< 1 Timothy 2 >

1 The first (OR, most important) thing that I urge [you to tell your congregation] is that [Christians] should continually ask [God] for [what they need]. They should also pray to God [for all other people], and they should be thanking [God].
Молим, дакле, пре свега да се чине искања, молитве, мољења, захваљивања за све људе,
2 Specifically, they should pray for rulers and for all [other people] who (are in important government positions/have authority), in order that [God will help them to rule]. [As God enables the rulers to rule well], we can live very peaceably as we conduct ours lives doing all that God and others consider to be right and proper.
За цареве, и за све који су у власти, да тихи и мирни живот поживимо у свакој побожности и поштењу.
3 It is good [to pray like that, and] it pleases God, who saves us, when we pray like that.
Јер је ово добро и пријатно пред Спаситељем нашим Богом,
4 He desires to save everyone. He wants everyone to fully know [and accept] his true [message].
Који хоће да се сви људи спасу, и да дођу у познање истине.
5 He is the [only] one [true] God! And there is [only] one person who talks to God on behalf of people. That person is Christ Jesus, who [himself] is a man!
Јер је један Бог, и један посредник Бога и људи, човек Христос Исус,
6 He gave (his [life/himself]) [as a sacrifice] in order to ransom/redeem all [people], which showed at the proper time [that God desires that all people be saved] {[to save all people]}.
Који себе даде у откуп за све, за сведочанство у своје време,
7 As for me, he appointed me to declare [this message] and to be an apostle. I am telling the truth [about God appointing me]. I am not lying! He appointed me to teach the non-Jews that they should believe God’s true message.
За које сам постављен проповедник и апостол (истину говорим у Христу, не лажем), учитељ незнабожаца, у вери и истини.
8 I desire that in every place [where believers worship], the men who pray publicly [MTY] should be men who are not practicing sin. When they pray, they should not be angry [with anyone] and they should not doubt [that God will answer] their prayers (OR, should not quarrel with anyone).
Хоћу, дакле, да молитве чине људи на свакоме месту, подижући свете руке без гнева и премишљања.
9 [I would like that] the clothing that women wear be (modest and sensible/proper and appropriate) [DOU]. I want them to not fix their hair in fancy/elaborate ways, nor wear gold [jewelry], nor pearls, nor expensive clothing [in order that they may make themselves attractive].
Тако и жене у пристојном оделу, са стидом и поштењем да украшују себе, не плетеницама, ни златом, или бисером, или хаљинама скупоценим,
10 Instead, they should be doing things that women who (claim to/say that they) worship God should do; that is, they should be doing good deeds.
Него добрим делима као што се пристоји женама које се обећавају побожности.
11 Women must learn to [listen] quietly [during the worship services] and to fully subject themselves [to the leaders of the congregation].
Жена на миру да се учи са сваком покорношћу.
12 I do not permit women to teach [men spiritual truth publicly], and I do not permit them to have authority over men. Instead, [I desire] that women [listen] quietly [during the worship services].
Али жени не допуштам да учи нити да влада мужем, него да буде мирна.
13 Keep in mind that God made Adam first, and afterwards he made Eve,
Јер је Адам најпре саздан па онда Ева;
14 and that it was not Adam whom [Satan] deceived. As a result of the woman being deceived, she sinned. She did what God had told her not to do.
И Адам се не превари, а жена преваривши се постаде преступница;
15 But even though she did that, now women will be saved {God will accept women} as they bear children if they continue to trust [God] and if they continue to love others, and if they continue to live in a way that is [more and more] (acceptable to God/like God wants them to), and if they continue to be modest.
Али ће се спасти рађањем деце, ако остане у вери и љубави и у светињи с поштењем.

< 1 Timothy 2 >