< 2 Chronicles 25 >

1 Amaziah was 25 years old when he became the king [of Judah], and he ruled from Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother was Jehoaddin; she was from Jerusalem.
Amatsia azalaki na mibu tuku mibale na mitano ya mbotama tango akomaki mokonzi, mpe akonzaki mibu tuku mibale na libwa na Yelusalemi. Kombo ya mama na ye ezalaki « Yeoyadani. » Yeoyadani azalaki moto ya Yelusalemi.
2 Amaziah did many things that pleased Yahweh, but he did not do them enthusiastically.
Asalaki makambo ya sembo na miso ya Yawe, kasi na motema na ye mobimba te.
3 As soon as he was in complete control of his kingdom, he caused to be executed the officials who had murdered his father.
Sima na Amatsia kolendisa bokonzi na ye, abomaki bakalaka oyo babomaki tata na ye, mokonzi.
4 But he did not command their sons to be executed; he obeyed what was in the laws that Moses had written. In those laws Yahweh had commanded, “People must not be executed because of [what] their children [have done], and children must not be executed for [what] their parents [have done]. People must be executed only for the sins that they themselves have committed.”
Nzokande, abomaki te bana mibali ya babomi ya tata na ye, pamba te kolanda ndenge ekomama kati na Mobeko, kati na buku ya Moyize, Yawe apesaki mitindo oyo: « Bakoboma batata te mpo na bana na bango to mpe bakoboma bana te mpo na batata; bakoboma moto na moto mpo na masumu na ye moko. »
5 Amaziah summoned the men of [the tribes of] Judah and Benjamin to come to Jerusalem, and there he put them in groups, each clan in a group by themselves. Then he appointed officers to command each group. Some officers commanded 100 men and some commanded 1,000 men. They counted the men who were at least 20 years old; altogether there were 300,000 men. They were all men who were prepared to be in the army, and able to [fight well, ] using spears and shields.
Amatsia abengisaki bato ya Yuda mpe atiaki, kolanda mabota na bango, bakonzi ya bankoto mpe ya bankama mpo na Yuda mobimba mpe Benjame. Atangaki motango ya bato oyo bazalaki na mibu kobanda tuku mibale mpe komata: bazalaki mibali nkoto nkama misato oyo baselingwa mpo na kosala mosala ya soda, kobunda na makonga mpe na nguba.
6 Amaziah also hired 100,000 capable soldiers from Israel and paid almost four tons of silver for them.
Kati na Isalaele, azwaki lisusu na mosala ya soda, na motuya ya bakilo nkoto misato na nkama mitano ya palata, basoda ya mpiko nkoto nkama moko.
7 But a prophet came to him and said, “Your majesty, you must not allow those soldiers from Israel to march with your soldiers, because Yahweh does not help the people of the tribe of Ephraim or from [anywhere else in] Israel.
Kasi moto moko ya Nzambe ayaki epai na ye mpe alobaki: — Oh mokonzi, tika ete basoda ya Isalaele bakende te elongo na yo na bitumba, pamba te Yawe azali te elongo na Isalaele mpe elongo na bato ya Efrayimi.
8 Even if your soldiers go and fight courageously in battles, God will cause your enemies to defeat you; do not forget that God has the power to help armies or to cause them to be defeated.”
Ata soki okeyi kobunda na mpiko nyonso, Nzambe akokweyisa yo liboso ya monguna, pamba te azali na makoki ya kosunga mpe ya kokweyisa.
9 Amaziah asked that prophet, “If I do that, what about the huge amount of silver that I paid to hire those soldiers from Israel?” The prophet replied, “Yahweh is able to pay you back more money than you paid [to hire those soldiers].”
Amatsia atunaki moto na Nzambe: — Boni, nkoto misato na nkama mitano ya bakilo ya palata oyo napesaki mampinga ya Isalaele ekosuka ndenge nini? Moto na Nzambe azongisaki: — Yawe akoki kopesa yo koleka oyo wana.
10 So Amaziah told those soldiers from Israel to return home. They left to go home, but they were very angry with the king of Judah [for not allowing them to stay and fight].
