< 2 Chronicles 24 >

1 Joash was seven years old when he became the king [of Judah], and he ruled in Jerusalem for 40 years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba [city].
Yoas berumur 7 tahun pada waktu ia menjadi raja Yehuda, dan ia memerintah di Yerusalem 40 tahun lamanya. Ibunya bernama Zibya dari kota Bersyeba.
2 Joash did what pleased Yahweh as long as Jehoiada was [the Supreme] Priest.
Selama Imam Yoyada masih hidup, Yoas melakukan hal-hal yang menyenangkan hati TUHAN.
3 Jehoiada chose two women to be Joash’s wives. And they bore Joash sons and daughters.
Yoyada memilih dua orang wanita untuk istri Yoas, dan dari mereka Yoas mendapat anak-anak laki-laki dan perempuan.
4 Some years later, Joash decided that the temple should be repaired.
Setelah memerintah beberapa waktu lamanya, Yoas memutuskan untuk memperbaiki Rumah TUHAN.
5 He summoned the priests and other descendants of Levi and said to them, “Go to the towns in Judah and collect from the people the tax money that they are required to pay each year, and use that money to pay for repairing the temple. Do it immediately.” But the descendants of Levi did not do it immediately.
Para imam dan orang Lewi diperintahkannya untuk pergi ke penduduk kota-kota di Yehuda dan mengumpulkan uang dari seluruh rakyat untuk perbaikan gedung Rumah TUHAN setiap tahun. Ia menyuruh mereka segera melaksanakan tugas itu, tetapi orang-orang Lewi berlambat-lambat.
6 So the king summoned Jehoiada and said to him, “Why have you not required the descendants of Levi to bring to Jerusalem from various places in Judah the annual/yearly tax that Moses said that the people of Judah must pay, for taking care of the Sacred Tent?”
Karena itu ia memanggil Imam Yoyada, pemimpin mereka, lalu berkata, "Bukankah Musa hamba TUHAN telah menyuruh rakyat membayar pajak untuk membiayai Kemah TUHAN? Sekarang, mengapa orang-orang Lewi itu tidak Bapak desak untuk mengumpulkan pajak dari rakyat di Yehuda dan Yerusalem?"
7 [The temple needed to be repaired] because the sons of that wicked woman Athaliah had entered into the temple [and had wrecked some of the things], and had also used some of the sacred items that were in it for [the worship of] Baal.
(Pengikut-pengikut Atalya, wanita jahat itu, sudah merusak Rumah TUHAN, dan banyak dari barang-barang yang dikhususkan untuk Allah telah mereka pakai untuk menyembah Baal.)
8 So, obeying what the king commanded, the descendants of Levi made a chest and placed it outside the temple, at one of the entrances.
Maka raja memerintahkan supaya orang Lewi membuat sebuah kotak uang dan meletakkannya di depan pintu gerbang Rumah TUHAN.
9 Then the king sent letters everywhere in Judah, requesting everyone to bring their tax money to the temple, like Moses had required the Israeli people to do [when they were] in the desert.
Di seluruh Yerusalem dan Yehuda diumumkan bahwa semua orang harus membawa pajak untuk TUHAN, seperti yang diwajibkan oleh Musa.
10 All the officials and the other people [agreed, and they] brought their contributions gladly. They put the money into the chest until it was full.
Pengumuman itu menyenangkan hati rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin mereka. Beramai-ramai mereka memasukkan uang pajak mereka ke dalam kotak itu.
11 Whenever the descendants of Levi brought the chest to the king’s officials, and they saw that there was a lot of money in it, the king’s secretary and the assistant to the [Supreme] Priest would take all the money from the chest, and then put the chest back in its place. They did this frequently, and they collected a huge amount of money.
Setiap hari kotak itu dibawa oleh orang-orang Lewi kepada pegawai raja untuk diperiksa. Apabila kotak itu telah penuh sekretaris negara dan wakil Imam Agung mengeluarkan uangnya lalu kotak itu dikembalikan ke tempatnya yang semula. Demikianlah mereka lakukan setiap hari, dan banyak sekali uang yang terkumpul.
12 The king and Jehoiada gave the money to the men who were supervising the work of repairing the temple. Those men hired stoneworkers and carpenters to repair the temple. They also hired men who worked with iron and bronze to repair things in the temple [that were broken].
Kemudian raja dan Yoyada menyerahkan uang itu kepada orang-orang yang mengepalai perbaikan Rumah TUHAN itu. Lalu orang-orang itu mengupah tukang batu, tukang kayu, dan tukang logam untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan itu.
13 The men who did the repair work worked hard, and the work of repairing the temple progressed. They rebuilt the temple so that it was like it was originally, and they even made it stronger.
Maka mulailah tukang-tukang itu memperbaiki Rumah TUHAN itu. Mereka semua bekerja begitu sehingga akhirnya Rumah itu menjadi kuat dan bagus seperti semula.
14 When they had finished the repair work, they brought to the king and to Jehoiada the money that they had not used for the repairs. That money was used to make things to use for offering the sacrifices that were completely burned [on the altar], and to make bowls and other gold and silver things for the temple. As long as Joash lived, the people continually brought to the temple sacrifices that were to be completely burned on the altar.
Setelah pekerjaan itu selesai, emas dan perak yang selebihnya diserahkan kepada raja dan Yoyada. Lalu emas dan perak itu dipakai untuk membuat perkakas-perkakas bagi Rumah TUHAN, antara lain: alat-alat untuk upacara ibadat, untuk kurban bakaran, piring-piring untuk dupa, dan mangkuk-mangkuk. Selama Imam Yoyada masih hidup, kurban bakaran tetap dipersembahkan di Rumah TUHAN.
