< 1 Samuel 19 >

1 Then Saul urged all his servants and his son Jonathan to kill David. But Jonathan liked David very much.
Sayil pale ak Jonatan ansanm ak chèf k'ap sèvi avè l' yo, li di yo li fè lide touye David. Men Jonatan, pitit gason Sayil la, te renmen David anpil.
2 So he warned David, “My father Saul is seeking for a way to kill you. So be careful. Tomorrow morning go and find a place to hide [in the field].
Li fè David konnen sa. Li di l': -Sayil, papa m', ap chache touye ou. Denmen maten, rete sou prigad ou. Al kache kò ou yon kote. Pa soti menm.
3 I will ask my father to go out there with me. [While we are out there], I will talk to him about you. Then I will tell you everything that he tells me.” [So David did what Jonathan told him to do].
Mwen menm, m'ap soti, mwen pral jwenn papa m' nan jaden kote ou kache a, m'a pale sou ou ak li. Jan l' reponn mwen, m'a fè ou konnen.
4 [The next morning], Jonathan spoke with his father, saying many good things about David. He said, “You should never do anything to harm your servant David! He has never done anything to harm you! Everything that he has done has helped you very much.
Jonatan t'ap bay bèl pawòl pou David devan papa l', li t'ap di konsa: -Monwa, piga ou fè David, sèvitè ou la, anyen. Li menm, li pa janm fè ou anyen. Tou sa li fè toujou sèvi ou.
5 He was in danger of being killed when he fought against [Goliath, the champion of] the Philistia [army. By enabling David to kill him], Yahweh won a great victory for all the people of Israel. You were very happy when you saw that. Why would you want to do anything now to harm David [RHQ]? There is no reason for you to kill him, because he has not done anything wrong!”
Li riske lavi li lè l' al touye sòlda Filisti a. Se konsa Seyè a te delivre tout pèp la, se te bèl bagay. Ou te wè sa, ou te kontan. Poukisa koulye a ou ta renmen wè malè rive yon moun inonsan, ou ta vle touye David san l' pa fè anyen?
6 Saul listened to what Jonathan said. Then Saul said, “I solemnly promise that just as certain as Yahweh lives, I will not kill David.”
Sayil koute Jonatan, li fè sèman, li di l': -Mwen fè sèman devan Seyè a ki vivan, yo p'ap touye David.
7 Afterward, Jonathan summoned David and told him what he and Saul had said. Then Jonathan brought David to Saul, and David served Saul as he had done before.
Jonatan rele David, li rapòte l' tout pawòl sa yo. Apre sa, li mennen David bay Sayil. Epi David tanmen sèvi wa a ankò jan li te konn fè anvan an.
8 One day a war started again, and David [led his soldiers to] fight against the Philistia army. David’s [army] attacked them very furiously, with the result that the Philistia army ran away.
Lagè pete ankò ak moun Filisti yo. David leve al atake yo, li goumen ak yo, li bat yo byen bat, li fè yo kouri met deyò devan li.
9 But one day when sitting in his house, an evil spirit [sent] from Yahweh [suddenly] came upon Saul. While David was playing his harp [for Saul],
Yon jou Seyè a voye yon move lespri ki desann sou Sayil. Sayil te chita lakay li, li te kenbe frenn li nan men l'. David menm t'ap jwe mizik.
10 Saul hurled his spear at David to try to fasten him to the wall. David (dodged/jumped to one side), and the spear did not hit him. The spear stuck in the wall, but that night David escaped.
Sayil t'ap chache kloure David nan miray la ak frenn li, men David eskive kò l', epi frenn lan al antre nan miray la. David kouri chape kò l'. Menm jou sa a, nan mitan lannwit,
11 Then Saul sent messengers to David’s house. He told them to watch the house and to kill David [while he was leaving the house] the following morning. But David’s wife Michal [saw them and] warned him, “To survive, you must run away tonight, because if you do not do that, you will be killed tomorrow!”
Sayil voye kèk espyon al veye kay David la pou yo te touye l' nan maten. Men, Mikal, madan David, avèti mari l'. Li di l': -Si ou pa chape poul ou lannwit lan, denmen maten ou mouri.
12 So she enabled David to climb out through a window, and he ran away and escaped.
Li fè David soti nan yon fennèt. David kouri, li chape kò l'.
13 Then Michal took an idol and put it in the bed. She covered it with some [of David’s] clothes, and put some goat’s hair on the head of the idol.
