable us to have inner] peace, [because we believe] their true message.
Neema, samilwa na amani, yabaa pamope na twee buka kwa Nnungu Tati bitu na Yesu Kirisitu mwana wa Tati ba kweli na upendo.
4 I am very happy because I learned about some of you [SYN] who are conducting your lives in a manner that is (consistent/in accordance) with [God’s] true message. You are doing that just like our Father [God] commanded us [to do].
Nipulaike muno kwa kitumbu niibweni panga, bingi ba bana bitu batama mu kweli Kati twenga mwatupoki ayi amuli Buka kwa Tati.
5 And now, dear congregation [MET], [there is something that] I am requesting you [to do]. I am writing this not to command that you do something new, but [that you continue to do] what God commanded when we first began [MTY] [to believe his true message. What he commanded] is that we love each other.
Yambi ino, nendo kuluba wenga wa nwawa, nikupeya kwaku amuli ya ayambi, yiyilya yatwabi nayo buka tangu, panga tupalikwa pendana twabene na bene. Na wuno nga upendo tupalikwa tutame Kati amuli yake mwaipala.
6 And [we really/truly] are loving [God] when we are conducting our lives in accordance with whatever he commands [us to do]. What he commands us to do is to continue [to love one another]. That is exactly what you heard when you first began [MTY] [to believe God’s true message].
Yino nga yilu amuli yamwaiyubwine buka tangu, panga mupalikwa mutame Kati mwaibaya Ayo amuli.
7 Many people who deceive [others have left your congregation and] have now gone out among other people who are [in your area] [MTY]. They are the ones who (do not acknowledge/refuse to say) that Jesus Christ became human. They are the very ones who deceive [people] and oppose [what we teach about] Christ.
Kwa kitumbu sa abusu bambone batwilimu Dunia, na bakani yikitya panga, Yesu Kirisitu aaisi kwa ndila ya yiga, Ayu nga yulu nkongi ayikitya kwaku ukakapewa Kirisitu.
8 [So] be sure that [you do not let those teachers deceive you]! If you let them deceive you, you will lose [the reward] which we, [together with you], have been working for, and you will not receive the complete reward [of being eternally united to God]!
Mwilingu mwabene panga mwobeya kwa gala gatuyomwile ga pangya lyengo, Lakini lengapanga muweze kwipokiya zawadi kamili
9 Those who change what Christ taught and do not continue [to believe] what he taught do not have [a relationship with] God. [But] those who continue to believe [what Christ] taught have [a close relationship with] both [God, our] Father, and with (his Son/the one who is also God).
Jwo jwote jwa nyendelya nnonge adumu mu mupundiso ga Kristo, utupo Nnongo, jwembe jwadumu mu mupundiso abina tate na mwana Kai.
10 So when anyone comes to you who teaches something different from [what Christ] taught, do not welcome him into your homes! Do not [encourage him by] (wishing him well/greeting him as a fellow believer) [in any way]!
Mana mundu kaisa kasinu na aletike kwa lipundiso leni, kana munkaribishe mu nyumba yinu na kana mwampange abari.
11 [I say that] because if you treat people like that as you would treat a fellow believer, [God will punish you] along with them for the evil that they do.
Kwa sababu jwa usalimia ushirikiana naye na makowe gake mabou.
12 [Even though] I have much [more that I want] to tell you, I have decided not [to say it] in a letter [MTY]. Instead, I expect to be with you [soon] and talk directly with you. Then we can be completely joyful [together].
Nibii na makowe gananchima ga kumwandikiya, na nigaandike kwa napendi kwa kuga andika kwa karatasi na wino. Ila nitamaniya isa kayino na longela nkano kwa nkano, panga pura yinu ipate panga kamili.
13 Your fellow believers here [MET], ones whom [God] has also chosen, (send their greetings to you/say that they are thinking affectionately about you).
Bana bannobo winu ncha ulilwa nenda kwa salimu.

< 2 John 1 >