< 1 Kings 16 >

1 During the time that Baasha [was king of Israel], [the prophet] Jehu, Hanani’s son, gave Baasha this message that he had received from Yahweh:
Seyè a pale ak Jeou, pitit gason Anani. Li ba li mesaj sa a pou Bacha. Li di l' konsa:
2 “You were very insignificant/unimportant [IDM] when I caused you to become the ruler of my Israeli people. But you have caused me to become very angry by doing [IDM] the kinds of evil things that King Jeroboam did. You have also caused me to become angry by causing my people to sin.
-Bacha pa t' anyen menm. Men, mwen mete l' chèf sou pèp mwen an, pèp Izrayèl la. Koulye a menm, li fè tankou Jewoboram, lèfini li lakòz pèp la fè sa ki mal tou. Yo fè m' fache ak peche yo fè yo.
3 So now I will get rid of you and your family [MTY]. I will do to you just like I did to Jeroboam and his family.
Se konsa mwen pral disparèt Bacha ansanm ak tout fanmi li, tankou m' te fè fanmi Jewoboram lan.
4 [The bodies of] those in your family who die in this city [will not be buried; they] will be eaten by dogs; and [the corpses of] those who die in the fields will be eaten by vultures.”
Chen pral manje kadav moun nan fanmi li ki va mouri nan lavil la. Malfini karanklou va manje kadav sa ki va mouri andeyò yo.
5 The other things that happened during the time that Baasha ruled Israel, and the things that he did, are written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Tout lòt istwa sou sa Bacha te fè yo, sou jan li te yon vanyan gason, n'a jwenn yo ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Izrayèl yo.
6 When Baasha died, he was buried in Tirzah, [the capital city]. Then his son Elah became king.
Lè Bacha mouri, yo antere l' lavil Tiza. Se Ela, pitit gason l', ki moute wa nan plas li.
7 Yahweh gave that message about Baasha and his family to the prophet Jehu. Baasha had done many things that Yahweh considered to be evil, which caused Yahweh to become angry. Baasha did the same kind of things that King Jeroboam and his family had done previously. Yahweh was also angry with Baasha because he had killed all of Jeroboam’s family.
Seyè a te bay pwofèt Jeou, pitit gason Anani an, mesaj sa a pou Bacha ak fanmi li poutèt peche Bacha te fè kont Seyè a. Li te fè Seyè a fache sou li non sèlman paske li te fè sa ki mal tankou moun fanmi Jewoboram yo, men tou paske li te touye tout moun nan fanmi Jewoboram lan.
8 After Asa had been the king of Judah for almost 26 years, Elah became the king of Israel. Elah ruled in Tirzah for [only] two years.
Wa Asa t'ap mache sou vennsizan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Jida lè Ela, pitit gason Bacha, moute wa peyi Izrayèl la. Li gouvènen pandan dezan lavil Tiza.
9 [A man named] Zimri was one of Elah’s army officers. He commanded the drivers of half of Elah’s army’s (chariots/two-wheeled vehicles pulled by horses). He made plans to kill Elah while Elah was in Tirzah, getting drunk at the house of [a man named] Arza. Arza was the man who took care of the things in the king’s palace.
Zimri, yonn nan chèf li yo ki te reskonsab mwatye cha lagè wa a, moute yon konplo kont wa a. Yon jou, Ela te lavil Tiza, li t'ap bwè gwòg lakay Atza ki te reskonsab palè wa a.
10 Zimri went into Arza’s house and killed Elah. Then Zimri became the king of Israel. That was when Asa had been the king of Judah for 27 years.
Zimri antre nan kay la, li touye wa Ela, li pran plas li sou fotèy la. Tou sa pase nan vennsetyèm lanne rèy Asa, wa peyi Jida a.
11 As soon as Zimri became king [MTY], he killed all of Baasha’s family [MTY]. That included every male [IDM] in Baasha’s family and all of Baasha’s male friends.