Boye, Amatsia azongisaki na bandako na bango, basoda oyo bayaki epai na ye wuta na Efrayimi. Kasi basoda yango basilikelaki Yuda mpe bazongaki na bandako na bango na kanda makasi.
11 Then Amaziah became brave, and he led his army to the Salt Valley. There they killed 10,000 men from the Edom people-group.
Amatsia azwaki mpiko mpe akambaki mampinga na ye kino na Lubwaku ya mungwa epai wapi abomaki bato ya Seiri nkoto zomi.
12 The army of Judah also captured 10,000 others, and took them to the top of a cliff and threw them all down over the cliff, with the result that their corpses were all smashed to pieces.
Bato ya Yuda bakangaki lisusu bato ya bomoi nkoto zomi, bamemaki bango na songe ya ngomba mpe batindikaki bango wuta na songe ya ngomba; mpe bango nyonso bakweyaki na se, banzoto na epanzanaki na biteni.
13 While that was happening, the soldiers from Israel whom Amaziah had sent home after not allowing them to fight along with his soldiers, raided cities and towns in Judea, from Samaria [city] to Beth-Horon [town]. They killed 3,000 people and took away a great amount of valuable things.
Na tango wana, basoda oyo Amatsia azongisaki mpe apekisaki kokende na bitumba bakotaki na makasi kati na bingumba ya Yuda longwa na Samari kino na Beti-Oroni. Babomaki bato nkoto misato mpe bamemaki bomengo ebele ya bitumba.
14 When Amaziah returned [to Jerusalem] after his army had slaughtered the soldiers from Edom, he brought the idols that were worshiped by the people of Edom. He set them up to be his own gods. Then he bowed down to [worship] them and offered sacrifices to them.
Sima na ye kolonga bato ya Edomi na bitumba, Amatsia azongaki epai na ye; amemaki banzambe ya bikeko ya bato ya Seiri, akomisaki yango banzambe na ye moko, agumbamelaki yango mpe atumbelaki yango mbeka ya malasi.
15 Because of that, Yahweh was very angry with Amaziah. He sent a prophet to him, who said, “Why do you worship these foreign gods that were not even able to save their own people when your army attacked them?”
Mpo na yango, kanda ya Yawe epelelaki Amatsia; mpe Yawe atindaki mosakoli moko kotuna Amatsia: — Mpo na nini ozali kogumbamela banzambe ya bato wana oyo ekokaki ata kokangola bato na yango te na loboko na yo?
16 While he was still speaking, the king said to him, “We certainly did not appoint you to be one of my advisors. So stop [talking]! If you say anything more, [I will tell my soldiers to] kill you!” So the prophet said, “I know that God has determined to get rid of you, because you have [begun to] worship idols, and have not heeded my advice.” Then the prophet said nothing more.
Wana azalaki nanu koloba, mokonzi alobaki na ye: — Kata! Nani atie yo mopesi toli ya mokonzi? Kanga monoko na yo, soki te bakoboma yo! Mosakoli abendaki nzoto; kasi, liboso ya kokende, alobaki: — Lokola osali boye mpe oboyi koyoka toli na ngai, nandimisami ete Nzambe azwi mokano ya koboma yo.
17 Some time later Amaziah, the king of Judah, consulted his advisors. Then he sent a message to Jehoash, the king of Israel. He wrote, “Come here and let’s talk together.”
Sima na Amatsia, mokonzi ya Yuda, kotuna toli epai ya bapesi toli na ye, abetaki mondenge na Joasi, mwana mobali ya Yoakazi mpe koko ya Jewu, mokonzi ya Isalaele; alobaki: — Yaka tobunda!
18 But Jehoash replied to King Amaziah, “One time a thistle growing [in the mountains] in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar tree saying, ‘Let your daughter marry my son.’ But a wild animal in Lebanon came along and trampled the thistle under its feet.
Kasi Joasi, mokonzi ya Isalaele, azongiselaki Amatsia, mokonzi ya Yuda: — Mokolo moko, nzete ya sende ya Libani etindaki maloba epai ya nzete ya sedele ya Libani: « Balisa mwana na yo ya mwasi epai ya mwana na ngai ya mobali. » Kasi nyama moko ya zamba ya Libani elekaki mpe enyataki nzete ya sende.
