< 2 Chronicles 4 >

1 Solomon’s workers made a square bronze altar that was 10 yards wide on each side, and it was 5 yards high.
Fia Solomo wɔ akɔblivɔsamlekpui aɖe; edidi mita asieke, keke mita asieke eye wòkɔ mita ene kple afã.
2 They also made a very large round tank that was made of metal and cast [in a clay mold]. It was 10 yards wide/across, and 5 yards high. It was 15 yards around it.
Etsɔ gayibɔ wɔ gazɔ si le nogo, eƒe ta ƒe kekeme anɔ mita eve kple afã kpe ɖo, gazɔ la ƒe kɔkɔme anɔ mita ɖeka kple afã. Ne wodzidze zɔ la ƒe kekeme blibo la, anɔ mita wuietɔ̃ kple afã.
3 Below the outer rim there were two rows of [small figures of] bulls that were part of the metal of the basin. Each row had 300 figures of bulls.
Wowɔ nyitsu siwo ƒe lolome anɔ mita afã la, ɖe zɔ la te. Wowɔ nyitsuawo ɖe fli eve me eye fliawo tsyia ɖe wo nɔewo nu, abe gazɔ la ke ene.
4 The basin was set on twelve [statues of] bulls. There were three statues that faced north, three that faced west, three that faced south, and three that faced east.
Wotsɔ zɔ la da ɖe nyitsu wuieve dzi. Etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ anyiehe, etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ ɣetoɖoƒe, etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ dziehe eye etɔ̃ dze ŋgɔ ɣedzeƒe. Wotsɔ zɔ la da ɖe wo tame eye zɔ la ƒe afɔwo le woƒe titina.
5 The sides of the tank were 3 inches thick, and its rim was shaped like a cup that curved outward like the petals of flowers. The basin held about 16,500 gallons [of water].
Zɔ la tri sentimita enyi, eƒe to le abe tsinokplu tɔ ene eye wowɔe abe ale si dzogbenya ƒe seƒoƒo le ene. Exɔa tsi kilolita blaade-vɔ-ade.
6 They also made ten basins for washing the [animals that were] to be sacrificed. The priests used the very large tank for washing themselves.
Solomo gawɔ gagba ewo da ɖi be woaklɔ numevɔsanuwo ɖe wo me; atɔ̃ le dziehe gome eye atɔ̃ hã le dziehe gome na gazɔ gã la. Nunɔlawo mewɔa gagbawo ŋudɔ le tsilele me o, ke boŋ wowɔa gazɔ la ŋu dɔ.
7 They also made ten gold lampstands according to what Solomon had instructed them. They put them in the temple, five on the south side and five on the north side.
Solomo wɔ Mawu ƒe ɖoɖowo dzi eye wòwɔ sikakaɖiti ewo da ɖe gbedoxɔ la me, atɔ̃ nɔ gli ŋu le dziehe gome eye atɔ̃ hã nɔ gli ŋu le anyiehe gome.
8 They made ten tables and put them in the temple, five on the south side and five on the north side. They also made 100 gold bowls.
Ewɔ kplɔ̃ ewo hã; eda atɔ̃ ɖe gli ŋu le dziehe gome, atɔ̃ hã nɔ gli ŋu le anyiehe gome eye wòwɔ sikatre ewo hã.
9 They also constructed one courtyard for the priests, and a larger courtyard [for the other people]. They made doors for the courtyards and covered them with [thin sheets of] bronze.
Ewɔ xɔxɔnu ɖeka na nunɔlawo, bubu na ame mamlɛawo eye wòfa akɔbli ɖe xɔxɔnu sia ƒe gliwo ŋu.
10 They placed the very large tank [on the south side of the temple, ] at the southeast corner.
Gazɔ gã la nɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe gotaxɔwo ƒe dzogoe si nɔ dziehe kple ɣedzeƒe dome.
11 They also made pots and shovels [for the ashes of the altar], and other small bowls. So Huram [and his workers] finished the work that King Solomon had given him to do at the temple of God.
Huram gawɔ zewo, sofiwo kple tre siwo ŋudɔ woawɔ le vɔsasa me. Ale wòwu dɔ si Fia Solomo de asi nɛ le Mawu ƒe gbedoxɔ la ŋu nu.
12 [These were the things that they made: ] the two large pillars, the two bowl-shaped top parts on top of the pillars, the two sets of carvings that resembled chains to decorate the tops of the two pillars,
Dɔ siawoe nye sɔti eveawo tutu; tameɖonu ɖeka ɖeka na sɔti eveawo; wotsi kɔsɔkɔsɔ eve ɖe tameɖonu nogoawo ŋu le sɔtiawo tame,
13 the 400 carvings that resembled pomegranates that were placed in two rows, that decorated the bowl-shaped tops of the two pillars,
yevuboɖa alafa ene le agbaka eve me le gaɖɔ ɖeka ŋu ne woxe ta mligo eve siwo le sɔtiawo tame la ŋu.
14 the stands, and the basins that were placed on them,
Gagbawo kple woƒe zɔwo,
15 the very large tank, and the [statues of] twelve bulls underneath it,
gazɔ ɖeka kple nyitsu wuieve siwo le ete;
16 the pots, shovels, meat forks, and all the other things [needed for the work at the altar]. All those things that Huram [and his workers] made for King Solomon were made of polished bronze.
zewo, sofiwo kple gaflowo. Huram Abi, aɖaŋutɔ gã la wɔ nu siawo katã kple akɔbli si woƒo la na Fia Solomo hena Yehowa ƒe gbedoxɔ la.
17 They made them by pouring melted bronze into the clay molds that Huram had set up near the Jordan [river] between Succoth and Zarethan [cities].
Fia la na wololõ ga la kɔ ɖe nu si wowɔ ɖe nuawo ƒe nɔnɔme me le Yɔdan tɔsisi la ƒe balime le Sukɔt kple Zereda dome.
18 All of those things that Solomon [told them to] make used a very large amount of bronze; no one tried to weigh it all.
Akɔbli siwo ŋu dɔ Solomo wɔ la sɔ gbɔ ale gbegbe be, womete ŋu dae o.
19 Solomon’s workers also made all these things that were put at the temple: the golden altar, the tables on which the priests put the sacred bread,
Solomo na wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ Mawu ƒe gbedoxɔ la me nuwo katã. Nu siawoe nye: vɔsamlekpui kple kplɔ̃ siwo dzi wodaa Ŋkumeɖobolo ɖo.
20 the pure gold lampstands and the pure gold lamps, [in which the priests put oil] to burn in front of the Most Holy Place as God had told [Moses that the priests should do],
Etsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ akaɖitiawo kple woƒe akaɖiawoe be woanɔ bibim le Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe kɔkɔeƒe la ŋgɔ abe ale si woɖoe da ɖi ene.
21 the pure gold decorations that resembled flowers, and the lamps and tongs,
Wotsɔ sika wɔ seƒoƒowo eye wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ akaɖiawo kple ɖovulãnuwo.
22 the pure gold wick trimmers and bowls for sprinkling, and dishes and lamp snuffers, the gold doors of the temple and the doors to the main hall.
Wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ akaɖimeɖovulãnuwo, ʋuhlẽgbawo, nuɖugbawo kple dzudzɔdonuwo eye wotsɔ sika wɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe ʋɔtruwo, ʋɔtru emetɔ si le Kɔkɔeƒe ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe la nu kple ʋɔtru siwo le akpata gã la nu.

< 2 Chronicles 4 >