< 2 Corinthians 5 >

1 We know that [these bodies] we live in [here in this world are like] [MET] tents. [They are like temporary living/dwelling places]. [So we should not be concerned about what happens to our bodies]. We know that if we are killed {if [someone] kills us}, God will give us [permanent living places. Those permanent living places] [MET] will not be houses that people have made. They [will be new bodies in which we will live forever] in heaven. (aiōnios g166)
Esia ta míenya be ne wokaka míaƒe xɔ siwo nye míaƒe ŋutilãwo la, Mawu ana ŋutilã yeye makumaku mí le dziƒo. Eye xɔ yeye siwo Mawu ana mí la menye amegbetɔwo ƒe asinudɔ o, ke Mawu ŋutɔe tu wo. (aiōnios g166)
2 [While we are here on earth, we suffer]. We often groan because we desire [to go] to heaven [where God] will give us our new [bodies] [MET].
Míele fu kpem ŋutɔ le míaƒe anyigbadziŋutilã siawo me, eya ta wòle mía dzrom vevie, eye míele mɔ kpɔm gbe sia gbe be Aƒetɔ la atsɔ dziƒoŋutilã yeyewo ava do na mí abe awu ene.
3 When [God gives us(inc) our new bodies] [MET], our [spirits will have] [LIT, MET] bodies to live in [that will last forever].
Elabena menye gbɔgbɔ me ko míanɔ o, ke boŋ Mawu ado awu na mí esi nye dziƒoŋutilã la.
4 [It is true that] while we are still living in these bodies [MET] [that do not last forever], we often groan [DOU] [because we desire to be free from them]. We are not longing to be without a body. Instead, [we groan because] we desire to receive our new bodies [MET] in heaven. We long for this to happen so that these bodies that are going to die some day will suddenly be changed [into bodies] that will live [forever].
Zi ale si míegale anyigbadziŋutilã me ko la, zi nenema ke míekpea fu siwo hea hũɖeɖe kple vevesese vaa mía dzi. Menye ɖe míebe míadzo kaba le anyigbadziŋutilã sia me o, ke boŋ míaƒe mɔkpɔkpɔe nye be Aƒetɔ la natsɔ dziƒotɔ si nye agbe la atsyɔ na mí, be wòaɖu esi me míele fifia si gblẽna la dzi.
5 It is God himself who has prepared us to [receive] these [new bodies]. He is also the one who has guaranteed/assured us [(inc)] that this will happen. He has guaranteed it by sending his Spirit [to live inside us now].
Mawu ŋutɔe ɖoe be tɔtrɔ sia nava míaƒe agbenɔnɔ me, eya ta wòtsɔ Gbɔgbɔ Kɔkɔe la de mía me abe kpeɖodzinu ene.
6 So, [because God’s Spirit lives in us], we are always confident [that God will give us new bodies]. We know that as long as we have bodies here on [earth], we are not yet [living together] with the Lord [Jesus in heaven].
Azɔ la, míele mɔ kpɔm kple dzideƒo na dziƒoŋutilã yeye sia xɔxɔ. Míenyae be zi ale si míegale anyigbadziŋutilã me le afi sia la, míeɖo Aƒetɔ la gbɔ le dziƒo haɖe o.
7 While we [(exc)] live [here, we] do not have our [new bodies, but we are] trusting [that God will give them to us].
Míenya be esiawo katã le eme vavã to xɔse me, ke menye to nukpɔkpɔ kple ŋkume o.
8 [As I said], we [(exc)] are confident [that he will give us new bodies]. We [(exc)] would much prefer to leave these bodies [which we have now], and be with the Lord [Jesus in our] home in [heaven].
Ke dzideƒo blibo le mía si, eye wòdzroa mí gɔ̃ hã be míadzo le anyigbadziŋutilã sia me aɖanɔ Aƒetɔ la gbɔ le eƒe ŋutikɔkɔe ƒe mavɔ la me.
9 Because of all that, we always want to please [Jesus in everything that we do]. Whether we [(exc)] are [still living] here [in these] bodies or whether we have [left] them and are living in our home [in heaven], we want to please him.
