< 1 Corinthians 7 >

1 Now [I will reply to] the things that you wrote to me about. It is good for people not to get married.
Von dem ihr aber mir geschrieben habt, antworte ich: Es ist dem Menschen gut, daß er kein Weib berühre.
2 But because many people are committing sexual immorality, [which God detests], every man should have his own wife [with whom he can have sexual relations], and every woman should have her own husband [with whom she can have sexual relations].
Aber um der Hurerei willen habe ein jeglicher sein eigen Weib, und eine jegliche habe ihren eigenen Mann.
3 Every man must continue having sexual relations [EUP] with his wife, and every woman must continue having sexual relations with her husband.
Der Mann leiste dem Weibe die schuldige Freundschaft, desselbigengleichen das Weib dem Manne.
4 A man’s wife does not have the right over her own body [to be the only one to decide about having sexual relations with her husband]. Instead, her husband also has a right [to decide about that]. Similarly, a woman’s husband does not have the right over his own body [to be the only one to decide about having sexual relations with his wife]. Instead, his wife also has a right [to decide about that].
Das Weib ist ihres Leibes nicht mächtig, sondern der Mann. Desselbigengleichen der Mann ist seines Leibes nicht mächtig, sondern das Weib.
5 You may refuse [to have sexual relations with] each other [EUP] only if you both first agree to do that for a short time, in order that you may both have more time to pray. Then after that, begin having sexual relations again [EUP] in order that Satan will not be able to persuade you [to have sex with someone else] because you are unable to control your sexual desires.
Entziehe sich nicht eins dem andern, es sei denn aus beider Bewilligung eine Zeitlang, daß ihr zum Fasten und Beten Muße habet; und kommet wiederum zusammen; auf daß euch der Satan nicht versuche um eurer Unkeuschheit willen.
6 I am telling you these things to say that [God] allows [you to get married, but he] does not say that you must [get married].
Solches sage ich aber aus Vergunst und nicht aus Gebot.
7 I myself wish that all people would stay [unmarried/single], as I am. But God has enabled each person to live in ways that seem right for them. He has enabled some people to [live without getting married], and he has enabled other people to [get married].
Ich wollte aber lieber, alle Menschen wären, wie ich bin; aber ein jeglicher hat seine eigene Gabe von Gott, einer so, der andere so.
8 Now I want to say this to you unmarried people and to you whose spouses have died: It would be good for you to remain [unmarried] as I am.
Ich sage zwar den Ledigen und Witwen: Es ist ihnen gut, wenn sie auch bleiben wie ich.
9 But if you cannot control your [sexual desires] [EUP], you should get married. It is better to be married [so that you can satisfy your sexual desires with your spouse] than to constantly have a strong desire [EUP] [for sexual relations].
So sie aber sich nicht enthalten, so laß sie freien; es ist besser freien, denn Brunst leiden.
10 And now I will give a command for [believers who are] married. This is not a command from me alone; it also comes from the Lord Jesus. You married women must not (separate from/divorce) your husbands!
Den Ehelichen aber gebiete nicht ich, sondern der HERR, daß das Weib sich nicht scheide von dem Manne.
11 But if any of you do that, you must remain unmarried, or else you should be reconciled with your husband [and live with him again]. Similarly, men must not (separate from/divorce) their wives.
So sie sich aber scheidet, daß sie ohne Ehe bleibe oder sich mit dem Manne versöhne, und daß der Mann das Weib nicht von sich lasse.
12 Now I say this to the rest of you, [to those who became believers after they were married. This is what] I [am saying], not what the Lord [has commanded]. If someone has a wife who is not a believer, if she is willing to keep living with him, he must not divorce her.
Den andern aber sage ich, nicht der HERR: So ein Bruder ein ungläubig Weib hat, und dieselbige läßt es sich gefallen, bei ihm zu wohnen, der scheide sich nicht von ihr.
13 Similarly, if a woman has a husband who is not a believer, if he is willing to keep living with her, she must not divorce him.
Und so ein Weib einen ungläubigen Mann hat, und er läßt es sich gefallen, bei ihr zu wohnen, die scheide sich nicht von ihm.
14 [I say that] because God has set apart every woman’s unbelieving husband [for himself] because of his wife [being a believer], and God has set apart every man’s unbelieving wife [for himself] because of her husband [being a believer]. If that were not true, [God would consider] their children unacceptable. But, the fact is that [God does consider] them acceptable to him.
Denn der ungläubige Mann ist geheiliget durch das Weib, und das ungläubige Weib wird geheiliget durch den Mann. Sonst wären eure Kinder unrein; nun aber sind sie heilig.
