< 1 Thessalonians 1 >

1 [I], Paul, [am writing this letter]. Silas and Timothy [are with me]. [We(exc) are sending this letter] to [you who are] the congregation [of believers] in Thessalonica [city]. We [(inc)] all [worship] (OR, [trust in]) God [our] Father [MET] and [our] Lord Jesus Christ. [We three desire/pray that God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, will continue to] act kindly toward you and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
Saudara-saudara jemaat di Tesalonika, yang menjadi umat Allah Bapa dan Tuhan Yesus Kristus: Kami, yaitu Paulus, Silas dan Timotius mengharap semoga Allah memberi berkat dan sejahtera kepada kalian.
2 We always thank God for you all [when] we mention you while we pray (OR, [when] we pray [for you]).
Kami selalu bersyukur kepada Allah karena Saudara semuanya. Setiap kali kami berdoa kepada Allah dan Bapa kita, kami selalu mengingat kalian. Kami selalu mendoakan kalian. Kami ingat bagaimana kalian menunjukkan dalam perbuatan bahwa kalian percaya kepada Kristus, bagaimana kalian mengasihi orang lain sehingga melayani mereka, dan bagaimana kalian berharap dengan teguh kepada Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.
3 [We thank God because] we continually remember that you work [for God because] you trust [in him] and you earnestly/energetically help people because you love them. You also endure [it when people cause you to suffer]. You endure it because you confidently expect that our Lord Jesus Christ [will soon return from heaven to rescue you]!
4 My fellow believers whom God loves, we [also thank him because] we know that he chose you [to become his people].
Kami tahu, Saudara-saudara, bahwa Allah mengasihi kalian dan sudah memilih kalian menjadi milik-Nya yang khusus.
5 We know that he chose you because [when] we told that message to you, we did not speak only words. The Holy Spirit [helped us to speak] powerfully/effectively, and he strongly assured [us that he was powerfully working in you by means of] the message [about Christ] that we [told to you. You yourselves know that], because you know how we spoke and how we conducted ourselves when we were with you, in order that [we might help] you.
Sebab kami menyampaikan Kabar Baik kepadamu bukan dengan kata-kata saja, tetapi juga dengan kuasa dan dengan Roh Allah. Dan kami yakin sekali akan kebenaran dari Kabar Baik itu. Kalian tahu bagaimana kami hidup untuk kepentinganmu ketika kami berada di tengah-tengah kalian.
6 We also [know that God chose you] because we have now heard that you have endured your troubles when [people] caused you to suffer very much [because you believed in Christ]. You endured just like the Lord [Jesus Christ] endured, and just like we did [when people caused us to suffer]. At that time you were joyful because the Holy Spirit caused you to be joyful.
Kalian mengikuti teladan kami dan teladan Tuhan. Meskipun kalian sangat menderita, kalian menyambut dengan gembira kabar yang kami beritakan kepadamu. Kegembiraan itu diberi oleh Roh Allah.
7 As a result [of your joyfully enduring your troubles], all the believers who live in Macedonia and Achaia [provinces have heard how firmly you trust God. So they know that they should firmly trust in God] as you do.
Dengan itu kalian menjadi contoh untuk semua orang Kristen yang di Makedonia dan Akhaya.
8 Other people have heard you tell the message [from] the Lord [Jesus]. Then they also have proclaimed the message to people who live throughout Macedonia and Achaia [provinces]. Not only that, but [people who live] in many far-away places [HYP] have heard that you trust in God. As a result, we do not need to tell people [what God has done in your lives].
Sebab mulai dari kalian, berita tentang Tuhan sudah tersebar sampai ke Makedonia dan Akhaya. Dan bukan hanya itu saja; bahkan berita tentang bagaimana kalian percaya kepada Allah sudah sampai ke mana-mana, sehingga kami tidak perlu lagi mengatakan apa-apa.
9 People [who live far from you are telling others what happened when we were with you]. They also report that you stopped [worshipping things that] ([you/your ancestors]) [considered to be] gods and now you worship God. [As a result], you serve the God who is all-powerful and who is the real God.
Semua orang itu berbicara tentang bagaimana kalian menerima kami ketika kami dahulu datang kepadamu. Mereka berbicara mengenai bagaimana kalian meninggalkan berhala-berhala dan datang kepada satu-satunya Allah yang hidup untuk mengabdi kepada-Nya.
10 They tell us that now you wait expectantly for his Son [to return to earth] from heaven. You firmly believe that God caused him to live again after he died. You believe also that Jesus will rescue [all of] us, [who trust in him], from [God’s] punishing us [MTY].
Mereka berbicara juga tentang bagaimana kalian mengharapkan kedatangan Anak Allah dari surga, yaitu Yesus, yang sudah dihidupkan oleh Allah dari kematian. Yesus itulah juga yang menyelamatkan kita dari murka Allah yang akan datang.

< 1 Thessalonians 1 >