Lè sa a, Mikal pran yon zidòl wogatwa, li mete l' kouche sou kabann lan, li pran yon zòrye fèt ak plim kabrit, li mete l' nan plas tèt la, epi li kouvri tout ak yon dra.
14 When the messengers came [to the house the next morning], she told them that David was sick [and could not get out of bed].
Lè moun Sayil yo vin pou pran David, Mikal di yo David kouche malad.
15 [When they reported that to] Saul, he told them to go back to David’s house. He said to them, “Bring him to me lying on his bed, in order that I can kill him!”
Men, Sayil voye mesye yo tounen pou y' al wè David ak je yo. Li di yo: -Mennen l' isit ban mwen ak tout kabann li an pou m' fè touye l'.
16 But when those men entered David’s house, they saw that there was only an idol in the bed, with goat’s hair on its head.
Lè mesye yo antre anndan kay la, yo jwenn estati zidòl wogatwa a sou kabann lan ak zòrye plim kabrit la kote pou tèt la te ye a.
17 [When they reported that to Saul, ] Saul [summoned] Michal [and] said to her, “Why did you trick me like that? You allowed my enemy to escape!” Michal replied to Saul, “David told me that if I did not help him escape, he would kill me!” [RHQ]
Sayil di Mikal konsa: -Poukisa ou woule m' konsa? Ou kite lènmi mwen an chape. Mikal reponn li: -Li te di m' si m' pa kite l' chape, l'ap touye m'!
18 After David had escaped from Saul, he went to Samuel, who was [at his home] at Ramah. He told Samuel everything that Saul had done to [try to kill] him. Then David and Samuel went to Naioth, [which was a section] of [Ramah city], and they stayed there.
David menm kouri chape kò l', l' al jwenn Samyèl lavil Rama. Li rakonte l' tou sa Sayil te fè l'. Apre sa, li menm ansanm ak Samyèl y' ale rete lavil Najòt.
19 Someone told Saul that David was in Naioth.
Y' al di Sayil men David te lavil Najòt nan zòn Rama a.
20 So Saul sent some messengers to capture David. [When] those messengers [arrived in Ramah, they] met some men who were proclaiming ecstatic messages, and Samuel was there, as their leader. When Saul’s messengers met them, the Spirit of God took control of Saul’s men, and they also spoke ecstatically.
Sayil voye kèk moun al arete l'. Lè yo rive, yo wè yon gwoup pwofèt ki te gen lespri Bondye a nan tèt yo, avèk Samyèl kanpe devan yo tankou chèf yo. Lamenm lespri Bondye a desann nan tèt moun Sayil te voye yo, epi yo pran fè menm bagay ak pwofèt yo.
21 When Saul heard about that, he sent messengers a third time, but they also started to speak ecstatically.
Yo vin di Sayil sa. Lè sa a, li voye lòt moun ankò. Yo menm tou, yo pran fè menm bagay ak pwofèt yo tou. Yon twazyèm fwa, Sayil voye lòt moun ankò. Yo menm tou, yo pran fè menm bagay ak pwofèt yo.
22 Finally, Saul himself went to Ramah. When he arrived at the well at [a place named] Secu, he asked people there, “Where are Samuel and David?” The people replied, “They are at Naioth in Ramah [city].”
Lè sa a, Sayil leve, l' ale li menm lavil Rama. Lè li rive bò gwo sitèn dlo ki lavil Sekou a, li mande kote Samyèl ak David ye. Yo di l' yo lavil Najòt nan zòn Rama a.
23 While Saul was walking toward Naioth, the Spirit of God also took control of him. [While he walked on], he continued speaking ecstatic messages until he came to Naioth.
Li pati dèyè yo. Antan l'ap mache konsa, lespri Bondye a desann nan tèt li tou. Li t'ap fè menm bagay ak pwofèt yo sou tout wout la, jouk li rive devan lavil Najòt nan zòn Rama a.
24 There he took off his clothes, and he spoke messages from God in front of Samuel. He lay on the ground doing that all day and all night. That is the reason that [when people see someone doing something that is very unexpected, they think about what happened to Saul, and] they say, “We are surprised, like the people were surprised to see Saul [acting like] a prophet?” [RHQ]
Li wete tout rad sou li, li fè tankou pwofèt yo devan Samyèl. Apre sa, li tonbe atè a toutouni. Li rete tout rès jounen an ak tout lannwit lan atè a konsa. Se depi lè sa a, yo di: Menm Sayil gen lè pwofèt tou?

< 1 Samuel 19 >