< 1 Samuel 10 >

1 Then Samuel took a small jar of olive oil and poured [some of] it on Saul’s head. Then he kissed Saul [on the cheek], and told him, “I am doing this because Yahweh has chosen you to be the leader of his Israeli people.
Tete Samuel tsɔ amigoe eye wòkɔ amia ɖe Saul ƒe tame, hegbugbɔ nu nɛ eye wògblɔ be, “Ɖe Yehowa mesi ami na wò be nàɖu fia ɖe eƒe domenyinu dzi oa?
2 [And this will prove it to you]: When you leave me today, when you arrive near Rachel’s tomb at Zelzah, in the area where the descendants of Benjamin live, you will meet two men. They will say to you, ‘The donkeys have been found, but now your father is worrying about you, and he is asking people, “Have you seen my son?’”
Ne èdzo le gbɔnye egbea la, àkpɔ ŋutsu eve aɖewo le Rahel ƒe yɔdo gbɔ le Zelza le Benyamin ƒe to la ƒe liƒo dzi. Woagblɔ na wò be, ‘Wofɔ tedzi siwo nèle didim. Fofowò megatsi dzi ɖe tedziawo ŋuti o ke boŋ etsi dzi ɖe ŋutiwò. Ele biabiam be, “Nu ka mawɔ tso vinye ŋuti?”’
3 When you arrive at the [large] oak tree at Tabor [town], you will see three men coming toward you. They will be on their way to [worship] God at Bethel [town]. One of them will be leading three young goats, one will be carrying three loaves of bread, and one will be carrying a container of wine.
“Hafi nàdo ɖe Tabɔr ƒe logoti gbɔ la, ŋutsu etɔ̃ ava do go wò, ame siwo yina Mawu subɔ ge le Betel. Gbɔ̃vi etɔ̃ anɔ ɖeka si, abolo etɔ̃ anɔ evelia si eye wain go ɖeka anɔ etɔ̃lia si.
4 They will greet you, and they will offer you two of the loaves of bread. Accept them.
Woado gbe na wò eye woana abolo eve wò. Xɔ aboloawo.
5 When you arrive at the hill [where people worship] God near Gibeah [town], where there is the camp where the Philistine soldiers stay, you will meet a group of prophets who will be coming down from the altar on top of the hill. There will be people in front of them who will be playing [various musical instruments]: a harp, a tambourine, a flute, and a lyre. And all of them will be speaking messages that come directly from God.
“Le esia megbe la, àva ɖo Mawu ƒe Gibea, afi si Filistitɔwo ƒe dzɔlawo le. Ne èɖo ta dua me la, àdo go Nyagblɔɖilawo ƒe ha siwo ɖiɖi tso kɔkɔƒe la gbɔna eye kasaŋkuwo, asiʋuiwo, kpẽwo kple gakasaŋkuwo anɔ ɖiɖim le wo ŋgɔ eye wole nya gblɔm ɖi.
6 At that time the Spirit of Yahweh will come upon you, and you also will speak messages that come directly from God. (You will be changed/The Spirit of Yahweh will change you), so that you will become like a different person.
Yehowa ƒe gbɔgbɔ adze dziwò kple ŋusẽ, àgblɔ nya ɖi kpli wo, eye woatrɔ wò nàzu ame bubu sãa.
7 After those things occur, do whatever you think is right to do, and God will (be with/help) you.
Zi ale si dzesi siawo va eme la, wɔ nu sia nu si tsɔ asi gbɔ na wò elabena Mawu li kpli wò.
8 Then go ahead of me, down to Gilgal [city], and wait for me there, for seven days. Then I will join you there, to burn sacrifices and offer other sacrifices to enable you to maintain fellowship with God. When I arrive there, I will tell you what [other] things you should do.”
Dze ŋgɔ nam nàyi Gilgal. Mava gbɔwò le afi ma ava sa numevɔ kple akpedavɔ. Gake ele be nàlalam ŋkeke adre va se ɖe esime mava be magblɔ nu si nàwɔ la na wò.”
