< 2 Chronicles 4 >

1 Solomon’s workers made a square bronze altar that was 10 yards wide on each side, and it was 5 yards high.
Salomon fè fè tou yon lotèl kwiv kare kare, ki te mezire trant pye lajè sou trant pye longè ak kenz pye wotè.
2 They also made a very large round tank that was made of metal and cast [in a clay mold]. It was 10 yards wide/across, and 5 yards high. It was 15 yards around it.
Li fè fè ankò yon gwo basen an kwiv tou won pou mete dlo. Basen lan te mezire kenz pye lajè ak sèt pye edmi wotè. Le ou mezire wonn li, li ba ou karannsenk pye.
3 Below the outer rim there were two rows of [small figures of] bulls that were part of the metal of the basin. Each row had 300 figures of bulls.
Sou tout wonn basen lan sou deyò, te gen de ranje pòtre ki sanble pòtre bèf. Yo te an kwiv, yon ti jan anba rebò a. Te gen dis pòtre pou chak pye edmi. Yo te fè yon sèl kò ak basen lan. Yo te koule yo ansanm.
4 The basin was set on twelve [statues of] bulls. There were three statues that faced north, three that faced west, three that faced south, and three that faced east.
Basen lan te chita sou do douz towo fèt an kwiv. Fas yo bay sou deyò, fas twa bay sou solèy leve, fas twa bay sou bò nò, fas twa bay sou solèy kouche ak fas twa bay sou bò sid. Basen lan menm te chita sou dèyè yo ki te bay sou anndan.
5 The sides of the tank were 3 inches thick, and its rim was shaped like a cup that curved outward like the petals of flowers. The basin held about 16,500 gallons [of water].
Rebò basen lan te gen twa pous epesè. Rebò a te tankou rebò yon tas. Li te fè yon ti vire sou deyò tankou yon flè ki louvri. Basen lan te ka kenbe kenzmil (15.000) galon dlo konsa.
6 They also made ten basins for washing the [animals that were] to be sacrificed. The priests used the very large tank for washing themselves.
Li fè fè dis lòt basen an kwiv. Li mete senk sou bò dwat ak senk sou bò gòch. Se la yo te lave vyann bèt yo te gen pou boule nèt sou lotèl la. Prèt yo menm te sèvi ak dlo ki te nan gwo basen lan pou lave kò yo.
7 They also made ten gold lampstands according to what Solomon had instructed them. They put them in the temple, five on the south side and five on the north side.
Salomon fè fè dis gwo lanp sèt branch an lò, dapre jan pou yo te fè yo a. Li mete yo nan Tanp lan, senk sou bò gòch, senk sou bò dwat.
8 They made ten tables and put them in the temple, five on the south side and five on the north side. They also made 100 gold bowls.
Li fè fè dis tab pou mete nan Tanp lan tou, senk sou bò gòch, senk sou bò dwat. Li fè fè san bòl an lò.
9 They also constructed one courtyard for the priests, and a larger courtyard [for the other people]. They made doors for the courtyards and covered them with [thin sheets of] bronze.
Li fè yo bati lakou anndan an pou prèt yo ak gwo lakou a ak tout pòtay li yo. Tout pòtay yo te kouvri ak kwiv.
10 They placed the very large tank [on the south side of the temple, ] at the southeast corner.
Li fè mete gwo basen lan menm sou bò dwat Tanp lan, nan kwen sidès la.
11 They also made pots and shovels [for the ashes of the altar], and other small bowls. So Huram [and his workers] finished the work that King Solomon had given him to do at the temple of God.
Iram te fè plato pou sann dife, pèl ak kivèt. Se konsa li te fin fè tout travay Salomon te mande l' fè pou Tanp Seyè a.
12 [These were the things that they made: ] the two large pillars, the two bowl-shaped top parts on top of the pillars, the two sets of carvings that resembled chains to decorate the tops of the two pillars,
Men sa li te fè: de gwo poto won yo, de blòk won yon ti jan pi gwo pou ale sou tèt poto yo, ak desen ti chenn mare yonn ak lòt ki te kouvri de blòk tèt poto yo,
13 the 400 carvings that resembled pomegranates that were placed in two rows, that decorated the bowl-shaped tops of the two pillars,
katsan (400) pòtre grenad ki pou ale sou de ran nan desen ki kouvri blòk won ki sou tèt poto yo,
14 the stands, and the basins that were placed on them,
dis kabwa yo, dis basen ki pou ale sou kabwa yo,
15 the very large tank, and the [statues of] twelve bulls underneath it,
yon gwo basen tou won pou mete dlo, douz towo pou soutni basen lan,
16 the pots, shovels, meat forks, and all the other things [needed for the work at the altar]. All those things that Huram [and his workers] made for King Solomon were made of polished bronze.
plato pou sann yo, pèl yo ak fouchèt yo. Bòs Iram te fè tout bagay sa yo an kwiv poli pou Tanp Seyè a, dapre lòd li te resevwa nan men wa Salomon.
17 They made them by pouring melted bronze into the clay molds that Huram had set up near the Jordan [river] between Succoth and Zarethan [cities].
Wa a te fè fonn yo nan moul tè nan fon Jouden an, ant lavil Soukòt ak lavil Zaretan.
18 All of those things that Solomon [told them to] make used a very large amount of bronze; no one tried to weigh it all.
Te sitèlman gen anpil bagay fèt an kwiv, Salomon pa t' chache konn pèz yo.
19 Solomon’s workers also made all these things that were put at the temple: the golden altar, the tables on which the priests put the sacred bread,
Salomon fè fè tout mèb an lò yo te bezwen pou Tanp lan: lotèl la, tab pou pen yo mete apa pou Bondye yo,
20 the pure gold lampstands and the pure gold lamps, [in which the priests put oil] to burn in front of the Most Holy Place as God had told [Moses that the priests should do],
gwo lanp sèt branch yo ak tèt lanp fèt ak bon lò yo ki fèt pou limen devan pyès yo mete apa nèt pou Seyè a, jan pou yo fè l' la,
21 the pure gold decorations that resembled flowers, and the lamps and tongs,
flè yo, lanp yo ak pensèt pou gwo lanp sèt branch yo,
22 the pure gold wick trimmers and bowls for sprinkling, and dishes and lamp snuffers, the gold doors of the temple and the doors to the main hall.
kouto yo, gode yo, bòl yo, recho pou pote chabon tou limen yo. Tout bagay sa yo te fèt ak bon jan lò. Batan pòt ki bay sou deyò Tanp lan ak batan pòt ki bay sou pyès ki apa nèt pou Seyè a te kouvri nèt ak lò tou.

< 2 Chronicles 4 >