Moute Zimri moute wa, li touye dènye moun nan fanmi Bacha a. Li touye tout gason ki te fanmi l' osinon zanmi l'.
12 That was just what Yahweh told the prophet Jehu would happen.
Se konsa Zimri te touye tout fanmi Bacha a, jan Seyè a te mete pawòl la nan bouch pwofèt Jeou a.
13 Baasha and his son Elah had sinned and led the Israeli people to sin. They caused Yahweh, the God whom the Israeli people worshiped, to become angry, because they both urged the people [to worship] worthless idols.
Paske Bacha ak Ela, pitit li a, te fè Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, fache ak vye zidòl yo. Yo te peche kont Seyè a, yo te lakòz pèp la fè sa ki mal tou.
14 Everything else that Elah did is written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Tout lòt bagay Ela te fè yo, n'a jwenn yo ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Izrayèl la.
15 So Zimri became the king of Israel after Asa had been king of Judah for 27 years. But Zimri ruled in Tirzah for only seven days. The Israeli army was beseiging/surrounding Gibeah, a town which belonged to the Philistine people-group.
Wa Asa t'ap mache sou vennsetan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Jida a, lè Zimri pran pouvwa a pou sèt grenn jou lavil Tiza nan peyi Izrayèl. Lè sa a, lame pèp Izrayèl la t'ap sènen lavil Gibeton nan peyi Filisti.
16 The men in the Israeli army camp heard that Zimri had secretly planned to kill King Elah, and then had killed him. So on that day the soldiers chose Omri, the commander of their army, to become the king of Israel.
Lè sòlda yo pran nouvèl Zimri te fè konplo sou wa a, li te menm touye l', lapoula yo nonmen Omri, kòmandan lame a, wa peyi Izrayèl.
17 The Israeli army was camped near Gibbethon [city]. When they heard what Zimri had done, they left there and went to Tirzah, and surrounded the city.
Omri kite lavil Gibeton ansanm ak tout lame a, li moute, l' al sènen lavil Tiza.
18 When Zimri realized that the city was [about to be] captured, he went into his palace and set it on fire. So the palace burned down, and he died [in the fire].
Lò Zimri wè lavil la tapral tonbe nan men Omri, li antre nan ti fò ki sou tèt palè wa a, li mete dife nan palè a, epi li mouri nan dife a.
19 He died because he had sinned by doing the things that Yahweh considered to be evil. Jeroboam had led the Israeli people to sin, and Zimri sinned just like Jeroboam had sinned.
Sa te pase konsa paske Zimri te fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a. Tankou Jewoboram, li pa t' fè sa ki dwat devan Seyè a, li te lakòz pèp Izrayèl la fè peche tou.
20 All the other things that Zimri did, and the record of how he rebelled [against King Elah], are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Tout lòt bagay Zimri te fè ak istwa konplo li te moute a, n'a jwenn sa ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Izrayèl yo.
21 After Zimri died, the Israeli people were divided. One group wanted Tibni, the son of Ginath, to be their king. The other group wanted Omri [to be the king].
Lè sa a, moun peyi Izrayèl yo te fè de kan: Mwatye ladan yo te vle fè Tibni, pitit gason Genat la, wa. Mwatye te pou Omri.
22 Those who supported Omri (were stronger than/defeated) those who supported Tibni. So Tibni was killed, and Omri became king.
Patizan Omri yo kraze patizan Tibni, pitit gason Genat la. Tibni mouri, Omri moute wa.
23 Omri became king when Asa had been king of Judah for almost 31 years. Omri ruled Israel for 12 years. For the first six years he ruled in Tirzah.
Se konsa nan tranteyenyèm lanne rèy Asa, wa peyi Jida, Omri moute wa peyi Izrayèl. Li gouvènen peyi a pandan douzan. Pandan sizan, li gouvènen nan lavil Tiza.