9 As Saul started to leave there, God changed Saul’s inner being. And all the things that Samuel had predicted happened on that day.
Esi Saul trɔ be yeadzo le Samuel gbɔ la, Mawu trɔ Saul ƒe dzi eye dzesi siawo katã va eme gbe ma gbe.
10 When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, they saw some prophets who were [speaking messages that came directly from God. As the prophets were] approaching Saul and his servant, God’s Spirit came upon Saul powerfully, and he also began to speak messages from God.
Esi Saul kple subɔla la ɖo Gibea la, wodo go Nyagblɔɖilawo ƒe ha wogbɔna go do ge wo. Mawu ƒe Gbɔgbɔ dze Saul dzi kple ŋusẽ eye eya hã de asi nyagbɔgblɔɖi me kpli wo.
11 When people who had known Saul previously heard him speaking messages from God as the prophets were doing, they said to each other, “What has happened to this son of Kish? Is he now really one of the (prophets/men who speak messages from God)?”
Esi ame siwo nya Saul tsã kpɔe wònɔ nya gblɔm ɖi kple nyagblɔɖilawo la, wobia wo nɔewo be, “Nu kae nye esi dzɔ ɖe Kis ƒe vi la dzĩ? Saul hãe le nyagblɔɖilawo domea?”
12 One of the men who lived there replied, “[Saul cannot be a prophet, because] all prophets receive their power to speak messages from God, not from their parents.” And that is why, [when people hear about a report of someone prophesying, they think about what happened to Saul and] say, “[We are surprised about that person becoming a prophet, like] we were surprised to hear that Saul had really become one of the prophets.”
Ŋutsu aɖe si nɔ ameawo dome la ɖo eŋu be, “Eye ame kae nye wo fofo?” Ale nya sia zu lodonya be, “Saul hãe le nyagblɔɖilawo domea?”
13 When Saul finished speaking the messages that God gave him, he went to the place where the people offered sacrifices.
Esi Saul wu nyagblɔɖi la nu la, eyi ɖe to la dzi.
14 Later, Saul’s uncle [saw him there, and] asked him, “Where did you go?” Saul replied, “We went to look for the donkeys. When we could not find them, we came here to ask Samuel [if he could tell us where they were].”
Azɔ la, Saul fofoa nɔvi ɖeka bia eya kple dɔla la be “Afi ka tututu mietso?” Saul ɖo eŋu be, “Míetso tedziawo di ge; míete ŋu kpɔ wo o, eya ta míeyi Nyagblɔɖila Samuel gbɔ be míabia afi si wole.”
15 Saul’s uncle replied, “What did Samuel tell you?”
Gblɔ nu si Samuel gblɔ na wò la nam.
16 Saul replied, “He assured us that the donkeys had been found.” But he did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about him becoming the king [of Israel].
Saul ɖo eŋu be, “Eka ɖe edzi nam be, wokpɔ tedziawo.” Gake megblɔ nu si Samuel gblɔ tso fiaɖuɖu la ŋuti ya na fofoa nɔvia o.
17 [Later] Samuel summoned the people of Israel to gather at Mizpah to [hear a message from] Yahweh.
Azɔ la, Samuel na Israelviwo katã va kpe ta ɖe Yehowa ŋkume le Mizpa,
18 After they arrived, he said to them, “This is what Yahweh, the God we Israeli people [worship], says: I brought you Israeli people out of Egypt. I rescued your [ancestors] from the power of the rulers of Egypt and from all the other kings who oppressed them.
eye wògblɔ na wo be ale Yehowa, Israel ƒe Mawu la gblɔe nye esi: “Mekplɔ mi tso Egiptenyigba dzi eye meɖe mi tso Egiptetɔwo kple dukɔ siwo katã nɔ fu wɔm mi la ƒe ŋusẽ me.
