< 1 John 5 >

1 All those who believe that Jesus is the (Messiah/person God sent [to rescue us]) are ones who [have truly] become children of God. And everyone who loves [a man who is] someone’s father will [be expected to] love that man’s children as well. [Similarly, those who love God, who has caused them to become his children] [MET], [should love their fellow believers, whom God has also caused to become his children].
Који год верује да је Исус Христос, од Бога је рођен; и који год љуби Оног који је родио, љуби и Оног који је рођен од Њега.
2 The way we can be sure that we [truly] love God’s children is this: We are loving them when we love God and do what he commands [us to do].
По том знамо да љубимо децу Божију кад Бога љубимо и Његове заповести држимо.
3 [I say this] because our obeying what God commands [us to do] is [the same as] loving him. And it is not burdensome/difficult for [us to do] what God commands [us to do].
Јер је ово љубав Божија да заповести Његове држимо; и заповести Његове нису тешке.
4 All of us whom God has caused to become his children have been able to successfully resist (doing what/conducting our lives like) the people [MTY] [who] oppose God do. It is [only] by our trusting [in Christ] that we are able to (resist doing what/conducting our lives like) people in the world who are opposed to God [MTY] do.
Јер сваки који је рођен од Бога побеђује свет; и вера је наша ова победа која победи свет.
5 ([I will tell you] who are the ones who are able to resist doing what the people who are opposed to God do./Do you know who are the ones who are able to resist conducting their lives like the people who are opposed to God [MTY] do? [RHQ]) It is those who believe that Jesus is (God’s Son/the man who is also God).
Ко је који свет побеђује осим оног који верује да је Исус Син Божји?
6 [Think about] Jesus Christ. He is the one who came [to earth from God]. [God showed that he had truly sent Jesus when Jesus was baptized] in water [MTY] and [when Jesus’] blood [flowed from his body when he died]. [God showed this] not only [when Jesus was baptized] [MTY], but also when Jesus’ blood flowed [from his body when he died]. And [God’s] Spirit declares [truthfully that Jesus Christ came from God]. The Spirit always [speaks what] is true.
Ово је Исус Христос што дође водом и крвљу и Духом, не само водом него водом и крвљу; и Дух је који сведочи, јер је Дух истина,
7 There are three [ways] by which we know [that Christ came from God].
Јер је троје што сведочи на небу: Отац, Реч, и Свети Дух; и ово је троје једно.
8 [Those three ways are: What God’s] Spirit [tells us, what God said when Jesus was baptized] [MTY] [in/with] water, and [Jesus’] blood [that flowed from his body when he died on the cross]. These three things all tell us the same thing, [that Jesus came from God].
И троје је што сведочи на земљи: дух, и вода, и крв; и троје је заједно.
9 We [usually] believe what [other] people say. But what God says is more [reliable/trustworthy than what people say]. So [we must believe] what God has said is true [about] (his Son/the one who is also God).
Кад примамо сведочанство човечије, сведочанство је Божије веће; јер је ово сведочанство Божије што сведочи за Сина свог.
10 Those who trust in the Son of God know within their (inner beings/hearts) that [what God] says [about his Son is true. But] those who refuse to believe that [what] God says is true are saying that God is a liar, because they refuse to believe what God has said about (his Son/the one who is also God).
Који верује Сина Божијег има сведочанство у себи; који не верује Богу начинио Га је лажом, јер не верова сведочанству које сведочи Бог за Сина свог.
11 This is what [God] says [to us]: “I have given you eternal life!” We will live forever if we have a close relationship with his Son. (aiōnios g166)
И ово је сведочанство да нам је Бог дао живот вечни; и овај живот вечни у Сину је Његовом. (aiōnios g166)
12 Those who have [a close relationship with God’s] Son (OR, who have accepted what God’s Son [has done for them]) have [already] begun to live [forever]. [But] those who do not have a relationship with (God’s Son/the one who is also God) (OR, who have not accepted what God’s Son has done for them) have not begun [to] live [forever].
Ко има Сина Божијег има живот; ко нема Сина Божијег нема живот.
13 I have written this [letter] to you who believe that Jesus is [MTY] (God’s Son/the one who is also God) in order that you may know that you have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Ово писах вама који верујете у име Сина Божијег, да знате да имате живот вечни и да верујете у име Сина Божијег. (aiōnios g166)
14 Because we have a close relationship with him, we are very confident that he hears us when we ask him [to do anything] that is in accordance with (his will/what he desires).
И ово је слобода коју имамо к Њему да ако шта молимо по вољи Његовој послуша нас.
15 [And] since we know that he hears whenever we ask [him for something], we [also] know that [it is as though] he has [already] done what we requested him [to do].
И кад знамо да нас слуша шта год молимо, знамо да ће нам дати шта тражимо од Њега.
16 Those who see one of their fellow believers sinning in a way that does not result in being eternally separated from God should ask [God to help that fellow believer]; and [as a result God] will help that fellow believer and enable him or her to live [eternally. But some people] sin [in a manner that causes them] to be separated from God eternally. I am not saying that [you should] ask [God to help] people who sin like that.
Ако ко види брата свог где греши грех не к смрти, нека моли, и даће му живот, онима који греше не к смрти. Има грех к смрти: за тај не говорим да моли.
17 Everyone who does what is wrong is sinning, but there are some sins that do not cause a person to be separated from God.
Свака је неправда грех; и има грех не к смрти.
18 We know that if a person has new life from God [MET], that person does not continue sinning. Instead, the (Son of/one who is also) God protects him so that [Satan], the evil one, does not harm him [spiritually].
Знамо да ниједан који је рођен од Бога, не греши, него који је рођен од Бога чува се, и нечастиви не дохвата се до њега.
19 We know that we belong to God, and [we know] that the evil one controls all [the evil people in] [MTY] the world.
Знамо да смо од Бога и сав свет лежи у злу.
20 We also know that (God’s Son/the one who is also God) has come [to us], and [we know] that he has enabled us to know God, the one who is really/truly God. So now we have a close relationship with [God because] we belong to Jesus Christ, the one who is the (Son of/man who is also) God. Jesus Christ is truly God, and [he is the one who enables us to have] eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
А знамо да Син Божји дође, и дао нам је разум да познамо Бога Истинитог, и да будемо у истинитом Сину Његовом Исусу Христу. Ово је Истинити Бог и Живот вечни. (aiōnios g166)
21 [I say to] you who are very dear to me, guard/keep yourselves from [worshipping] gods [that have no real power]!
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< 1 John 5 >