< 2 Chronicles 22 >

1 The people of Jerusalem appointed Jehoram’s youngest son Ahaziah as their king, because the men [from Philistia] who had invaded Judah with some Arabs had killed all of Jehoram’s other sons. So Ahaziah started to rule Judah.
Forsothe the dwelleris of Jerusalem ordeyneden Ocozie, `his leeste sone, kyng for hym; for theues of Arabeis, that felden in to the castels, hadden slayn alle the grettere `in birthe, that weren bifor hym. And Ocozie, the sone of Joram, kyng of Juda, regnede.
2 Ahaziah was 22 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for one year. His mother’s name was Athaliah, a granddaughter of [King] Omri [of Israel].
Ocozie was of two and fourti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede o yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Athalia, the douyter of Amry.
3 King Ahaziah conducted his life just like the members of Ahab’s family had done, because his mother encouraged him to do things that are evil.
But he entride bi the weie of the hows of Achab; for his modir compellide hym to do yuele.
4 He did things that Yahweh considers to be evil, like the descendants of Ahab had done, because after Ahaziah’s father died, they became his advisors. And Ahaziah died as a result of heeding their bad advice.
Therfor he dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, as the hows of Achab; for thei weren counselouris to hym in to his perischyng, aftir the deth of his fadir;
5 He also did what they advised when he went with Joram, the son of King Ahab of Israel, to fight against the army of Hazael, the king of Syria, at Ramoth-Gilead.
and he yede in the counsele of hem. And he yede with Joram, the sone of Achab, kyng of Israel, in to batel ayens Azahel, kyng of Sirye, in to Ramoth of Galaad. And men of Sirie woundiden Joram;
6 Then King Ahaziah went down to Jezreel [city] to see Joram, the son of [King] Ahab, because he had been wounded.
which turnede ayen for to be heelid in Jezrahel; for he hadde take many woundis in the forseid batel. Therfor Ocozie, kyng of Juda, the sone of Joram, yede doun to visite Joram, the sone of Achab, sijk in Jezrahel;
7 It was during that visit that God caused Ahaziah to die. When Ahaziah arrived, he went with Joram to meet Jehu, the son of Nimshi, whom Yahweh had appointed to kill all the descendants of Ahab.
for it was Goddis wille ayens Ocozie, that he cam to Joram. And whanne he was comun, he yede out with hym ayens Hieu, the sone of Namsi, whom God anoyntide, that he schulde do awey the hows of Achab.
8 While Jehu [and the men who were with him] were killing the descendants of Ahab, they found the leaders of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah’s relatives who had been working for Ahaziah, and they killed all of them.
Therfor whanne Hieu destriede the hows of Achab, he foond the princis of Juda, and the sones of the britheren of Ocozie, that `mynystriden to hym; and he killide hem.
9 Then Jehu went to find Ahaziah, and his soldiers found Ahaziah while he was hiding in Samaria [city]. They brought him to Jehu and executed him. Then they buried his corpse, because they said, “[He deserves to be buried, because] he was a descendant of Jehoshaphat, who tried hard to please Yahweh.” There were no descendants of Ahaziah who were powerful enough to become the kings of Judah.
And he souyte thilke Ocozie, and cauyte him hid in Samarie, and after that he was brouyt to Hieu, Hieu killide hym; and thei birieden hym, for he was the sone of Josaphat, that hadde souyt God in al his herte. And noon hope was more, that ony of the generacioun of Ocozie schulde regne.
10 When Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, saw that her son had been killed, she commanded that all the members of Ahaziah’s family [who might become king] must be executed.
For Athalia, his modir, siy, that hir sone was deed, and sche roos, and killide alle the kyngis generacioun of the hows of Joram.
11 But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram, took Joash, Ahaziah’s very young son, away from the other sons of the king who were about to be murdered, and she hid him and his nursemaid in a bedroom in the temple. Because Jehosheba, who was the daughter of King Jehoram and the wife of the Supreme Priest Jehoiada, was Ahaziah’s sister, she hid the child, with the result that Athaliah could not kill him.
Forsothe Josabeth, the douyter of the kyng, took Joas, the sone of Ocozie, and stal hym fro the myddis of the sones of the kyng, whanne thei weren slayn; and sche hidde hym with his nurse in the closet of beddis. Forsothe Josabeth, that `hadde hid hym, was the douytir of kyng Joram, and wijf of Joiada, the bischop, and the sister of Ocozie; and therfor Athalia killide not hir.
12 He remained hidden there for six years while Athaliah ruled [Judah].
Therfor he was hid with hem in the hows of God sixe yeer, in whiche Athalia regnede on the lond.

< 2 Chronicles 22 >