< 2 Corinthians 4 >

1 So, because God has acted so kindly [toward me], enabling [me to teach] this great [message to people], I never get [so] discouraged [that I stop teaching it].
En dit is de reden, dat we onbeschroomd optreden, nu we eenmaal uit barmhartigheid deze bediening hebben ontvangen.
2 And I have determined that we [(exc)] will be honest [LIT] in everything that we do. We will not [do anything that would cause] us to be ashamed [if people found out about it]. We never try to deceive [you with clever arguments, as some other people do]. We never [try to deceive you] by changing God’s message, [as those same people do]. Instead, we always teach [people only] the truth [about Christ], and we teach it clearly. Knowing that God is watching what we do, we [teach his message in an honest way, with the result that] no one can [accuse] us [(exc) of being deceitful].
Waarachtig, we hebben gebroken met schandelijke geheimzinnigheid, we houden ons niet met sluwheid op, noch vervalsen Gods woord; maar door openlijke verkondiging der waarheid zijn we voor Gods oog onze eigen aanbeveling bij ieder menselijk geweten.
3 And if, [as some of you say, some people are] not able to understand the message [that we teach about Christ, it is not because we do not teach it clearly]. It is because those people [do not want to believe it]. They are going to perish eternally.
En zo er nog een sluier ligt over ons Evangelie, dan is dit alleen voor hen, die verloren gaan,
4 [Satan, who is] the one [who rules] this world, controls the thoughts of those unbelievers. He prevents them from understanding the message about how wonderful Christ is. [They are not able to understand that] Jesus is like God [in every way]. (aiōn g165)
en wier ongelovig verstand de god dezer wereld heeft verblind, zodat ze de uitstraling niet zien van het Evangelie der heerlijkheid van Christus, die het beeld is van God. (aiōn g165)
5 That is why, [when we(exc) teach people], we do not boast about ourselves, [as some people say that we do]. Instead, [we teach you] that Jesus Christ is our Lord. We ourselves are [only] your servants. [We want to honor and obey] Jesus.
Wij toch preken niet onszelf, maar Christus Jesus den Heer, onszelf slechts als uw dienstknechten om Jesus’ wil.
6 When God [created the world], he commanded the light to shine [where there was nothing but] darkness. He is the one who has [made his message about Jesus to be like] [MET] a light shining into our [(inc)] minds. [God] has done that [for all of us who believe in Jesus. He has done that so that we will understand that when people saw] Christ, they saw how awesome God himself was.
Want God, die gezegd heeft: "Licht zal schijnen uit duisternis," Hij heeft licht ontstoken in onze harten, opdat vandaar de kennis van Gods heerlijkheid, die op Christus’ aangezicht ligt, naar buiten zou stralen.
7 [This work that God has given to] us [(exc)] is [MET] [like] a very valuable treasure. But we who have that treasure [are as weak as fragile] [MET] clay pots. [God has planned it like that] in order that [people] will know that the power [that changes lives] is God’s power, and not any power of our own.
Maar we bezitten deze schat in lemen vaten; want de overvloed van kracht komt van God, en niet uit onszelf.
8 We are continually oppressed {[People] continually oppress us} in many ways, but [we have] not been prevented {[God has] not [allowed them to] prevent us} [from teaching the message about Jesus Christ]. We often do not know what to do [in difficult situations], but we never say, “God has abandoned us.”
Zo zijn we wel op allerlei wijze bestookt, maar niet benauwd; in twijfel, maar niet in vertwijfeling;
9 [We are frequently] persecuted {[People frequently] cause us to suffer}, but [God] never abandons us. [Sometimes we are] badly wounded {[people] badly wound us}, but [God does] not [allow] us [to] be killed {[them to] kill us}.
vervolgd, maar niet verlaten; neergeworpen, maar niet te gronde gericht;
10 [Wherever we(exc) go], we continually [realize that because people killed] Jesus, [people may] kill us [for teaching his message. But we are willing to go on living this way] in order that [people] will know that Jesus is alive and [that he is directing] us [SYN].
ten allen tijde dragen we Jesus’ doodslijden in het lichaam rond, opdat ook Jesus. leven door ons lichaam wordt geopenbaard.
11 [So, although] we are [still] alive, we always realize that we may be killed {that [people some day] may kill us} because [we teach about] Jesus. [God allows us to suffer] in order that [people] will see that Jesus is alive and that he is [strengthening] our bodies that are some day going to die.
Want tijdens ons leven worden we voortdurend ten dode overgeleverd om Jesus’ wil, opdat ook het leven van Jesus door ons sterflijk vlees wordt geopenbaard.
12 So [I conclude that although] we [apostles] are constantly [suffering and may soon] die, [the result of that is that all of] you [have now received eternal] life.
Zó werkt de dood in ons, het leven in u.
13 We are not discouraged. We are like [the person who] wrote [in the Scriptures], “[God], I trusted [in you] and so I continue speaking [your message].” We [(exc)] also trust [in God], so we continue speaking [his message].
Maar in het bezit van dezelfde geest des geloofs, waarvan geschreven staat: "Ik heb geloofd, daarom heb ik gesproken," geloven ook wij en spreken het daarom ook uit;
14 [We do this] because we [(exc)] know that [although people might kill us, God], who caused the Lord Jesus to live again after he died, will also cause us [(exc)] to live again [after we die. God will do this because we belong to] Jesus. [And then God] will bring us [(exc)], together with you, to be with him.
wetend, dat Hij, die den Heer Jesus heeft opgewekt, ook ons met Jesus zal opwekken, en tegelijk met u voor Zich zal doen staan.
15 [So I say that] all these things [that we(exc) suffer] happen in order to help you. [We have suffered all this] in order that more and more people, [as a result of hearing that God will] kindly/freely [forgive their sins], will thank [him and praise him. Then] they will greatly honor him [and worship him].
Want om u is dit alles geschied, opdat de genade, door zoveel middelen tot volheid gebracht, ook de dankzegging doet overvloeien, ter ere van God.
16 So, [because we know that as a result of our suffering many people will honor God], we [(exc)] never get so discouraged [that we stop teaching his message]. Although our bodies are getting weaker, [God] encourages us every day and strengthens us spiritually.
We worden dus niet kleinmoedig; maar al gaat onze uitwendige mens ook ten onder, onze inwendige herstelt zich iedere dag.
17 [I know that] all these troubles that [happen to us in this life are] not significant and will not last forever. [When we think of] the glorious things [that God is preparing] for us [to enjoy] forever [in heaven], all [our suffering now] is not important. (aiōnios g166)
Want de tijdelijke lichte verdrukking verwerft ons een onovertroffen eeuwig gewicht van heerlijkheid. (aiōnios g166)
18 That is why we say, “We will not continue thinking about [all the suffering that we] are experiencing now. Even though [we] cannot see [all the things that God has prepared for us in heaven], those are what we should be thinking about.” [That is how we should think], because [all these troubles] that [we(exc)] have [now] will last only a short time. But what [we will have in heaven], what [we] cannot see [now], will last forever. (aiōnios g166)
En zó geven we geen acht op het zichtbare, maar op het onzichtbare; het zichtbare toch is tijdelijk, het onzichtbare eeuwig. (aiōnios g166)

< 2 Corinthians 4 >