15 However, if a woman’s husband who is not a believer or a man’s wife who is not a believer wants to leave, let [him or her] do so. The husband or wife who is a believer should not force the other one to stay. God has chosen us in order that we may live peacefully.
So aber der Ungläubige sich scheidet, so laß ihn sich scheiden. Es ist der Bruder oder die Schwester nicht gefangen in solchen Fällen. Im Frieden aber hat uns Gott berufen.
16 [You women believers should allow your unbelieving spouses to leave you if they want to], because there is no way that you can be sure that God will save your husband if you stay together [RHQ] (OR, perhaps God will save your husband if you stay together.) Similarly, you men [who are believers], there is no way that you can be sure that God will save your wives if you stay together [RHQ] (OR, perhaps God will save your wives if you stay together.)
Was weißt du aber, du Weib, ob du den Mann werdest selig machen? Oder du Mann was weißt du, ob du das Weib werdest selig machen?
17 However, each person should continue in the status that the Lord gave him, the status that he had when the Lord called him [to belong to him]. That is the rule that I tell people in all the congregations [where I speak].
Doch wie einem jeglichen Gott hat ausgeteilet. Ein jeglicher, wie ihn der HERR berufen hat, also wandele er. Und also schaffe ich's in allen Gemeinden.
18 If a man had already been circumcised [RHQ] when he became a Christian, he should not [try to pretend that he is not] circumcised. If a man had not been circumcised [RHQ] before he became a Christian, he should not become circumcised.
Ist jemand beschnitten berufen, der zeuge keine Vorhaut. Ist jemand berufen in der Vorhaut, der lasse sich nicht beschneiden.
19 [You should not try to change your status that way], because it means nothing [to God] whether someone is circumcised or not. What is important is that we obey what God has commanded.
Die Beschneidung ist nichts, und die Vorhaut ist nichts, sondern Gottes Gebote halten;
20 [Generally], each person should remain in the status that he had when he became a Christian.
Ein jeglicher bleibe in dem Beruf, darinnen er berufen ist.
21 If one of you was a slave when you [(sg)] became a Christian [RHQ], do not be concerned about it. However, if you get an opportunity to be free, do [what you need to do to become free].
Bist du als Knecht berufen, sorge dich nicht; doch kannst du frei werden, so brauche des viel lieber.
22 [Do not worry about your previously being a slave], because those who were slaves before they became Christians, the Lord has freed them [from Satan’s control]. Similarly, those who were not slaves before they became Christians, [it is as though] [MET] they are Christ’s slaves [because they must do what he tells them to do] [MET].
Denn wer als Knecht berufen ist in dem HERRN, der ist ein Gefreiter des HERRN; desselbigengleichen, wer als Freier berufen ist, der ist ein Knecht Christi.
23 [Christ] paid a price to buy you [when he died for you]. So do not [act as if you are evil people’s] slaves [by doing the evil things that they tell you to do].
Ihr seid teuer erkauft; werdet nicht der Menschen Knechte!
24 My fellow believers, [I repeat that in general] each believer, being in fellowship with God, should continue in the status that he had before he became a Christian.
Ein jeglicher, liebe Brüder, worinnen er berufen ist, darinnen bleibe er bei Gott.
25 Now [I will answer your question] about women who have never married. There is nothing that the Lord has commanded me [to write about them], but I am writing this to tell you what I think [is best], because the Lord [Jesus] has mercifully enabled me to [say] what is reliable.
Von den Jungfrauen aber habe ich kein Gebot des HERRN; ich sage aber meine Meinung, als ich Barmherzigkeit erlanget habe von dem HERRN, treu zu sein.
26 There are a lot of distressing events [happening] now (OR, that will soon happen), so I think that it is better for people to remain in the marital status that they now have.
So meine ich nun, solches sei gut um der gegenwärtigen Not willen, daß es dem Menschen gut sei, also zu sein.
27 If any of you [men] are married [RHQ], do not try to divorce your wife. If any of you are unmarried [RHQ], do not seek a wife.
Bist du an ein Weib gebunden, so suche nicht los zu werden; bist du aber los vom Weibe, so suche kein Weib.
28 But if [any of] you [men] get married, you have not committed a sin [by doing that]. Likewise, if an unmarried woman gets married, she has not committed a sin [by doing that]. However, those who get married will have many troubles, [so I am urging you to remain unmarried in order that] you may not experience [such troubles].
So du aber freiest, sündigest du nicht; und so eine Jungfrau freiet, sündiget sie nicht; doch werden solche leibliche Trübsal haben. Ich verschone aber euer gerne.
29 My fellow believers, this is what I mean: There is not much time left [before Christ returns]. So, from now on those men who are married should [devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they were not married.