24 Then he bought a hill from [a man named] Shemer and paid him about (150 pounds/70 kg.) of silver for it. Then Omri ordered his men to build a city on that hill, and he called it Samaria, to honor Shemer, the man who owned it previously.
Apre sa, li achte mòn Samari a pou simil (6.000) pyès ajan nan men yon nonm yo te rele Chemè. Omri bati yon lavil sou tèt mòn lan, li rele l' Samari, dapre non Chemè, ansyen mèt tè a.
25 But Omri did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil. He did more evil deeds than any of the kings who ruled Israel before he did.
Omri fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a. Li fè pi mal pase moun ki te chèf anvan l' yo.
26 [When] Jeroboam [was previously the king, he] had led the Israeli people to sin, and Omri committed the same kind of sins that Jeroboam did. The Israeli people caused Yahweh, the God the Israeli people had worshiped, to become very angry, because they worshiped worthless idols.
Li mache pye pou pye dèyè Jewoboram, pitit Nebat la: li fè sa ki mal, li lakòz pèp la fè sa ki mal tou. Se konsa yo te fè Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, fache ak vye zidòl yo.
27 Everything that Omri did, and the record of the victories that his [army] won, are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Tout lòt istwa sou sa Omri te fè yo, sou jan li te yon vanyan gason, n'a jwenn sa ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Izrayèl yo.
28 After Omri died, he was buried in Samaria, and his son Ahab became king.
Lè Omri mouri, yo antere l' lavil Samari. Se Akab, pitit gason l' lan, ki moute wa nan plas li.
29 Ahab became king of Israel when Asa had ruled Judah for almost 38 years. Ahab ruled in Samaria [city] for 22 years.
Wa Asa te gen trantwitan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Jida a lè Akab, pitit Omri a, moute wa peyi Izrayèl. Pandan venndezan li gouvènen peyi Izrayèl nan lavil Samari.
30 Ahab did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil. He did more evil things than any of the kings who ruled Israel before he did.
Li fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a. Li fè pi mal pase tout moun ki te chèf anvan l' yo.
31 He committed the same kind of sins that Jeroboam did, but he did things that were worse than the things that Jeroboam did. He married [a woman named] Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal, the king of Sidon [city]. Then Ahab started to worship Baal, [the god that the Canaan people-group worshiped].
Non sèlman li te fè tankou Jewoboram, pitit Nebat la, men l' ale pi lwen toujou. Li marye ak Jezabèl, pitit fi Elbaal, wa peyi Sidon. Li pran sèvi Baal, l' al met ajenou devan li.
32 He built a temple in Samaria in order that the Israeli people could worship Baal there, and he put an altar there for [making sacrifices to] Baal.
Nan mitan lavil Samari, li bati yon tanp pou Baal, li mete yon lotèl ladan l'.
33 He also made an idol that represented Asherah, [Baal’s wife]. He did many more things that caused Yahweh to become angry. He did more evil things than any of the previous kings of Israel had done.
Li fè yon estati pou Astate tou. Li fè pi mal pase tout lòt wa peyi Izrayèl ki te pase anvan l' yo pou fè Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, fache.
34 During the years that Ahab [ruled], Hiel, a man from Bethel [city], rebuilt Jericho [city]. But when he started to rebuild the city, his oldest son Abiram died. And [when the city was finished, ] while Hiel was building the city gates, his youngest son Segub died. They died just like Yahweh had told Joshua would happen [to the sons of anyone who would rebuild Jericho].
Se pandan rèy Akab la, yon nonm yo rele Iyèl, moun lavil Betèl, rebati lavil Jeriko. Men, pawòl Seyè a te di Jozye, pitit Noun lan, rive vre. Abiram, premye pitit Iyèl la, mouri lè yo t'ap fouye fondasyon lavil la, lèfini Segoub, dezyèm pitit gason Iyèl la, mouri lè yo t'ap moute pòtay lavil la.

< 1 Kings 16 >