19 [The meaning of what I am saying is that] you are saying to yourself that your army has defeated the army of Edom, so you have become very proud. But you should stay at your home. It would not be good for you to cause trouble, which would result in you and your kingdom of Judah being destroyed.”
Solo, ozali komilobela ete olongi Edomi, mpe motema ezali kosepela mpe komikumisa. Tala, ekoleka malamu ete ovanda na ndako na yo. Mpo na nini koluka ete pasi makasi ekweyela yo elongo na Yuda?
20 But Amaziah refused to heed Jehoash’s message. That happened because God wanted Jehoash’s army to defeat them, because they were worshiping the gods of Edom.
Kasi Amatsia ayokaki ye te, pamba te Nzambe nde asalaki bongo mpo na kokaba bango na maboko ya Joasi, mpo ete basambelaki banzambe ya Edomi.
21 So Jehoash’s army attacked. Their two armies faced each other at Beth-Shemesh [city] in Judah.
Boye Joasi, mokonzi ya Isalaele, akendeki kobundisa Amatsia, mokonzi ya Yuda. Ye mpe Amatsia, mokonzi ya Yuda, babundaki na Beti-Shemeshi kati na mokili ya Yuda.
22 The army of Judah was badly defeated by the army of Israel, and all the soldiers of Judah fled to their homes.
Isalaele alongaki Yuda, mpe bato ya Yuda bakimaki, moto na moto na ndako na ye.
23 King Jehoash’s army also captured King Amaziah there. Then he brought Amaziah to Jerusalem, and his soldiers tore down the wall [that was around the city], from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate. That was a section that was about 600 feet long.
Joasi, mokonzi ya Isalaele, akangaki Amatsia, mokonzi ya Yuda, mwana mobali ya Joasi mpe koko ya Yoakazi, na Beti-Shemeshi. Amemaki ye na Yelusalemi mpe abukaki mir ya Yelusalemi, na molayi ya bametele pene nkama moko na tuku mwambe, longwa na ekuke ya Efrayimi kino na ekuke ya suka.
24 His soldiers also carried away the gold and silver and other valuable furnishings from the temple which the descendants of Obed-Edom had previously been guarding. They also took away the valuable things in the palace, and they took to Samaria some prisoners whom they had captured.
Joasi akamataki palata nyonso, wolo nyonso mpe biloko nyonso oyo ezalaki kati na Tempelo ya Nzambe oyo Obedi-Edomi azalaki kobatela, kati na bibombelo ya ndako ya mokonzi; akangaki bato na bowumbu mpe azongaki na Samari.
25 King Jehoash of Israel died, and King Amaziah of Judah lived for 15 years after that.
Amatsia, mwana mobali ya Joasi, mokonzi ya Yuda, awumelaki lisusu na bomoi mibu zomi na mitano sima na kufa ya Joasi, mwana mobali ya Yoakazi, mokonzi ya Isalaele.
26 An account of all the other things that Amaziah did while he was the king [of Judah] is written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah and Israel’.
Makambo mosusu oyo etali bokonzi ya Amatsia mpe misala na ye, kobanda na ebandeli kino na suka, ekomama kati na buku ya masolo ya bakonzi ya Yuda mpe ya Isalaele.
27 From the time that Amaziah started to disobey Yahweh, some men in Jerusalem planned to kill him. He was able to escape to Lachish [city], but those who wanted to kill him sent another group of people to Lachish and killed him there.
Kobanda na tango oyo Amatsia apesaki Yawe mokongo, basalelaki ye likita, na Yelusalemi, mpo na kotelemela ye; mpe akimaki na Lakishi. Kasi batindaki bato mpo ete balanda ye kino na Lakishi, mpe babomaki ye kuna.
28 They put his corpse on a horse and brought it back to Jerusalem and buried it where his ancestors [had been buried] in the part of Jerusalem called ‘The City of David’.
Bamemaki nzoto na ye na likolo ya mpunda mpe bakundaki ye esika moko na bakoko na ye kati na engumba ya Yuda.

< 2 Chronicles 25 >