< 1 Samuel 30 >

1 Three days later, when David and his men arrived at Ziklag, [they discovered that] men of the Amalek people-group had raided Ziklag and [towns in] the southern part of Judah. They had destroyed Ziklag and burned down all the buildings.
Dua hari kemudian, Daud dan anak buahnya kembali ke kota Ziklag. Ketika tiba di sana, mereka mendapati bahwa orang Amalek telah menyerbu bagian selatan negeri Yehuda dan menyerang Ziklag. Mereka tidak membunuh seorang pun. Tetapi mereka membakar habis kota itu dan meneruskan perjalanan mereka dengan membawa serta para wanita, anak-anak dan penduduk lainnya. Mereka juga telah menawan keluarga Daud dan keluarga anak buahnya, termasuk kedua istri Daud, Ahinoam dan Abigail. Daud dan anak buahnya begitu sedih, sehingga mereka mulai menangis tak henti-hentinya sampai kepayahan.
2 They had captured the women [and the children] and everyone else, and had taken them away. But they had not killed anyone.
3 When David and his men came to Ziklag, they saw that the town had been burned, and that their wives and sons and daughters had been captured and taken away.
4 David and his men cried loudly, until [they were so weak that] they could not cry [any more].
5 David’s two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, had also been taken away.
6 David’s men were threatening to [kill him by] throwing stones at him, because they were very angry because their sons and daughters [had been taken away]. David was very distressed, but Yahweh his God gave him strength.
Anak buah Daud sangat susah karena telah kehilangan anak istri mereka. Sebab itu mereka hendak melempari Daud dengan batu. Jadi Daud berada dalam kesulitan besar, tetapi hatinya dikuatkan lagi oleh TUHAN Allahnya.
7 David [did not know what to do, so he] said to Abiathar the priest, “Bring to me the sacred vest.” So Abiathar brought it,
Lalu Daud berkata kepada Imam Abyatar anak Ahimelekh, "Bawalah efod itu ke mari!" Maka Abyatar membawa efod itu kepadanya.
8 and David asked Yahweh, “Should I [and my men] pursue the men [who took our families]? Will we [be able to] catch up to them?” Yahweh answered [by means of the stones in Abiathar’s sacred pouch], “Yes, pursue them. You will catch up to them, and you will be able to rescue [your families].”
Kemudian bertanyalah Daud kepada TUHAN, "Haruskah kukejar gerombolan penyerbu itu? Dapatkah aku menyusul mereka?" Jawab TUHAN, "Ya, kejarlah; engkau akan menyusul mereka dan membebaskan para tawanan."
9 So David and the 600 men who were with him left, and they came to the Besor Ravine. Some of his men stayed there [with some of their supplies].
Lalu berangkatlah Daud bersama-sama dengan keenam ratus anak buahnya. Ketika mereka sampai di Sungai Besor, Daud meneruskan perjalanannya bersama-sama dengan 400 orang; sedang yang 200 orang lainnya tinggal di situ. Karena sudah terlalu lelah dan tak sanggup menyeberangi Sungai Besor.
10 David and 400 men continued to pursue [the men who captured their families]. The other 200 men stayed there at the ravine, because they were so exhausted that they could not cross the ravine.
11 [As David and the 400 men were going], they saw a man from Egypt in a field; so they took him to David. They gave the man some water to drink and some food to eat.
Dalam perjalanan itu anak buah Daud bertemu dengan seorang anak laki-laki Mesir di padang, lalu ia dibawa kepada Daud. Ia diberi makan dan minum,
12 They also gave him a piece of fig cake and two clusters/packs of raisins. The man had not had anything to eat or drink for three days and nights, but [after he ate and drank] he felt refreshed.
juga kue buah ara, dan dua rangkai anggur kering. Setelah ia makan, kekuatannya pulih kembali; ternyata sudah tiga hari ia tidak makan dan tidak minum!
13 David asked him, “Who is your master? And where do you come from?” He replied, “I am from Egypt. I am a slave of a man from the Amalek people-group. Three days ago my master left me here, because I was sick [and I was not able to go with them].
Kemudian Daud bertanya kepadanya, "Siapa tuanmu, dan dari mana engkau?" Jawab anak itu, "Aku orang Mesir, budak seorang Amalek. Aku ditinggalkan tuanku tiga hari yang lalu sebab aku sakit.
14 We had raided the southern part of Judah where the Kereth people-group live, and some other towns in Judah, and the area south [of Hebron city] where the descendants of Caleb live. We also burned Ziklag [town].”
Kami telah menyerbu wilayah orang Kreti di bagian selatan Yehuda dan wilayah marga Kaleb, dan kami telah membakar habis kota Ziklag."
15 David asked him, “Can you lead us to this group of raiders?” He replied, “Yes, [I will do that] if you ask God to listen while you promise that you will not kill me or give me back to my master. If you promise that, I will take you to them.”
Lalu tanya Daud kepadanya, "Maukah engkau mengantarkan aku ke tempat gerombolan itu?" Jawabnya, "Aku mau, asal Tuan berjanji kepadaku demi nama Allah, bahwa aku tidak Tuan bunuh atau Tuan serahkan kepada tuanku."
16 [David agreed to do that, ] so the man from Egypt led David [and his men] to where the men from the Amalek people-group were. Those men were lying on the ground, eating and drinking and celebrating because of having captured many things from the Philistia and Judah areas.
