< 1 Samuel 18 >

1 After David finished talking with Saul, [he met Saul’s son, Jonathan.] Jonathan [immediately] liked David; in fact, he began to love/like him as much as he loved/liked himself.
И кад сврши разговор са Саулом, душа Јонатанова приону за душу Давидову, и Јонатан га запази као своју душу.
2 From that day, Saul kept David with him, and did not let him return home.
И узе га Саул тај дан, и не даде му да се врати кући оца свог.
3 Because Jonathan loved David so much, he made a solemn agreement with David. [They promised each other that they would always be loyal friends].
И Јонатан учини веру с Давидом, јер га љубљаше као своју душу.
4 Jonathan took off his own outer robe and gave it to David. He also gave David his soldier’s tunic, his sword, his bow [and arrows], and his belt.
И скиде Јонатан са себе плашт, који ношаше, и даде га Давиду, и одело своје и мач свој и лук свој и појас свој.
5 [David went wherever Saul sent him. And] whatever Saul told him to do, David did it very successfully. As a result, Saul appointed David to be a commander in the army. All the officers and other men in the army (approved of/were very pleased with) that.
И иђаше Давид на шта га год Саул пошиљаше, и беше срећан, и постави га Саул над војницима, и омиле свему народу, па и слугама Сауловим.
6 But, when the men in the army were returning home after David had killed Goliath, the women came out from many [HYP] towns in Israel to meet/greet King Saul. They were singing and dancing very joyfully, playing tambourines and lyres.
А кад се враћаху, и кад се Давид враћаше убивши Филистејина, излазише жене из сваког града Израиљевог певајући и играјући на сусрет цару Саулу, с бубњевима и с весељем и гуслама.
7 As they danced, they sang this song to each other: “Saul has killed 1,000 [enemy soldiers], But David has killed 10,000 [of them].”
И отпевајући жене једне другима уза свирке говораху: Саул згуби своју хиљаду, али Давид својих десет хиљада.
8 [When] Saul [heard them singing that, he] did not like it. He became very angry. He said [to himself], “They are saying that David [killed] 10,000 men, but that I [have killed] only 1,000. Soon they will want to make him their king!” [RHQ]
И разгневи се Саул врло, и не бише му по вољи те речи, и рече: Давиду дадоше десет хиљада, а мени дадоше хиљаду; још му само царство треба.
9 From that time, Saul watched David very closely because he was suspicious [that David would try to become king].
И од тог дана Саул гледаше попреко Давида.
10 The next day, an evil spirit sent by God suddenly took control of Saul. He began to act like a madman, inside his house. David was playing the lyre for him, as he did every day. Saul was holding a spear in his hand,
А сутрадан нападе Саула зли дух Божји, те пророковаше у кући, а Давид му удараше руком својом у гусле као пре: а Саулу у руци беше копље.
11 and he hurled it [at David], saying to himself, “I will fasten David to the wall with the spear!” He did that two times, but David jumped aside [both times].
И Саул баци копље говорећи: Да прикујем Давида за зид. Али му се Давид измаче два пута.
12 Because [it became evident that] Yahweh had abandoned Saul but [that] he was helping David, Saul was afraid of David.
И Саула беше страх од Давида, јер Господ беше с њим, а од Саула беше одступио.
13 So he appointed David as a commander of 1,000 soldiers and sent David away from him, [hoping that David would be killed in a battle]. But when David led his soldiers [in their battles],
Зато га уклони Саул од себе, и постави га хиљадником; и он одлажаше и долажаше пред народом.
14 he always had great success, because Yahweh was helping him.
И Давид беше срећан у свему што чињаше, јер Господ беше с њим.
15 When Saul heard that David [and his soldiers were] very successful, he became more afraid of David.
А Саул видећи да је веома срећан, бојаше га се.
16 But all the people of Israel and of Judah loved David, because he led the soldiers very successfully [in the battles].
А сав Израиљ и Јуда љубљаше Давида, јер он одлажаше и долажаше пред њима.
17 One day Saul said to David, “I am ready to give you my oldest daughter, Merab, to be your wife. I will do that if you serve me bravely by fighting battles for Yahweh [against the Philistines]”. He said that because he thought, “I will not try to get rid of David by myself. I will allow the Philistines to do that.”
