< 1 Corinthians 11 >

1 [Follow my example], just like I [try to] follow Christ’s example.
Vert mine etterfylgjarar, liksom eg fylgjer etter Kristus!
2 I praise you because you remember all the things [that I taught you] and because you follow the instructions that I gave you. You have done just like I told you to do.
Eg rosar dykk, brør, at de minnest meg i alle ting, og at de held fast på mine fyreskrifter, so som eg gav dykk deim.
3 [Now], I want you to know that the one who has authority over [MTY] every man is Christ, and the ones who have authority over women are men (OR, their husbands), and the one who has authority over Christ is God.
Men eg vil de skal vita, at hovudet for kvar mann er Kristus, og hovudet for kvinna er mannen, og hovudet for Kristus er Gud.
4 [So] if any man [wears a covering over] his head when he prays or speaks a message God gave him, he disgraces himself [SYN].
Kvar mann som bed eller talar profetord og då hev noko på hovudet, han vanærar hovudet sitt.
5 Also, if any woman does not wear a covering over her head when she prays or speaks a message that God gave her, she disgraces herself (OR, she dishonors her husband). That would be acting like [SIM] [women who are ashamed because] their heads have been shaved.
Men kvar kvinna som bed eller talar profetord utan hovudbunad, ho vanærar hovudet sitt; for det er eitt og det same som ho var raka.
6 So, if women do not wear coverings over their heads [when they pray or speak messages that God gave them], they should let someone shave their heads [so that they will be ashamed]. But since women are ashamed if someone cuts their hair [short] or shaves off their hair, they should wear coverings over their heads [when they pray or speak messages that God gave them].
For dersom ei kvinna ikkje brukar hovudbunad, so lat henne og klyppa av seg håret; men er det usømelegt for ei kvinna å klyppa eller raka av seg håret, so lat henne bruka hovudbunad!
7 Men should not wear coverings over their heads [when they pray or speak messages that God gave them], because they represent what God is like [MET] and they show how great God is. But women show how great men (OR, their husbands) are.
For ein mann skal ikkje hava noko på hovudet, då han er Guds bilæte og æra; men kvinna er mannsens æra.
8 [Remember that God intends that men have authority over women. We know that] because [God] did not make [the first] man, [Adam], from the [first] woman, [Eve]. Instead, he made that woman [from a bone that he took] from the man.
For mannen er ikkje av kvinna, men kvinna av mannen.
9 Also, [God] did not create [the first] man [to help] the woman. Instead, [he] created the woman [to help] the man.
For mannen vart ikkje heller skapt for kvinna skuld, men kvinna for mannen skuld.
10 For that reason, women should wear something [to cover] their heads [as a symbol of their being under their husbands’] [MTY] authority. They should also [cover their heads] so that the angels [will see that and rejoice].
Difor skal kvinna hava lydskyldnads-merke på hovudet for englarne skuld.
11 However, remember that [even though God created the first] woman from [the first] man, all other men [have been born] from women. So men cannot be independent of women, nor can women be independent of men. But all things, [including men and women], come from God.
Men i Herren er korkje kvinna noko framfor mannen eller mannen noko framfor kvinna.
For liksom kvinna er av mannen, so er og mannen ved kvinna; og alt er av Gud.
13 Consider this for yourselves: Is it proper for [RHQ] women to pray to God while they do not have coverings over their heads?
Døm hjå dykk sjølve! Er det sømelegt at ei kvinna bed til Gud utan hovudbunad?
14 (Everyone senses that it is disgraceful for men to have long hair./Doesn’t everyone sense that it is disgraceful for men to have long hair?) [RHQ]
Lærer ikkje sjølve naturi dykk, at um ein mann let håret veksa langt, er det honom til vanæra,
15 But it is very delightful if women have long hair, because [God] gave them long hair to be like a [beautiful] covering [for their heads].
men um ei kvinna let håret veksa langt, er det henne til æra? for det lange håret er gjeve henne til sveip.
16 But whoever wants to argue [with me about my saying that women should have a covering over their heads when they pray or speak a message from God should consider the fact that] we [apostles] do not [permit] any other custom, and the [other] congregations of God do not have any other custom.
Men dersom nokon vil vera trættekjær, so hev ikkje me den sedvane, og ikkje Guds kyrkjelydar heller.
17 Now I want to tell you [about some other things]. I do not praise you about them, because whenever you believers meet together, good [things do not happen]. Instead, bad things [happen].
Men når eg fyreskriv dette, rosar eg ikkje at de kjem saman, ikkje til det betre, men til det verre.
18 First of all, people have told me that when you gather together as a group [to worship God], you divide into groups [that are hostile to each other]. To some extent I believe that is true.
For fyrst so høyrer eg, at når de kjem saman i kyrkjelyden, so er der usamnad hjå dykk, og eg trur det for ein deil.
19 It seems that you must divide into [groups that despise each other] in order that it might be clear/evident which people among you [God] approves of!
For det lyt vera serflokkar hjå dykk, so dei velrøynde kann verta openberre millom dykk.