19 I am the one who saves you from all your troubles and difficulties. But today you have rejected me, your God, and you have said, ‘We don’t care! Give us a king!’ So [I will do what you want]. Now have [representatives of] your tribes and [of] your clans stand here in the presence of Yahweh.’”
Ke, azɔ la, miegbe nu le miaƒe Mawu si ɖe mi tso dzɔgbevɔ̃ewo kple xaxawo katã me gbɔ hegblɔ be, ‘Ɖo fia na mí!’ Eya ta mido ɖe Yehowa ŋkume le miaƒe towo kple hlɔ̃wo me.”
20 When those representatives came near to Samuel, [God indicated that] he had chosen someone from the tribe descended from Benjamin.
Ale Samuel ƒo ƒu Israel ƒe toawo ƒe kplɔlawo ɖe Yehowa ŋkume eye wotia Benyamin ƒe to la.
21 Then Samuel told representatives of the tribe of Benjamin to come forward, and God indicated that [from that tribe] he had chosen someone from the family of Matri, and then God indicated that [from the family of Matri] he had chosen Saul, the son of Kish. But when they looked for Saul, they could not find him.
Samuel yɔ Benyamin ƒe to la ƒe ƒomewo va Yehowa ŋkume eye nudzidze la dze Matri ƒe ƒome la dzi. Mlɔeba la, nudzidze la dze Saul, Kis ƒe vi la dzi. Ke esi wotsa ŋku la, wokpɔ be Saul bu le ameawo dome.
22 So they asked Yahweh, “Where is Saul?” Yahweh replied, “He is hiding among the army equipment.”
Ale wogabia Yehowa be, “Amea le mía dome fifia?” Yehowa ɖo eŋu be, “Ɛ̃, eɣla eɖokui ɖe agbawo dome.”
23 So they quickly went there [and found him, ] and brought him [in front of all the people]. They could see that [truly] he was a head taller than anyone else.
Woƒu du yi ɖakplɔe vɛ tso afi ma eye esi wòtsi tsitre ɖe ameawo dome la, ekɔ eye ameawo se eƒe abɔta.
24 Then Samuel said to all the people there, “This is the man whom Yahweh has chosen to be your king. Among all us Israeli people, there is no one like him!” Then all the people shouted, “We hope that this king will live a long time!”
Azɔ Samuel gblɔ na ameawo katã be, “Miele ame si Yehowa tia na mí la kpɔma? Ame aɖeke mesɔ kplii le Israel blibo la o!” Eye ameha la do ɣli be, “Fia la nenɔ agbe tegbee!”
25 Then Samuel told the people what things the king would force them to do, and all the things the king was required to do. He wrote all those things on a scroll, and then he put it in a sacred place in the temple. Then Samuel sent all the people home.
Le esia megbe la, Samuel tɔ asi nu siwo anye fia la ƒe gome kple eƒe dɔdeasiwo la dzi na ameha la. Eŋlɔ nu siawo ɖe lãgbalẽ dzi eye wòtsɔe ɖo Yehowa ŋkume. Samuel ɖe asi le dukɔ la ŋu eye ame sia ame yi eƒe du me.
26 When Saul returned to his home in Gibeah [town], a group of men decided to continually accompany Saul. They did that because God (motivated them/put it in their minds) to do that.
Esi Saul trɔ va eƒe aƒe me le Gibea la, kalẽtɔ siwo ƒe dzi Mawu ʋã la yi kplii.
27 But some worthless men said, “(How can this man save us [from our enemies]?/This man will not be able to save us [from our enemies].)” [RHQ] They despised him, and refused to give him any gifts [to show that they would be loyal to him]. But Saul did not say anything [to rebuke them].
Gake ame vlo aɖewo gblɔ be, “Aleke ame sia tɔgbi ate ŋu aɖe mí?” Ale wodo vloe eye wometsɔ nunana ɖeke vɛ nɛ o, gake Saul megblɔ nya aɖeke o.

< 1 Samuel 10 >