15 Jehoiada lived to become very old. He died when he was 130 years old.
Yoyada mencapai usia yang lanjut dan meninggal ketika berumur 130 tahun.
16 He was buried where the kings had been buried, in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. [He was buried there] because of the good things that he had done in Judah for God and for God’s temple.
Ia dikuburkan di makam raja-raja di Kota Daud untuk menghargai jasa-jasanya kepada Allah, kepada Rumah TUHAN dan kepada umat Israel.
17 After Jehoiada died, the leaders of Judah went to Joash, bowed in front of him, and persuaded him to do what they wanted.
Setelah Yoyada meninggal, Yoas dibujuk dan dipengaruhi oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Yehuda sehingga ia tidak lagi mengindahkan ajaran Yoyada.
18 So they and the other people stopped worshiping at the temple, and they started worshiping the poles dedicated to [the goddess] Asherah and other idols. Because of their doing those sinful things, God was very angry with the people of Jerusalem and [with the people in other places in] Judah.
Maka rakyat tidak lagi beribadat di Rumah TUHAN, Allah leluhur mereka, tetapi menyembah berhala dan patung-patung Dewi Asyera. Dosa mereka itu menyebabkan TUHAN marah kepada Yehuda dan Yerusalem.
19 Although Yahweh sent prophets to persuade them to return to him, and although the prophets told them about the evil things that they had done, the people would not pay attention.
TUHAN mengutus nabi-nabi untuk menegur mereka supaya kembali mengabdi kepada TUHAN, tetapi rakyat tidak mau mendengarkan.
20 Then God’s Spirit came upon Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the [Supreme] Priest. He stood up front of the people and said, “This is what God says: ‘Why are you disobeying what I, Yahweh, have commanded? You have abandoned me, so I will abandon you.’”
Lalu Roh Allah menguasai Zakharia anak Imam Yoyada. Zakharia tampil di depan rakyat, lalu berseru, "TUHAN Allah berkata, 'Mengapa kamu tidak taat kepada perintah-perintah-Ku dan mencelakakan dirimu sendiri. Kamu tidak peduli kepada-Ku, maka Aku pun tidak peduli kepadamu!'"
21 But the people planned to kill Zechariah. And the king joined them in doing it. The people killed Zechariah by throwing stones at him in the temple courtyard.
Tetapi rakyat berkomplot menentang Zakharia, dan Raja Yoas ikut dalam komplotan itu. Ia tidak ingat akan jasa-jasa dan kesetiaan Yoyada, ayah Zakharia. Atas perintah raja, Zakharia dilempari batu sampai mati di pelataran Rumah TUHAN. Pada saat akan meninggal, Zakharia berseru, "Semoga TUHAN melihat perbuatanmu ini dan membalasnya!"
22 King Joash had forgotten about how Zechariah’s father Jehoiada had been kind to him. That’s why he gave orders for the people to kill Jehoiada’s son Zechariah, who said as he was dying, “I hope that Yahweh will see [what you are doing to me] and punish [you for doing it].”
23 Near the end of that year (OR, early in the following year), the army of Syria marched to attack [the army of] Joash. They invaded Judah and attacked Jerusalem and killed all the leaders of the people. They [seized many valuable things and] sent them to their king in Damascus, [their capital city.]
Tahun itu juga, pada pergantian musim, tentara Siria menyerang Yehuda dan Yerusalem. Mereka membunuh semua pemimpin dan mengangkut banyak barang rampasan ke Damsyik.
24 The army of Syria [that came to Judah] was very small, but Yahweh allowed them to defeat the large army of Judah, because he was punishing Joash and the other people of Judah for having abandoned him, the God whom their ancestors worshiped.
Tentara Siria sedikit saja jumlahnya, tetapi TUHAN membiarkan mereka mengalahkan tentara Yehuda yang jauh lebih besar, karena orang Yehuda tidak menghiraukan TUHAN Allah leluhur mereka. Dengan cara itu TUHAN menghukum Raja Yoas.
25 Before the battle ended, Joash was severely wounded. Then his officials decided to kill him for murdering Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the [Supreme] Priest. They killed him while he was in his bed. He was buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, but they did not bury him in the place where the other kings had been buried.
Yoas luka berat. Setelah tentara musuh pergi, dua orang pegawainya berkomplot. Mereka membunuh dia di tempat tidurnya sebagai balasan terhadap pembunuhan anak Imam Yoyada. Raja Yoas dikuburkan di Kota Daud, tetapi tidak di makam raja-raja.
26 Those who conspired to kill him were Zabad the son of Shimeath, who was a woman from the Ammon [people-group], and Jehozabad the son of Shimrith, who was a woman from the Moab [people-group].
(Orang-orang yang berkomplot melawan dia adalah Zabad anak Simeat wanita Amon, dan Yozabad anak Simrit wanita Moab.)
27 An account of the things that were done by the sons of Joash and the many prophecies about Joash and what he did to repair the temple are written in the scroll called ‘the History of the Kings [of Judah and Israel]’. Then after Joash died, Amaziah his son became the king.
Kisah mengenai anak-anak Yoas, mengenai ramalan-ramalan yang tidak baik tentang dia, dan mengenai bagaimana ia memperbaiki Rumah TUHAN, semuanya tercantum dalam buku Penjelasan Kitab Raja-raja. Amazia, putra Yoas, menjadi raja menggantikan ayahnya.

< 2 Chronicles 24 >