20 When you gather together, you [IRO] eat the meal [that you say is to remember the death of] the Lord [Jesus for us].
Når de so kjem saman, vert det ikkje Herrens nattverd det et.
21 But [what happens when] you eat is that each person eats his own meal before [he thinks about sharing his food with anyone else]. As a result, [when the meal is over], some people are [still] hungry and others are drunk! [So it is not a meal that honors the Lord].
For når de et, so tek kvar fyrst sin eigen mat, og den eine hungrar, men den andre fyller seg.
22 ([You act as though] you do not have your own houses in which you can eat and drink [whatever you want to]!/Do you not have your own houses in which you can eat and drink [whatever you want to]?) [RHQ] Do you not realize [RHQ] [that by acting selfishly in this way], it is God’s people whom you are despising, and it is the poor people [in your group] whom you are treating as though they were not important? What shall I say to you about that [RHQ]? Do [you expect] me to praise you [about what you do] [RHQ]? I certainly will not praise you!
Hev de ikkje hus til å eta og drikka i? Eller vanvyrder de Guds kyrkja og vanærar deim som ingen ting hev? Kva skal eg segja dykk? Skal eg rosa dykk? I dette rosar eg dykk ikkje.
23 The Lord taught me these things that I also taught you: During the night that Jesus was betrayed {[Judas] enabled [the enemies of] the Lord Jesus to seize him}, he took some bread.
For eg hev fenge frå Herren det som eg og hev yvergjeve dykk, at Herren Jesus, den natti han vart sviken, tok han eit brød,
24 After he thanked God for it, he broke it into pieces. [Then he gave it to his disciples] and said, “This bread [represents] [MET] (OR, is) my body, that [I am about to sacrifice] for you. Eat bread in this [way again and again] to remember my [offering myself as a sacrifice for you].”
og takka og braut det og sagde: «Dette er min likam som er for dykk. Gjer dette til minne um meg!»
25 Similarly, after they ate their meal, he took a cup [MTY] [of wine]. He [thanked God for it. Then he gave it to his disciples], saying, “[The wine in] [MTY] this cup [represents] [MET] (OR, is) my blood [that will flow from my body] ([to put into effect/to establish]) the new agreement [that God is making with people]. Whenever you drink wine in this way, do it to remember that [my blood flowed for you].”
Like eins tok han og kalken etter kveldverden og sagde: «Denne kalk er den nye pakt i mitt blod. So ofte som de drikk av han, so gjer dette til minne um meg!»
26 [Remember that] until the Lord [Jesus] returns [to the earth], whenever you eat the [bread that represents his body] and drink the wine [MTY] [that represents his blood], you are telling other people that he died [for you].
For so ofte som de et dette brødet og drikk denne kalken, so forkynner de Herrens daude, til dess han kjem.
27 So, those who eat that bread and drink that wine [MTY] in a way that is not proper [for those who belong to the Lord] are guilty of [acting in a way that is contrary to what] our [Lord intended when he offered] his body [as a sacrifice] and his blood [flowed when he died].
Difor, den som et brødet og drikk Herrens kalk uverdigt, han vert skuldig i Herrens likam og blod.
28 Before any believer eats that bread and drinks that wine [MTY], he should think carefully about [what he is doing],
Men kvart menneskje prøve seg sjølv, og so ete han av brødet og drikke av kalken!
29 because if anyone eats [the bread that represents Christ’s body] and drinks [the wine that represents his blood] without recognizing that all God’s [people should be united, God will] punish him [for doing that].
For den som et og drikk, han et og drikk seg sjølv til dom, når han ikkje gjer skil på Herrens likam.
30 Many people in your group are weak and sick, and several have died [EUP] because of [the way they acted when they ate that bread and drank that wine].
Difor er det mange veike og sjuke hjå dykk, og mange sovnar av.
31 If we would think carefully about what we [are doing], [God] would not judge [and punish] us [like that].
Men dersom me dømde oss sjølve, vart me ikkje dømde.
32 But when the Lord judges [and punishes] us [for acting wrongly], he disciplines us [to correct us], in order that he will not [need to] punish us when he punishes [the people who do not trust in Christ] [MTY].
Men når me vert dømde, vert me refste av Herren, so me ikkje skal verta fordømde saman med verdi.
33 So, my fellow believers, when you gather together to eat [food to remember the Lord’s dying for you], wait until everyone [has arrived so that you can find out who does not have enough food].
Difor, mine brør, når de kjem saman til å eta, so skift med kvarandre!
34 Those who are so hungry [that they cannot wait to eat until everyone else has arrived] should eat in their own homes [first], in order that when you gather together God will not judge [and punish them for] ([being inconsiderate of/not being concerned about]) [others]. And when I come [to Corinth] I will give you instructions about other matters [concerning the Lord’s Supper].
Men dersom nokon hungrar, so ete han heime, so de ikkje skal koma saman til dom. Det andre skal eg fyreskriva når eg kjem.

< 1 Corinthians 11 >