Ke míaƒe didi vevie nye be ne míele agbe le anyigbadziŋutilã sia me alo míele egbɔ le dziƒo la, míawɔ eƒe lɔlɔ̃nu le nu sia nu me.
10 [And we need to try hard to do that] because each one of us [believers] must stand before Christ [to be] judged [by him] {[when he will] judge [his people]}. [At that time] he will [reward each one of] us according to what we have done [while we lived in this world] in these bodies. [He will reward us according to] whether we have done good things or whether we have done evil things.
Elabena mí katã míava tsi tsitre ɖe Kristo ŋkume gbe ɖeka, be wòadrɔ̃ ʋɔnu mí, eye wòadzro míaƒe agbenɔɣinuwɔnawo me tsitotsito. Eye wòaxe fe na ame sia ame pɛpɛpɛ ɖe ale si wònɔ agbe le anyigba dzii la nu. Ne èwɔ nu nyui la, àxɔ fetu nyui eye ne èwɔ vɔ̃ la, àxɔ fetu vɔ̃.
11 It makes me fearful [to think that some day I will stand before the Lord for him to judge me]. So I [do everything that I can to] convince people [that they should believe] (OR, [that I teach] sincerely) [God’s message]. God knows very well [how I conduct my life and what I teach], and I really believe that you know it, too.
Mawuvɔvɔ̃ si le mía me tae míeɖea gbeƒã, eye míeƒoa dzimetɔtrɔ ƒe nya la ɖe amewo katã nu be woava Aƒetɔ la gbɔ. Mawu ŋutɔ nya be míele dɔ sia wɔm kple dzimekɔkɔ, eye mexɔe se be miawo hã mienyae le miaƒe dzi me nenema tututu.
12 Once again [I say, as I write this], I am not just [trying to] make you think well/highly of me, [as some people will probably say that I am]. Instead, I am [telling you in this letter why you have] good reason [to tell those who criticize me] that you think highly of me. [I am telling you this] so that you will know what to say to those [teachers of false doctrine among you]. They are proud [of what they have done], instead of [making sure that] they [are right with God and being pleased with that].
Menye mía ɖokui kafum míele alo menye mía ɖokui dom míele ɖe dzi o, ɖeko míedi be miada ɖe mía dzi abe ame siwo nye Aƒetɔ la ƒe ame dɔdɔ vavãwo ene. Eye miate ŋu atsɔ mí aƒo adegbee alo aɖo nya ŋu na nufiala alakpatɔ siwo le mia dome, ame siwo ƒe susu koe nye be yewoƒe dzedzeme nanya kpɔ nyuie le amewo gbɔ ko, ke woƒe dziwo me do viviti tsiɖitsiɖi.
13 [Some of them say that after God has enabled me to see visions], I [talk like] a crazy person. If [that is so, I want you to realize that I talk that way in order to please] God. On the other hand, if [you think that] I [speak and act] wisely, [that is good. I want you to know that I do] speak and act wisely in order to [help] you.
Ne nya siawo sese ɖi le miaƒe towo me abe ɖe míaƒe susuwo da ene la, ekema le Mawu ƒe ŋutikɔkɔe la tae. Ke ne miedze sii be míaƒe nyawo meɖi ame siwo ƒe tagbɔ tɔtɔ tɔ o la, ekema aɖe vi geɖe na mi.
14 [I speak and act the way I do] because the love that Christ [has for people] influences me [in everything that I say and do]. When Christ died, [he suffered the punishment] for [the sins of] all people. So, we should all [think of ourselves as having] died with him, [being as unresponsive to sinful desires as] [MET] a corpse is.
Menye mía ŋutɔwo ƒe viɖekpɔkpɔ ta míele nu sia nu si wɔm míele la wɔm ɖo o; míele ewɔm, elabena Kristo ƒe lɔlɔ̃ le mía kplɔm. Esi míexɔe se be Aƒetɔ Yesu Kristo ku ɖe mí katã ta la, ele be míawo hã míaxɔe se be míeku na agbe xoxo siwo míenɔna tsã la.
15 When [Christ] died for the everyone, he died in order that [we believers who are alive now] should not conduct our lives in a way that will just [please ourselves]. Instead, [we should conduct our lives in a way that will please] Christ, [because] he is the one who died for us and was brought back to life {whom [God] raised} again.
