< 1 John 3 >

1 [Think about] how much our [heavenly] Father loves us! He allows us to (say that we are/be called) his children! [And it is indeed true that] we are [his children. But people in] the world [MTY] [who are unbelievers] have not understood [who] God [is]. So they do not understand [who we are], that we [belong to God].
Jak nás Otec miluje! Přijal nás za syny a dcery. Lidé nás často nechápou, protože Boha neznají.
2 Dear friends, even though (at present/now) we are God’s children, [he] has not yet (made clear/revealed) [to us] what we will be like [in the future]. However, we know that when [Christ] comes back again, we will be like him, because we will see what he is [really] like.
Už teď jsme jeho děti, ale neumíme si představit, jak nás Bůh ještě přetvoří. To však víme, že až Kristus přijde a my ho uvidíme v celém jeho majestátu, bude v nás dokončena proměna do jeho podoby.
3 [So], all those who confidently expect [to see Christ as he actually is/what Christ is like when he returns] must keep themselves pure in every way, just like Christ, who is pure in every way.
Každý, kdo v něj složil tuto naději, vyhýbá se všemu zlu, protože i Kristus je bez poskvrny.
4 But everyone who continues sinning is refusing to obey [God’s] laws, because that is what sin is, refusing to obey [God’s] laws.
Kdo hřeší, staví se proti Bohu, protože hřích je porušení Božího zákona.
5 You know that Christ came in order to completely remove [the guilt of] our sins. You know also that he never sinned.
Víte, že Boží Syn přišel, aby nás hříchů zbavil. U něho nemá žádný hřích místo.
6 Those who continue [doing what] Christ wants them to, do not continue sinning repeatedly. But those who repeatedly sin have not understood [who Christ is], nor have they had a close relationship with him.
Kdo se Krista drží, ten se hříchu vyhýbá; kdo si s hříchem zahrává, Krista nezná a nerozumí mu.
7 [So I urge you, ] who are all very dear to me, do not let anyone deceive you [by telling you that it is all right to sin]. If you continue doing what is right, you are righteous, just like Christ is righteous.
Děti, nedejte se nikým oklamat. Podle činů se pozná, zda se podobáme Kristu, který žil v souladu s Boží vůlí.
8 [But] if anyone continues sinning, he is like the devil, because the devil has always been sinning. [And] the reason why God’s Son became a human being was to destroy what the devil has done.
Komu se hřích neoškliví, podobá se ďáblu, který se odjakživa staví proti Bohu. Boží Syn přišel proto, aby zrušil ďáblovo dílo.
9 People do not continue sinning repeatedly if they have become children of God. Instead, [they] continue [to conduct their lives according to the character/nature that God produced in them] [MET]. They cannot continually sin because God has caused them to become his children.
Kdo se stal Božím dítětem, vyhýbá se hříchu, protože v něm působí Bůh. Nemůže setrvávat v hříchu, neboť Bůh a hřích se navzájem vylučují.
10 Those who are God’s children are clearly different from those who are (the devil’s/Satan’s) children. [The way that we can know who are Satan’s children is this]: Those who do not do what is right are not God’s children. [Specifically], those who do not love their fellow believers are not [God’s children Instead, they are Satan’s children].
Podle toho se pozná, ke komu kdo patří: kdo se dopouští bezpráví a nemiluje bratra, nepatří Bohu.
11 The message that you heard when you first [MTY] [believed in Christ] is that we should love each other.
Když jste poprvé slyšeli o Kristu, slyšeli jste také: milujte se navzájem.
12 [We should] not [hate others] as did [Adam’s son], Cain, who belonged to [Satan], the evil one. [Because Cain hated his younger brother], he murdered him. (I will tell you about why he murdered his brother./Do you know why he murdered his brother [RHQ]?) It was because Cain habitually conducted his life in an evil way, and [he hated his younger brother] because his [younger] brother [conducted his life] righteously.
Podívejte se na Kaina. Přiklonil se k ďáblu a skončilo to bratrovraždou. Proč zabil svého bratra? Protože Ábelův příkladný život ho usvědčoval z hříchu.
13 You should not be amazed/surprised, my fellow believers, when [unbelievers] [MTY] hate you.
A tak se nedivte, když vás mnozí nenávidí.
14 We know that we have been changed from [being spiritually] dead [MET] to [being spiritually] alive. We know this because we love our fellow believers. [Those who] do not love [their fellow believers] are still [spiritually] [MET] dead.
Víme, že už nepodléháme vládě smrti, ale vládě života, protože se navzájem milujeme.
15 Those who hate [any of] their fellow believers, [God considers] [MET] them [to be] murderers. And you know that no murderer has eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Kdo nemiluje, zůstává v zajetí smrti. Kdo nenávidí, rozsévá smrt a ztrácí podíl na věčném životě. (aiōnios g166)
16 The way that we now know [how to truly] love [our fellow believers is by remembering] that Christ (voluntarily died/gave his life) for us. So, [when our fellow believers need something, we should be willing to help them. We should even be willing to] die for them.
Pravou lásku nám ukázal Kristus tím, že za nás obětoval život. To nás zavazuje, abychom byli ochotni nasadit za bratra i život.
17 Many [of us] have the things that are necessary for us to live in this world. If we become aware that any of our fellow believers do not have what they need and [if we] refuse to ([provide for them/give to them what they need]), it is clear that we do not love God [as we claim/say that we do].
Kdo má dostatek a nedbá, že jeho bratr je v nouzi, marně tvrdí, že miluje Boha.
18 [I say to] all of you whom I love dearly, let us not merely say [MTY] that [we love our fellow believers!] Let us genuinely/really love them by doing things [to help them]!
Nemilujme jenom slovy, ale opravdovými činy.
19 When we [truly love our fellow believers], we can be sure that we are [conducting our lives according to] the true message. [As a result], we will not feel guilty/ashamed [when we talk] [MTY] to God.
Taková láska nám dá vnitřní jistotu a uspokojí naše svědomí.
20 [We can pray confidently], because [although] we might feel guilty/ashamed [about our sins], God is (greater/more worthy to be trusted) than what we feel. He knows everything [about us].
Ale i při nejlepší snaze jsme odkázáni na Boží pochopení a odpuštění.
21 Dear friends, when we do not feel guilty [because of our sins], we can pray to God confidently.
Moji drazí, když zachováváme jeho přikázání a děláme, co se mu líbí, svědomí nás neobviňuje
22 And, when we confidently pray to him and request [something from him], we receive it because we do what he commands [us to do], and because we do what pleases him.
a smíme Bohu s důvěrou předkládat své prosby a očekávat, že je splní.
23 [I will tell you] what he commands [us to do]: [We must] believe that Jesus Christ is (his Son/the one who is also God). [We must] also love each other, just like he commanded [us to do].
A co nám tedy Bůh přikazuje? Abychom věřili, že Ježíš Kristus je Boží Syn, a milovali se navzájem.
24 Those who do what God commands are ones who have a close relationship with God, and God has a close relationship with them. [I will tell you how] we can be sure that God has a close relationship with us: It is because [we have] his Spirit, whom he gave to us, that we can be sure that God has a close relationship with us.
Kdo se podle toho řídí, je s Bohem zajedno. O této jednotě s Bohem nás ujišťuje Duch svatý.

< 1 John 3 >