< 1 Timothy 5 >

1 Do not rebuke/scold older men. Instead, exhort/advise them [respectfully] as you would [exhort/advise] your father. Exhort/advise younger men [gently] as you would exhort/advise your brothers.
Yashan’ghan erlerni eyibligende qattiq sözlimigin, belki ulargha atang süpitide nesihet bergin. Shuningdek, yigitlerge qérindashliring süpitide sözligin.
2 [Exhort/advise] older women [respectfully] as [you would exhort/advise] your mother. [Exhort/advise] younger women [gently] as [you would exhort/advise] your sisters; but you must act in a completely proper way as you do that.
Yashan’ghan ayallargha anang süpitide, yash ayallargha acha-singilliring süpitide her ishta pak qelb bilen muamile qilghin.
3 [Make sure that the congregation] takes care of widows who have no one to care for them.
Heqiqiy tul ayallarni hörmetlep, ularning halidin xewer al.
4 If a widow has children or grandchildren, these [children or grandchildren] should learn that they are to take care of their own family first. By doing that they can repay their parents and grandparents for all that they did for them when they were young, because doing that pleases God.
Lékin, tul ayallarning perzentliri yaki newriliri bolsa, ular aldi bilen öz ailisige nisbeten ixlasmenlikni öginip, öz ata-anisining ejrini yandursun; chünki bu ish Xudani xursen qilidu.
5 The widows who are really alone and have no one [to help them] confidently expect that God [will help them]. So night and day they pray, earnestly asking [DOU] [God that he will help them and others].
Emdi heqiqiy tul ötüwatqan, yalghuz qalghan ayallar bolsa, ümidini Xudagha baghlighan bolup, kéche-kündüz dua-tilawette bolidu.
6 But widows who just want to have a lot of pleasure are [spiritually] [MET] dead, although they are [physically] alive.
Lékin huzur-halawetke bérilgen tul xotun hayat bolsimu, ölgen’ge barawerdur.
7 And tell [the congregation] that [the children or grandchildren should do] these things in order that [no one] can (criticize the believers/say that the believers are doing anything that is wrong).
Emdi bashqilar teripidin eyiblinidighan ehwalgha chüshüp qalmasliqi üchün sen ulargha bu ishlarni jékilep tapilighin.
8 If anyone does not take care of those who live in his own house, and especially if he does not take care of his own family, he has (denied/quit believing) what we believe and [we should consider that] he is worse than a person who does not believe [in Christ].
Lékin birsi öz tughqanliridin, bolupmu öz ailisidikilerdin xewer almisa, u étiqadtin tan’ghan dep qarilip, kapirlardin better bolidu.
9 [You have a list of] widows [who will do work for the congregation and receive money]. Put women’s names on the list [only if] they are more than 60 years old, and if they were faithful to their husbands.
Tul ayal tizimgha élinsa, yéshi atmishtin töwen bolmasliqi, birla erning ayali bolghan bolushi kérek,
10 [Put women’s names on that list only] if it is known that they have wholeheartedly done every kind of good deed, if they have helped [children] who were afflicted/suffering, if they have (brought up/cared for) their children [properly/well], if they have welcomed and cared for guests, and if they have humbly served [MTY] other believers.
yene güzel emelliri bilen teriplen’gen bolushi, balilirini yaxshi terbiyilep chong qilghan, musapirlargha méhmandostluq körsetken, muqeddes bendilerning putlirini yuyup qoyghan, qiyinchiliqta qalghanlargha yardem qolini uzartqan, özini herxil xeyr-saxawet ishlirigha béghishlighanlar bolushi kérek.
11 As for younger widows, do not put their names on that list, because they [promise to do work for the congregation, but instead of doing that, they usually] want to marry [again] (OR, marry an unbeliever) when they have a strong desire to get married.
Lékin yash tul ayallarni [tizimlikke] kirgüzme. Chünki ularning ishq hewesliri qozghilip Mesihdin ténip, qayta nikahlinishni arzu qilidu;
12 If that happens, they may become guilty of not having done what they had promised [to do for the congregation] (OR, promised [Christ that they would do].)
shuning bilen, ular deslep bergen wedisige xilapliq qilish seweblik eyiblik bolidu.
13 In addition, they [generally] become lazy. Specifically, as they [just] go about from house to house, they also begin (to gossip/to talk about people) and to meddle in other people’s affairs, saying what they should not say.
Uning üstige ular hurunluqni adet qiliwélip, öymu-öy doqurup yürüshni öginidu; shundaqla hurun bolupla qalmay, gheywet qilip, bashqilarning ishlirigha chépilghaq bolup nalayiq ishlargha walaqlaydighanlardin bolup qélishi mumkin.