Nu vevitɔ si ta Kristo ku ɖe amewo katã ta lae nye be mí ame siwo le agbe fifia eye míekpɔ gome le Mawu ƒe amenuveve ƒe nunana si nye agbe mavɔ la me la, míaganɔ agbe na mía ɖokuiwo alo awɔ nu si dze mía ŋu o. Ele be míanɔ agbe na Kristo ɖeka ko, ame si ku, ke Fofo la fɔe ɖe tsitre la eye míawɔ nu si nye eƒe lɔlɔ̃nu ko.
16 So, [because I realize how much Christ loves everyone], I no longer think about people in the way that those who do not believe [in Christ] think about [them]. Before I [was a believer], I thought about Christ in the way that other non-believers did. But I do not think of him that way any more.
Eya ta tso fifia dzi heyina la, migadrɔ̃ ʋɔnu ame aɖeke le ŋutilã nu be ame sia nye amegã alo bubume alo be nɔvi kristotɔ aɖe nye nu vɔ̃ wɔla o. Ŋku ma ƒomevie míetsɔ kpɔ Kristoe tsã be enye vɔ̃wɔla, gake fifia la, meganye nenemae míegale ekpɔm o.
17 The fact is that God makes every one [of us] who [trusts] in Christ to be completely different [than we were before]. Our old [way of conducting our lives] is gone. We now have a [completely] new way of [conducting our lives].
Eya ta ne ame aɖe xɔ Kristo la, enye nuwɔwɔ yeye; nu xoxowo nu va yi, “kpɔ ɖa!” nuwo katã zu yeye.
18 This [complete change in our lives] is all something that God [does]. It is God who made it possible for us to have a peaceful relationship with him. [He was able to do that] because of what Christ [did for us]. Now God [has sent] me, and those [who work] with me, to tell [people that they] can have a peaceful relationship with him.
Nu siawo katã tso Mawu, ame si wɔ mí etɔwoe to Kristo dzi la gbɔ. Mawu ŋutɔ tsɔ dɔ nyui sia de asi na mí be míakplɔ ame bubuwo hã va ye gbɔe ne yeakpɔ nublanui na wo, eye woawɔ ɖeka kple ye.
19 That is, [he sent us(exc) to tell them that] when Christ [died], God was [making it possible for everyone] [MTY] in the world to have a peaceful relationship with him. He no longer keeps a record of the sinful things that [we believers] have done. The message that [God] has given to us [to tell people is how we can have a] peaceful relationship with him.
Gbeƒã si ko ɖem míele fifia lae nye be Mawu to Kristo dzi le xexea me katã kpem va eɖokui gbɔe. Magaɖo ŋku amewo ƒe nu vɔ̃wo dzi azɔ o, ke boŋ atsɔ wo ake wo eye wòatutu wo ɖa keŋ. Nukunya siae wòde asi na mí be míagblɔ na amewo katã.
20 So, it is I and my companions who are Christ’s representatives [in this world. When we tell people the message about Christ], it is God himself who is pleading with them by means of what we [say]. So, as true representatives of Christ, we plead with you: [Believe God’s true message about Christ in order that you may] be reconciled to {have a peaceful relationship with} him.
Eya ta míawo la, Kristo ƒe ame dɔdɔwoe míenye, eye Mawu le nu ƒom na mi to mía dzi. Míeto Kristo dzi hele kuku ɖem na mi be ame sia ame nadzudzɔ nu vɔ̃ wɔwɔ, eye wòaxɔ Mawu ƒe lɔlɔ̃ si wòna be ne wòawɔ ɖeka kplii.
21 [You must believe that even though] Jesus never sinned, God [punished him for all the] sinful things [that people do, just] as [if Jesus had done those sinful things himself]. And because of our close relationship with Christ, God has erased the record of our sins/declared us no longer guilty for our sins.
Elabena Kristo mewɔ nu vɔ̃ aɖeke o, gake be míawo míakpɔ agbe ta la, Mawu tsɔ míaƒe nu vɔ̃wo ƒe agba dro ɖe eya amea dzi. Eye wòtsɔ eƒe dzɔdzɔenyenye ɖo eteƒe na mí katã.

< 2 Corinthians 5 >