Lalu dia mengantarkan mereka ke tempat gerombolan itu. Pada waktu itu gerombolan itu berpencar-pencar di seluruh tempat itu, sambil makan, minum dan berpesta pora karena banyaknya barang rampasan yang telah mereka bawa dari negeri Filistin dan Yehuda.
17 David [and his men] fought against them from sunset that day until the evening of the following day. Four hundred of them escaped and rode away on camels, but none of the others escaped.
Pada waktu fajar menyingsing keesokan harinya, mereka diserang oleh Daud, dan pertempuran berlangsung sampai malam. Selain dari empat ratus orang muda yang melarikan diri dengan menunggang unta, tak seorang pun dari musuh yang dapat lolos.
18 David rescued his two wives, and he and his men got back everything else that the men of the Amalek people-group had taken.
Daud berhasil membebaskan segalanya yang telah dirampas oleh orang Amalek, termasuk kedua istrinya;
19 Nothing was missing. They took all their people back [to Ziklag]—young people and old people, [their wives], their sons and their daughters. They also recovered all the other things that the men of the Amalek people-group had taken from Ziklag.
tidak ada sesuatu pun yang hilang. Semua anak laki-laki dan perempuan serta segala barang rampasan yang telah diambil oleh orang Amalek, diambil kembali oleh Daud.
20 They took with them the sheep and cattle that had been captured, and his men caused those animals to go in front of them, saying, “These are animals that we captured in the battle; they belong to David!”
Di samping itu Daud juga merampas semua domba dan ternak. Binatang-binatang itu digiring oleh anak buah Daud di depan, terpisah dari segala barang rampasan yang lain, dan mereka berkata, "Ini bagian untuk Daud!"
21 David and his men got back to where the other 200 men were waiting, the men who did not go with David because they were very exhausted. They had stayed at Besor Ravine. [When they saw David and his men coming], they went out to greet them. And David [greeted them and] said to them, “I hope that things are going well with you!”
Setelah itu Daud kembali kepada kedua ratus orang yang terlalu lelah untuk mengikuti dia, dan yang telah ditinggalkannya di pinggir Sungai Besor. Mereka menyongsong Daud serta anak buahnya, dan Daud mendekati serta menyalami mereka.
22 But some of the men who had gone with David, men who were evil and troublemakers, said, “These 200 men did not go with us. So we should not give to them any of the things that we recovered/captured. Each of them should take only his wife and children and go [back to their homes].”
Tetapi di antara anak buah Daud yang bersama-sama mengikuti dia, ada yang jahat dan tamak. Mereka berkata, "Orang-orang ini tidak ikut; jadi mereka tak berhak mendapat apa-apa dari barang rampasan itu. Mereka hanya boleh mengambil anak istri mereka, dan pergi."
23 David replied, “No, my fellow Israelis, it would not be right to divide up like that the things that Yahweh has allowed us to capture. Yahweh has protected us and enabled us to defeat the enemies who attacked our town.
Tetapi Daud menjawab, "Saudara-saudaraku, janganlah kamu berbuat demikian dengan apa yang telah diberikan TUHAN kepada kita! Bukankah kita telah dilindunginya dan diberinya kemenangan atas gerombolan perampok itu?
24 (Who will pay attention to you if you say things like that?/No one will pay attention to you if you say things like that.) [RHQ] The men who stayed here with our supplies will get the same amount that the men who went into the battle will get. They will all receive the same amount.”
Jadi seorang pun tidak boleh menyetujui usul itu! Semuanya harus mendapat bagian yang sama banyaknya: orang yang tinggal untuk menjaga barang-barang harus mendapat bagian yang sama seperti orang yang maju berperang."
25 David made that to be a law [DOU] for the Israeli people, and that is still a law in Israel.
Kemudian hal itu dibuat menjadi sebuah peraturan oleh Daud, dan ditaati di Israel sampai sekarang.
26 When David [and all the others] arrived in Ziklag, David sent to his friends who were leaders in Judah some of the things that they had captured from the Amalek people-group. He said to them, “Here is a present for you. These are things that we took from Yahweh’s enemies.”
Ketika Daud kembali ke Ziklag, ia mengirim sebagian dari barang-barang rampasan itu kepada para pemimpin kota-kota Yehuda yang telah mendukungnya, katanya, "Inilah hadiah untukmu dari barang rampasan yang kami ambil dari musuh TUHAN."
27 [Here is a list of the cities and towns to whose leaders David sent gifts: ] Bethel, Ramoth in the southern part of Judah, Jattir,
Kota-kota itu ialah: Betel dan Rama di bagian selatan Yehuda, Yatir, Aroer, Sifmot, Estemoa, Rakhal, juga kota-kota orang Yerahmeel, kota-kota orang Keni, Horma, Bor-Asan, Atakh dan Hebron. Semua kota di mana Daud dan anak buahnya pernah mengembara, dikirimnya hadiah itu.
28 Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa,
29 Racal, the cities where the descendants of Jehrameel lived and the cities where the Ken people-group lived,
30 Hormah, Bor-Ashan, Athach,
31 Hebron, and all the other places where David and his men had gone [when they were hiding from Saul].

< 1 Samuel 30 >