14 So I advise that [instead of putting the names of younger widows on the list, they] marry again, that they bear/have children, that they manage their homes [well], and that they do nothing for which an enemy can say bad things about [them].
Shuning üchün, bundaq yash tul ayallarning nikahlinip, perzent körüp, öy ishliri bilen shughullinishini xalaymen. Shundaq qilghanda, bizge qarshi turghuchigha bizni herqandaq eyiblep-haqaretlesh pursiti chiqmaydu.
15 [I say this] because some [younger widows] have stopped [obeying Christ] in order to obey Satan.
Chünki shundaq bezi tul ayallar alliqachan étiqadtin ténip Sheytanning keynige kirip ketti.
16 If any woman who believes [in Christ] has widows [in her household/family], she should take care of them. The congregation should not be burdened by having {She should not depend on the congregation} to take care of their [needs]. The congregation should take care of the widows who truly [have no one to care for them].
Eger étiqadi bar bir er yaki ayal kishining tul qalghan tughqanliri bolsa, u özi ulargha yardem bersun, yüki jamaetke chüshmisun. Shundaq bolghanda, jamaet heqiqiy ige-chaqisiz tul ayallargha yardem qilalaydu.
17 [Each congregation] should pay well the elders who lead [well. They should] greatly honor them, especially those who preach and those who teach.
Jamaetni yaxshi yétekleydighan aqsaqallar, bolupmu Xudaning söz-kalamini yetküzüsh we telim bérishte ejir singdürgenler ikki hesse hörmetke sazawer qilinsun.
18 [Long ago Moses] wrote in the Scriptures, “While an ox is threshing [grain], you must not tie its mouth [so that it cannot eat the grain],” and [Jesus said], “[People] should pay those who work [for their benefit].” [So we know that congregations should support their leaders].
Chünki muqeddes yazmilarda: «Xaman tepken öküzning aghzini boghma» we: «Medikar öz heqqini élishqa heqliqtur» déyilgen.
19 When some person accuses an elder [about doing wrong], accept what he says only if there are [at least] two or three persons who (testify/say [that]) [they saw him do that wrong].
Ikki yaki üch guwahchi hazir bolmighuche, aqsaqal üstidin qilin’ghan erzni qobul qilma.
20 But as for any [elder] who repeatedly sins, rebuke him before the whole congregation, in order that the rest [of the elders] will be afraid [to sin].
Eger [aqsaqallardin] birsi gunah sadir qilghan bolsa, bashqilarningmu buningdin ibret élip qorqushi üchün, jamaet aldida tenbih bérip eyibligin.
21 I solemnly tell you that [as you keep in mind that] God and Christ Jesus and the holy angels know everything that you do, obey these commands [about elders]! [As you consider what others say about an elder doing wrong], do not easily/quickly decide that what they say is true. And treat them all equally.
Xudaning, Mesih Eysaning we Xuda tallighan perishtilerning aldida shuni sanga agah qilip tapilaymenki, sen bu emrlerge héch ayrimichiliq qilmay, héchqandaq ishta bir terepke yan basmay qet’iy emel qilghin.
22 Do not be in a hurry to put your hands on a man ([to set him apart/to appoint him]) [as an elder. Wait until you have examined him to see how he conducts his life], because [God will consider] that you are responsible if [you approve] a person who sins, saying that he should [become an elder]. Keep your life pure in every way.
Birawning uchisigha qolungni qoyushqa aldirap ketme; bashqilarning gunahlirigha shérik bolma. Özüngni pak tutqin
23 [And Timothy], no longer drink [only] water, but instead, drink a little wine [also], because [that may help to cure] your stomach’s frequent illnesses.
(ashqazining yaxshi bolmighanliqi, shundaqla sen daim aghriydighan bolghachqa, sula ichiwermey, bir’az sharabmu ichip bergin).
24 [I tell you not] ([to set apart/appoint]) [elders hastily, without seeing how they conduct their lives, because] some people [sin secretly], so that it is not known what they have done until after someone examines them (OR, before God judges them). But some people sin openly, so that people know what they have done before anyone examines them.
Bezi kishilerning gunahliri burunla éniq, shundaqla soraq künigiche saqlinidu; lékin bezilerningki ularning keynidin egiship baridu, kéyin ashkare bolidu.
25 Similarly, although [some people] do good things openly, with the result that people know what they have done, some people [do good things secretly], yet the good things that they have done cannot remain secret either.
Xuddi shuninggha oxshash, bezi kishilerning güzel emellirini asanla körüwalghili bolidu; hazir ashkara bolmisa kéyin ashkarilanmay qalmaydu.

< 1 Timothy 5 >