И рече Саул Давиду: Ево, кћер своју старију Мераву даћу ти за жену, само ми буди храбар и води ратове Господње. Јер Саул говораше: Нећу да се дигне моја рука на њ, него филистејска рука нека се дигне на њ.
18 But David said to Saul, “I am not [RHQ] a very important person, and my family is not very important, and my clan is not a very important Israeli clan. So I do not deserve to become your son-in-law.” [RHQ]
А Давид рече Саулу: Ко сам ја и какав је живот мој или дом оца мог у Израиљу, да будем зет царев?
19 So, when it was time for Merab to be given to David to become his wife, instead, Saul gave her to a man named Adriel, from Meholah [town].
А кад дође време да Мераву, кћер Саулову, даду Давиду, дадоше је Адрилу Меолаћанину за жену.
20 But Saul’s other daughter, Michal, fell in love with David. When they told Saul about that, he was pleased.
Али Давида љубљаше Михала, кћи Саулова; а кад то јавише Саулу, би му по вољи.
21 He thought, “I will let Michal marry him, in order that she may trap him, and the Philistines will be able to kill him.” So he said to David, [“You can marry Michal],” and by saying that, he indicated for the second time that David would become his son-in-law.
И рече Саул: Даћу му је да му буде замка и да се диже на њ рука филистејска. А Давиду рече Саул: Бићеш ми данас зет с другом.
22 Saul told his servants, “Talk to David privately, and say to him, ‘Listen, the king is pleased with you, and all of us his servants love you. So now [we think that] you should [marry Michal and] become the king’s son-in-law.’”
И заповеди Саул слугама својим: Реците Давиду тајно и говорите: Гле, омилео си цару, и све слуге његове љубе те; буди сада зет царев.
23 So they told that to David. But David said, “It would be a great honor [RHQ] to become the king’s son-in-law. But [I do not think that I should do that, because] I am only a poor and insignificant man.”
И слуге Саулове рекоше те речи Давиду, а Давид рече: Мислите ли да је лако бити зет царев? Та ја сам сиромах и мали човек.
24 When the servants told Saul what David had said,
И Саулу јавише ово слуге његове говорећи: Овако рече Давид.
25 Saul replied, “Go and say to David, ‘[In order for] the king [to allow you to marry Michal, he] wants [you to kill] 100 Philistines [and cut off] their foreskins [and bring the foreskins to him to prove that you have killed them]. In that way he will get revenge on his enemies.’” But what Saul wanted was that the Philistines would kill David [while David was trying to kill them].
А Саул рече: Овако реците Давиду: Не тражи цар уздарја, него сто окрајака филистејских, да се цар освети својим непријатељима. А Саул мишљаше како би Давид пао у руке Филистејима.
26 When the servants told that to David, he was very pleased that he could become the king’s son-in-law [by doing that. The king had said how many days he would allow for David to do that]. But before that time ended,
И слуге његове казаше Давиду те речи, и Давиду би по вољи да постане царев зет. И време се још не наврши.
27 David and his men went and killed, [not 100, but] 200 Philistines! He brought their foreskins to Saul, and counted them [while Saul was watching], in order to prove that he had [done what the king required so that he could become Saul’s son-in-law. So then Saul was obligated] to allow David to marry his daughter Michal.
А Давид уста и отиде са својим људима, и поби двеста Филистеја. И донесе Давид окрајке њихове, и дадоше их на број цару да би постао царев зет. И Саул му даде за жену Михалу кћер своју.
28 But when Saul realized that Yahweh was helping David, and that his daughter loved David,
И Саул виде и позна да је Господ са Давидом; и Михала кћи Саулова љубљаше га.
29 he became more afraid of David. So, as long as Saul lived, he was David’s enemy.
А Саул се још већма побоја Давида; и беше Саул једнако непријатељ Давиду.
30 The Philistine armies repeatedly came to fight the Israelis, but every time they fought, David and his soldiers were more successful than any of Saul’s other army commanders. As a result, David became very famous.
А кнезови филистејски удараху; и кад год удараху, Давид беше срећнији од свих слуга Саулових, и име се његово врло прослави.

< 1 Samuel 18 >