Das sage ich aber, liebe Brüder: Die Zeit ist kurz. Weiter ist das die Meinung: Die da Weiber haben, daß sie seien, als hätten sie keine, und die da weinen, als weineten sie nicht,
30 Those who are sad should [devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they were not sad. Those who are rejoicing [should devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they were not joyful.
und die sich freuen, als freueten sie sich nicht, und die da kaufen, als besäßen sie es nicht,
31 Those who are buying things should [devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they did not possess those things. Because this world as it exists now will soon be gone, those who are actively involved in the affairs of this life [should not devote all their time] to be involved in those things.
und die diese Welt gebrauchen, daß sie dieselbige nicht mißbrauchen; denn das Wesen dieser Welt vergehet.
32 [Another reason why] I [encourage you to remain unmarried is that] I desire that none of you be anxious [about the everyday affairs of this life]. Unmarried men are [able to be primarily] concerned about serving the Lord Jesus and trying to please him.
Ich wollte aber, daß ihr ohne Sorge wäret. Wer ledig ist, der sorget, was dem HERRN angehöret, wie er dem HERRN gefalle.
33 But married men are [often] greatly concerned about the affairs of this life. Specifically, they are concerned about pleasing their wives.
Wer aber freiet, der sorget, was der Welt angehöret, wie er dem Weibe gefalle. Es ist ein Unterschied zwischen einem Weibe und einer Jungfrau.
34 So their thinking is divided. Unmarried women are [able to be] concerned about serving the Lord. They want to set apart their minds and their bodies for serving the Lord. But married women are [often] concerned about the affairs of this life. Specifically, they are concerned about how to please their husbands.
Welche nicht freiet, die sorget, was dem HERRN angehöret, daß sie heilig sei, beide, am Leibe und auch am Geist; die aber freiet, die sorget, was der Welt angehöret, wie sie dem Manne gefalle.
35 I am telling you this for your own good. I am not saying it in order to restrict you. Instead, I am saying it in order that you may do what is proper and be able to serve the Lord without being distracted {things distracting you}.
Solches aber sage ich zu eurem Nutz; nicht daß ich euch einen Strick an den Hals werfe, sondern dazu, daß es fein ist, und ihr stets und unverhindert dem HERRN dienen könnet.
36 [Some of you men have asked about your unmarried daughters]. [I suggest that] if any man thinks that he may be treating his daughter unfairly [by keeping her from marrying], and if it is already past [the right] time for her to get married, and if he thinks that she ought to be married, he should do what he wants to do. He should let her get married. He will not be sinning [by doing that].
So aber jemand sich lässet dünken, es wolle sich nicht schicken mit seiner Jungfrau, weil sie eben wohl mannbar ist, und es will nicht anders sein, so tue er, was er will; er sündiget nicht, er lasse sie freien.
37 But if a man feels absolutely sure [that it is better that his daughter not get married], and if nothing is forcing [her to get married], and if he is free to do what he decides to do on the matter, if he decides that his daughter should not get married, he is doing what is right in [keeping her from marrying].
Wenn einer aber sich fest vornimmt, weil er ungezwungen ist und seinen freien Willen hat, und beschließt solches in seinem Herzen, seine Jungfrau also bleiben zu lassen, der tut wohl.
38 So any man who decides that his daughter should get married is doing what is good, but if he decides that she should not get married, he is doing something even better. (OR, [Some of you men have asked about the women to whom you are engaged to marry]. If any man thinks that he may be treating that woman unfairly [by not marrying her], and if it is already past [the right] time for her to get married, and if he wants to marry her very much, he should do what he wants to do. He should marry her. He will not be sinning [by doing that]. But if a man feels absolutely sure [that it is better] for him not to get married, and if nothing is forcing [them to get married], if he is free to make his own decision on the matter, if he decides not to get married, he is doing what is right. So any man who decides that he should get married to the woman he is engaged to is doing what is good, but if he decides that he should not get married, he is doing something even better.)
Endlich, welcher verheiratet, der tut wohl; welcher aber nicht verheiratet, der tut besser.
39 Women must remain married to their husbands while their husbands are still alive. But if a woman’s husband dies, she is free to marry any [unmarried] man whom she wants to marry, but he must belong to the Lord.
Ein Weib ist gebunden an das Gesetz, solange ihr Mann lebet; so aber ihr Mann entschläft, ist sie frei, sich zu verheiraten, welchem sie will; allein, daß es in dem HERRN geschehe.
40 However, I think that she will be happier if she does not marry again. And I believe that the Spirit of God is [directing] me [as I say that].
Seliger ist sie aber, wo sie also bleibet, nach meiner Meinung. Ich halte aber, ich habe auch den Geist Gottes.

< 1 Corinthians 7 >