< 1 Corinthians 2 >

1 My fellow believers, when I came to you, I proclaimed to you the message that God had revealed to me. But I did not proclaim it using eloquent words that would make people think highly of me, nor did I argue in a way that unbelievers would think was very wise.
Ekufikeni kwami kini bazalwane, kangifikanga lobugabazi bokukhuluma kumbe ukuhlakanipha okukhulu lapho ngitshumayela kini ubufakazi ngoNkulunkulu.
2 I did that because I decided that I would speak only about Jesus Christ. Specifically, I told you [what he accomplished for us when] he was killed by being nailed {[when they] killed him by nailing him} to a cross.
Ngoba ngazimisela ukungazi lutho ngiseselani ngaphandle kukaJesu Khristu yena owabethelwayo.
3 Furthermore, when I was with you, I felt that I was not adequate [to do what Christ wanted me to do]. I was afraid [that I would not be able to do it], and because of that I was trembling very much.
Ngafika kini ngibuthakathaka, ngisesaba njalo ngithuthumela kakhulu.
4 When I taught you and preached to you, I did not speak words that [unbelievers would consider] [IRO] wise in order to convince them that my message was true. Instead, [God’s] Spirit showed that it was true by [enabling me to] powerfully [perform miracles].
Ilizwi lami lentshumayelo yami akubanga ngamazwi okuhlakanipha lahugayo, kodwa kubonakalisa amandla kaMoya,
5 [I taught and preached that way] in order that you might believe [my message], not because you heard words that people [considered to be] [IRO] wise, but [because you recognized] God’s power.
ukuze ukukholwa kwenu kungeyami ekuhlakanipheni kwabantu, kodwa emandleni kaNkulunkulu.
6 I do teach a message that people who are [spiritually] mature [consider to] be wise. But I do not teach a message that unbelievers [consider to be] wise. I also do not teach a message that unbelieving rulers in the world consider to be wise. [What they think about it does not matter], because [some day] (they will lose their power/not be ruling any more). (aiōn g165)
Kodwa siyalikhuluma ilizwi lokuhlakanipha kulabo asebekhulile, belo kungasikho kuhlakanipha kwalesisikhathi loba okwababusi balesisikhathi, asebezakuba yize. (aiōn g165)
7 Instead, I teach about what God planned wisely [long ago]. It is something that people did not know about previously because [God] did not reveal it previously. But God determined before he created the world that he would greatly benefit us by his wise plan. (aiōn g165)
Hatshi, sikhuluma ngokuhlakanipha kukaNkulunkulu okufihlakeleyo, ukuhlakanipha obekukade uNkulunkulu akumisela inkazimulo yethu isikhathi singakaqalisi. (aiōn g165)
8 None of those who rule this world knew that wise plan. If they had known it, they would not have nailed our wonderful Lord to the cross. (aiōn g165)
Kakho kubabusi balesisikhathi owakuzwisisayo ngoba aluba kwakube njalo, babengasoze bayibethele iNkosi yenkazimulo. (aiōn g165)
9 But [we believers need to remember these words that a prophet] wrote [in the Scriptures]: Things that no one has ever seen, things that no one ever heard, things that no one ever thought could happen, those are the things that God has prepared for those who love him.
Kodwa kunjengoba kulotshiwe ukuthi: “Akulalihlo eselibonile, akulandlebe esizwile; njalo akulangqondo yomuntu esicabangile ngalokho uNkulunkulu akulungisele labo abamthandayo,”
10 God has caused his Spirit to reveal those things to us [(inc)] believers. His Spirit can do that because he knows thoroughly the meaning of all things. He even knows the things about God that are very difficult to understand.
kodwa uNkulunkulu ukuvezile kithi ngoMoya. UMoya uyazihlolisisa izinto zonke, kanye lezinto ezizikileyo zikaNkulunkulu.
11 Only a person himself (OR, a person’s spirit) knows what he is thinking. Similarly, only God’s Spirit knows what God is thinking.
Kambe ngubani phakathi kwabantu oyaziyo imicabango yomuntu ngaphandle komoya walowomuntu ongaphakathi kwakhe na? Ngokufanayo, kakho oyaziyo imicabango kaNkulunkulu ngaphandle kukaMoya kaNkulunkulu.
12 It was not the ideas that unbelievers teach that we accepted. Instead, it was the Spirit who came from God that we received, in order that we might know the things that God has freely done for us.
Kasamukelanga umoya wasemhlabeni, kodwa uMoya ovela kuNkulunkulu ukuze siqedisise ngalokho uNkulunkulu asiphe khona ngesihle.
13 Those are the things that I tell you about. As I do that, I do not tell you things that someone [whom others thought] was [IRO] wise taught me. Instead, I tell you truths that [God’s] Spirit taught [me], and I explain those spiritual truths to people whose thinking is guided by God’s Spirit (OR, I teach spiritual [truths to] spiritual [people]).
Lokhu yikho esikukhulumayo, hatshi ngamazwi esawafundiswa yikuhlakanipha kwabantu kodwa ngamazwi esawafundiswa nguMoya.
14 Those who are unbelievers reject the truths that [God’s] Spirit teaches us [(inc)], because they [consider those truths to be] foolish. They cannot understand them, because it is God’s Spirit who enables us to evaluate those truths correctly, [and those people do not have God’s Spirit].
Umuntu ongelaMoya kazamukeli izinto ezivela kuMoya kaNkulunkulu ngoba kuye ziyibuthutha njalo angeke aziqedisise ngoba zibonakaliswa ngomoya.
15 We who have God’s Spirit can judge correctly the [value of] all truths [that the Spirit reveals], but [unbelievers] cannot evaluate us correctly.
Umuntu womoya uyazahlulela izinto zonke kodwa yena ngokwakhe akukho muntu ongamahlulela,
16 As [one of our prophets wrote: ] No human [RHQ] has known what the Lord is thinking. No human [RHQ] is able to instruct him. But we believers are able to think about things [MTY] in the way that Christ thinks about them.
ngoba, “Ngubani owake wayazi ingqondo yeNkosi ukuba ayeluleke na?” Kodwa thina silengqondo kaKhristu.

< 1 Corinthians 2 >