< 2 Corinthians 6 >

1 [Therefore], because I am working together with God [himself], I say this to you very strongly: God has [already] kindly [forgiven you because Christ died for you], so do not now [say] “It does not matter [if I live just to please myself].”
Jakožto Boží spolupracovník vás snažně prosím: nepromarněte tu milost, které se vám od Boha dostalo!
2 For God said [long ago in the Scriptures]: When it is the right time [for me] to help you, [you will ask me to help you], and I will hear you. Then I will [send] a Savior to help you. [So listen to what] I am telling you: God [has sent] his Savior, so now is the time when [God is ready to] save [people from the guilt of their sins].
Bůh říká: „V čas milosti jsem vyslyšel tvou modlitbu, v den záchrany jsem ti pomohl.“Ten čas je tu právě teď – nezmeškejte ho! Den záchrany je dnes – nezaspěte ho!
3 Neither I nor the men [working] with me do anything that would hinder people from trusting in Christ, and so we cannot be accused {no one can accuse [us]} [of not] serving [God properly].
Nikomu nechci svým jednáním zavdat příčinu k urážce, aby nevznikly nějaké pochybnosti o mém poslání.
4 Instead, in everything [that we(exc) say and do], we show [people] that we serve God faithfully. We patiently endure [all the things that happen to us. People cause us] many troubles and, as a result, we are anxious [and often do not know what to do].
Z celého mého způsobu života má každý poznat, že stojím ve službách Božích. Proto si nestěžuji na starosti, nouzi nebo potíže, bezesné noci, dřinu a hlad, útoky nepřátel, bití a vězení. Jako Boží spolupracovník to všechno snáším bez reptání.
5 Sometimes we have been beaten [and bound] {People have beaten [us and tied us]} [with] chains in prison. [Angry mobs] have attacked us, [wanting to kill us]. We have continued working [for God until we had no more strength to work]. We have had many sleepless nights, and we have [often been without food].
6 [All that we think about and all that we do is] pure [in God’s sight]. Knowing [how God wants us to conduct our lives, we do what pleases him]. We are patient [with those who oppose us]. We are kind [to everyone. We depend on] the Holy Spirit [to help us]. We love people sincerely [as God wants us to love them].
Mou legitimací je bezúhonný život, trpělivost a přívětivost za všech okolností a pravdivé poznání. Všechny tyto schopnosti mi dává Duch Boží, k tomu upřímnou lásku a Boží sílu k hlásání pravdy.
7 We faithfully teach [the true] message [about Christ], and God [gives us] his power [as we teach it. Like soldiers] using weapons [MET] [in a battle], we, by [living] righteously, [defend God’s message and refute those who attack it].
Mou zbraní pro útok i pro obranu je mi dobré svědomí před Bohem i před lidmi.
8 [We serve God faithfully], whether [people] praise us [(exc)] or [whether they] despise us, whether [people say] bad things [about us(exc)] or [whether they say] good things [about us. We keep teaching] the truth, [even though some people say that] we are deceiving [people].
Stojím při Bohu věrně, ať mě za to oslavují nebo mi nadávají, ať mi věří nebo mě prohlašují za podvodníka.
9 [Some people] know [well that we are true servants of God, and yet others], who know us, refuse to [believe that. People have often tried to] kill us [(inc)], yet we are still alive. We have [often] been beaten, but we have not been killed {[People have often] beaten us [(exc)], but [they] have not killed us}.
Pro jedny mé jméno nic neznamená, jiní nahlédli až na dno mého srdce. Denně se nade mnou vznáší smrt, ale nikdy jsem nežil plněji. Bili mě, div jsem ducha nevypustil, ale přece mě nezabili.
10 Although we [(exc)] are often very sad [because people have rejected our message], we are always joyful [because of all that God has done for us]. Even though we [(exc)] are poor, we make [it possible for] many people to be [spiritually] rich. It is true that [in this world] we [(exc)] have nothing [valuable] [HYP], but [because we belong to God’s family], all [that God has] belongs to us.
Stále mi házejí klacky pod nohy, o radost mě tím však nepřipraví. Jsem chudý, a přece rozdávám poklady nesmírné ceny. Nemám nic – a přece mi patří celý svět! Moji drazí přátelé, musel jsem vám to napsat tak, jak to cítím.
11 You [fellow believers] in Corinth, [I have been] completely honest with you. [I have told you exactly how we(exc) feel about you, that] we love you very much [IDM].
Nic neskrývám, ani nepřikrašluji. Nikdo vás přece nemá raději než já!
12 We are not [treating you as though we do not] love you, but you are [treating us as though you do] not love us.
Jestli mezi námi ještě stojí nějaká překážka, není to nedostatek mé lásky k vám, ale vaše výhrady ke mně.
13 In return [for our loving you, will you not] love [us] [IDM] just as [much as we love you?] I am writing [to you] as if you were my own children.
Říkám vám to jako svým vlastním dětem: opětujte moji lásku stejnou měrou!
14 Do not (team up/have a close relationship) with anyone who does not trust [in Christ. I say this] because we who [trust in Christ and do] what is right should not [RHQ] [want to do things] with wicked people. Or [to say it in another way], just like light and darkness never join together, so [those who belong to Christ and those who belong to Satan should never join together] [RHQ].
Nespolčujte se s nevěrci, to pro vás není dobrá společnost. Co může mít společného světlo s tmou, spravedlnost s bezprávím?
15 There is no [RHQ] agreement of any kind between Christ and Satan. [So], believers have no [RHQ] common [spiritual] interests with unbelievers.
Je snad možné nějaké dorozumění mezi Kristem a ďáblem?
16 [Just] as no one would [dare to bring] idols into the Temple [in Jerusalem], believers should never [RHQ] join with those who worship idols. [I say that] because [MET] [the Holy Spirit is in us, and so] we are [like] the Temple of the all-powerful God. [It is] as God himself said [in the Scriptures]: I will live in [my people]. I will always be with/helping them. [They will say to me], “You are our God,” and [I will say to them], “You are my people.”
Dovedete si představit pohanské bůžky v křesťanském chrámu? A co jiného jsme, ne-li chrám živého Boha? Bůh řekl: „Budu žít uprostřed nich a mezi nimi bydlet, já budu jejich Bohem a oni budou mým lidem.“
17 [In another place in the Scriptures we read that] the Lord said: Get away from those who do evil things; keep yourselves separated from them. Do [nothing sinful that would make you] unacceptable to me. Then I will welcome you [as members of my family].
Proto také řekl: „Oddělte se a odejděte od nich, pryč od všeho nečistého. Jen tak vás přijmu za své,
18 [The Lord also said]: I will [care for you] as [MET] a loving father [cares for his children], and [it will be as though] you are my own sons and daughters. I, the all-powerful Lord, am saying this [to you].
abych byl vaším Otcem a vy mými syny a dcerami – praví všemocný Bůh.“

< 2 Corinthians 6 >