< 1 Peter 3 >

1 You women [believers], just like [slaves should submit themselves to their masters], submit yourselves to your husbands. Do that in order that if any of them do not believe the message [about Christ], they may become believers without [it being necessary for] you to say anything to them [about their relationship to God].
А тако и ви жене будите покорне својим мужевима, да ако који и не верују речи женским живљењем без речи да се добију,
2 [They will believe in Christ] when they see that you respect them and that your way of life is pure.
Кад виде чисто живљење ваше са страхом;
3 Do not be [trying to make] yourselves beautiful by decorating the outside [of your bodies], such as (by the way you comb your hair/by your hair [style]) or by wearing gold jewelry and fine clothes.
Ваша лепота да не буде споља у плетењу косе, и у ударању злата, и облачењу хаљина;
4 Instead, make your (inner beings/hearts) [beautiful] with qualities/attitudes that will not fade away. Specifically, have a humble and quiet/calm attitude, which is something that God considers to be very valuable.
Него у тајном човеку срца, у једнакости кротког и тихог духа, што је пред Богом многоцено.
5 (The devout women/The women who habitually worshipped God) who lived long ago and who trusted in God made themselves beautiful [by having attitudes] like that, and by being submissive to their husbands.
Јер се тако некад украшаваху и свете жене, које се уздаху у Бога и покораваху се својим мужевима.
6 Sarah, for example, obeyed [her husband] Abraham and called him ‘my master’. You will be [as though you are] [MET] her daughters if you do what is right and are not afraid [of what your husbands or anyone else may do to you because you are believers].
Као што Сара слушаше Аврама, и зваше га господарем; које сте ви кћери постале, ако чините добро, и не бојите се никаквог страха.
7 You men [who are believers], just like your wives should respect you, you should conduct your lives in an appropriate way with them. Treat them respectfully, realizing that they are [usually] weaker than you are, and realizing that (they share with you/both of you have) the gift [that God has kindly given to you, which is eternal] life. Do this so that nothing will hinder you from praying (OR, hinder [God] ([from answering/from doing what you ask for]) when you pray).
Тако и ви мужеви живите са својим женама по разуму, и поштујте их као слабији женски суд, и као сунаследнице благодати живота, да се не смету молитве ваше.
8 To end [this part of my letter], [I say to] all of you, agree with each other [in what you think]. Be sympathetic [toward each other]. Love [each other as] members of the same family [should]. Act compassionately [toward each other]. Be humble.
А најпосле будите сви сложни, жалостиви, братољубиви, милостиви, понизни;
9 [When people do] evil things to you or insult you, do not (retaliate/repay them by) doing evil things to them or insulting them. Instead, [ask God to] bless them, because that is what you have been chosen [by God] {what [God] called you} to do, in order that you may receive a blessing [from him].
Не враћајте зла за зло, ни псовке за псовку; него насупрот благосиљајте, знајући да сте на то позвани да наследите благослов.
10 [Consider what the Psalmist wrote about the proper way of conducting our lives], As for those who want (to enjoy life/to live happily) and experience good [things happening to them every] day, they must not say [MTY] something that is evil or say [MTY] something that deceives others.
Јер који је рад да живи и да види дане добре, нека задржи језик свој од зла, и усне своје, да не говоре преваре;
11 They must continually turn away from [doing] anything that is evil, and must do things that are good [instead]. They must deeply desire to enable [people to act] peacefully toward each other; they must zealously [urge people to act in a] peaceful way,
Нека се уклони од зла, и нека учини добро; нека тражи мир и нека се држи њега.
12 because the Lord sees [MTY] what righteous people do [and he appreciates/likes what they do]. He listens to righteous people when they pray, [and he answers them]. But he is [MTY] opposed to those who do evil things.
Јер очи Господње гледају на праведнике, и уши Његове на молитву њихову; а лице Господње на оне који зло чине да их истреби са земље.
13 If you (are eager/try very hard) to do good things, [most people] will not harm you. [RHQ]
И ко може вама наудити ако узидете за добрим?
14 But even if you suffer because of [doing] what is right, [God] will bless you. [Do as Isaiah wrote]: “Do not be afraid of people who (threaten you/say things to cause you to be afraid of what they might do to you), and do not worry about [DOU] what they [might do to you].”
Него ако и страдате правде ради, блажени сте. Али страха њиховог не бојте се, нити се плашите;
15 Instead, acknowledge that Christ is the one who is in complete control [of your lives]. Always be ready to answer everyone who demands that you tell them about what you confidently expect [God to do for you].
Него Господа Бога светите у срцима својим. А будите свагда готови на одговор свакоме који вас запита за ваше надање.
16 But answer them humbly and respectfully, and make sure that you (do/have done) nothing wrong, in order that those who say evil things about you may be ashamed when they see the good way in which you are conducting yourselves because of your relationship with Christ.
С кротошћу и страхом имајте добру савест, да ако вас опадају за шта као злочинце да се постиде они што куде ваше добро живљење по Христу.
17 [It may be that God wants you] to suffer. But it is better to do good things, [even if you suffer for doing them], than to do evil things and suffer [for doing that].
Јер је боље, ако хоће воља Божија, да страдате добро чинећи, неголи зло чинећи.
18 [I say that] because Christ died once for the sake of people who have sinned. He was a righteous person who died for unrighteous people. He died in order that (he might bring us to/we might begin an intimate relationship with) God. [During the time that he had] an ordinary body, he was killed {people killed him}, but [God’s] Spirit caused him to become alive again.
Јер и Христос једанпут за грехе наше пострада, праведник за неправеднике, да нас приведе к Богу, убијен, истина, бивши телом, но оживевши Духом;
19 The Spirit also helped him as he went to proclaim [God’s victory to the evil] spirits whom God had imprisoned [in the heavens] (OR, to the spirits of those who [had died, and who] were in the place where the spirits of dead people are).
Којим сишавши проповеда и духовима који су у тамници,
20 Long ago, during the time that Noah was building a big boat, [those evil spirits] disobeyed God when he waited patiently [PRS] [to see if people would turn from their evil behavior]. Only a few people were saved {[God] saved only a few people} [in that boat]. Specifically, [God] brought only eight persons safely through the waters [of the flood], [while all the others drowned in it].
Који некад не хтеше да слушају кад их очекиваше Божије трпљење у време Нојево, кад се грађаше ковчег, у коме мало, то јесте осам душа, остаде од воде.
21 That water, [by means of which eight people were saved when God punished the other people] [MET], represents [the water in which we are] baptized [to show that God has] saved us [from being punished]. The water in which we are baptized does not remove dirt from our bodies. Instead, [it shows that] we are requesting [God to assure us] that he has removed our guilt [for having sinned]. And because Jesus Christ became alive again after he died, [we know that God accepted his sacrifice for us and because of that he was able to remove our guilt].
За спомен тога и нас сад спасава крштење, али не прање телесне нечистоте, него обећање добре савести Богу васкрсењем Исуса Христа.
22 Christ has gone into heaven and is ruling [MTY] in the place of highest honor (next to God/at God’s side), after [God] caused all the evil and powerful spirit beings [DOU] to be made subject to him.
Који је с десне стране Богу, отишавши на небо, и слушају Га анђели и власти и силе.

< 1 Peter 3 >