< 1 John 1 >

1 [I, John, am writing to you about] the one who existed before [there was anything else]. He is the one whom we [apostles] listened to [as he taught us!] We saw him! We ourselves looked at him and touched him! [He is the one who taught us] the message that [enables people to have eternal] life (OR, live [spiritually]).
Izay hatramin’ ny voalohany, dia izay efa renay, izay efa hitan’ ny masonay, izay efa nojerenay sady efa notsapain’ ny tananay, dia ny amin’ ny Teny Fiainana
2 Because he came here [to the earth] and we have seen him, we proclaim to you clearly that the one whom we have seen is the [one who] has always lived. He was [previously] with his Father in heaven, but he came to live among us. (aiōnios g166)
(fa efa naseho ny fiainana, ary efa nahita azy izahay, dia tonga vavolombelona ka manambara aminareo ny fiainana mandrakizay, izay tao amin’ ny Ray ka efa naseho taminay), ― (aiōnios g166)
3 We proclaim to you the [message about Jesus], the one whom we saw and heard, in order that you may have a close relationship with us. The ones whom we have a close relationship with are God our Father and his Son Jesus Christ.
izay efa hitanay sy renay no ambaranay aminareo, mba hahazoanareo firaisana aminay koa; ary ny firaisanay dia amin’ ny Ray sy amin’ i Jesosy Kristy Zanany.
4 I am writing to you about these things so that [you (will be convinced/believe]) [that they are true, and as a] result we may be completely joyful.
Ary izao zavatra izao no soratanay, mba ho tanteraka ny fifaliantsika.
5 The message that we heard from Christ and proclaim to you is this: God is [pure in every way. He never sins. He is like] [MET] a [brilliant] light that has no darkness at all.
Ary izao no teny renay taminy ka ambaranay aminareo: Andriamanitra dia mazava, ary tsy misy maizina akory ao aminy.
6 If we claim to have a close relationship with [God], but [we conduct our lives in an impure manner, that is like] living [MET] in [evil] darkness. We are lying. We are not conducting our lives according to [God’s] true message.
Raha hoy isika: Manana firaisana aminy isika, kanefa mandeha amin’ ny maizina, dia mandainga isika ka tsy manao ny marina.
7 But living [in a pure manner], as God is [living in a pure manner] [MET] [in every way, is like living] in God’s light. If we do that, we have a close relationship with each other. Not only that, but [God] (acquits us/removes [the guilt]) [of] all our sins because [he accepts] what his Son Jesus did for us [when his] blood [flowed from his body when he died. So we should conduct our lives] ([in a manner according to what God says is pure]).
Fa raha mandeha eo amin’ ny mazava isika, tahaka Azy eo amin’ ny mazava, dia manana firaisana isika, ary ny ran’ i Jesosy Zanany no manadio antsika ho afaka amin’ ny ota rehetra.
8 Those who say they never behave sinfully are deceiving themselves, and refusing [to accept as] true [what God says about them].
Raha hoy isika: Tsy manana ota isika, dia mamita-tena, ary ny marina tsy ato anatintsika.
9 But God will do what he says that he will do, and what he does is [always] right. So, if we confess to him that we [have behaved] sinfully, he will forgive [us for] our sins and (will free us from/remove) [the guilt of] all our sins. [Because of that], [we should confess to him that we have behaved sinfully].
Raha miaiky ny fahotantsika isika, dia mahatoky sy marina Izy ka mamela ny fahotantsika sy manadio antsika ho afaka amin’ ny tsi-fahamarinana rehetra.
10 [Because God says that everyone has sinned], those who say/claim that they have never behaved sinfully talk [as though] God lies! They reject what God says [about us]!
Raha hoy isika: Tsy nanota isika, dia mampandainga Azy, ary tsy ato anatintsika.

< 1 John 1 >