< 1 Corinthians 11 >

1 [Follow my example], just like I [try to] follow Christ’s example.
Më imitoni mua, ashtu si unë jam imitues i Krishtit.
2 I praise you because you remember all the things [that I taught you] and because you follow the instructions that I gave you. You have done just like I told you to do.
Dhe unë po ju lavdëroj, vëllezër, që më kujtoni në të gjitha gjërat dhe i zbatoni porositë ashtu siç ua kam transmetuar.
3 [Now], I want you to know that the one who has authority over [MTY] every man is Christ, and the ones who have authority over women are men (OR, their husbands), and the one who has authority over Christ is God.
Por dua që të dini se kreu i çdo njeriu është Krishti, edhe kreu i gruas është burri; edhe kreu i Krishtit është Perëndia.
4 [So] if any man [wears a covering over] his head when he prays or speaks a message God gave him, he disgraces himself [SYN].
Çdo burrë, kur lutet ose profetizon kokëmbuluar, turpëron kryet e tij.
5 Also, if any woman does not wear a covering over her head when she prays or speaks a message that God gave her, she disgraces herself (OR, she dishonors her husband). That would be acting like [SIM] [women who are ashamed because] their heads have been shaved.
Edhe çdo grua, që lutet ose profetizon kokëzbuluar, turpëron kryet e saj, sepse është njëlloj sikur të ishte e rruar.
6 So, if women do not wear coverings over their heads [when they pray or speak messages that God gave them], they should let someone shave their heads [so that they will be ashamed]. But since women are ashamed if someone cuts their hair [short] or shaves off their hair, they should wear coverings over their heads [when they pray or speak messages that God gave them].
Sepse në qoftë se gruaja nuk mbulohet, le t’ia presin flokët; por në qoftë se për gruan është turp të qethet a të rruhet, le të mbulojë kryet.
7 Men should not wear coverings over their heads [when they pray or speak messages that God gave them], because they represent what God is like [MET] and they show how great God is. But women show how great men (OR, their husbands) are.
Sepse burri nuk duhet të mbulojë kryet, sepse është shëmbëllimi dhe lavdia e Perëndisë, kurse gruaja është lavdia e burrit,
8 [Remember that God intends that men have authority over women. We know that] because [God] did not make [the first] man, [Adam], from the [first] woman, [Eve]. Instead, he made that woman [from a bone that he took] from the man.
sepse burri nuk është nga gruaja, por gruaja nga burri,
9 Also, [God] did not create [the first] man [to help] the woman. Instead, [he] created the woman [to help] the man.
edhe sepse burri nuk u krijua për gruan, por gruaja për burrin.
10 For that reason, women should wear something [to cover] their heads [as a symbol of their being under their husbands’] [MTY] authority. They should also [cover their heads] so that the angels [will see that and rejoice].
Prandaj gruaja, për shkak të engjëjve, duhet të ketë një shenjë pushteti mbi kryet.
11 However, remember that [even though God created the first] woman from [the first] man, all other men [have been born] from women. So men cannot be independent of women, nor can women be independent of men. But all things, [including men and women], come from God.
Gjithsesi në Zotin as burri s’është pa gruan, as gruaja pa burrin,
sepse sikurse gruaja vjen nga burri, ashtu edhe burri lind nëpërmjet gruas, dhe çdo gjë vjen nga Perëndia.
13 Consider this for yourselves: Is it proper for [RHQ] women to pray to God while they do not have coverings over their heads?
Gjykoni ndër veten tuaj. A i ka hije gruas t’i lutet Perëndisë pa u mbuluar?
14 (Everyone senses that it is disgraceful for men to have long hair./Doesn’t everyone sense that it is disgraceful for men to have long hair?) [RHQ]
Po vetë natyra, a nuk ju mëson se, në qoftë se një burrë i mban flokët të gjata, kjo është çnderim për të?
15 But it is very delightful if women have long hair, because [God] gave them long hair to be like a [beautiful] covering [for their heads].
Por në qoftë se gruaja i ka flokët të gjata, kjo është lavdi për të, sepse flokët i janë dhënë asaj për mbulesë.
16 But whoever wants to argue [with me about my saying that women should have a covering over their heads when they pray or speak a message from God should consider the fact that] we [apostles] do not [permit] any other custom, and the [other] congregations of God do not have any other custom.
Por në qoftë se ndokush mendon të kundërshtojë, ne s’kemi zakon të tillë, as kishat e Perëndisë.
17 Now I want to tell you [about some other things]. I do not praise you about them, because whenever you believers meet together, good [things do not happen]. Instead, bad things [happen].
Por, duke porositur këtë, unë nuk ju lavdëroj, se ju mblidheni, jo për më të mirën, po për më të keqen.
18 First of all, people have told me that when you gather together as a group [to worship God], you divide into groups [that are hostile to each other]. To some extent I believe that is true.
Para së gjithash, sepse dëgjoj se kur bashkoheni në asamble ka midis jush përçarje, dhe pjesërisht e besoj.
19 It seems that you must divide into [groups that despise each other] in order that it might be clear/evident which people among you [God] approves of!
Sepse duhet të ketë midis jush edhe grupime, që të njihen në mes tuaj ata që janë të sprovuar.
20 When you gather together, you [IRO] eat the meal [that you say is to remember the death of] the Lord [Jesus for us].
Kur mblidheni bashkë, pra, në një vend, kjo që bëni nuk është për të ngrënë darkën e Zotit,
21 But [what happens when] you eat is that each person eats his own meal before [he thinks about sharing his food with anyone else]. As a result, [when the meal is over], some people are [still] hungry and others are drunk! [So it is not a meal that honors the Lord].
sepse, në të ngrënët, gjithësecili merr darkën e vet më përpara; dhe njëri ka uri dhe tjetri është i dehur.
22 ([You act as though] you do not have your own houses in which you can eat and drink [whatever you want to]!/Do you not have your own houses in which you can eat and drink [whatever you want to]?) [RHQ] Do you not realize [RHQ] [that by acting selfishly in this way], it is God’s people whom you are despising, and it is the poor people [in your group] whom you are treating as though they were not important? What shall I say to you about that [RHQ]? Do [you expect] me to praise you [about what you do] [RHQ]? I certainly will not praise you!
A nuk keni, pra, shtëpi për të ngrënë e për të pirë? Apo përbuzni kishën e Perëndisë dhe turpëroni ata që s’kanë asgjë? Çfarë t’ju them juve? T’ju lavdëroj? Për këtë nuk ju lëvdoj.
23 The Lord taught me these things that I also taught you: During the night that Jesus was betrayed {[Judas] enabled [the enemies of] the Lord Jesus to seize him}, he took some bread.
Sepse unë mora nga Zoti atë që ju transmetova edhe juve; se Zoti Jezus, në atë natë që po tradhtohej, mori bukën
24 After he thanked God for it, he broke it into pieces. [Then he gave it to his disciples] and said, “This bread [represents] [MET] (OR, is) my body, that [I am about to sacrifice] for you. Eat bread in this [way again and again] to remember my [offering myself as a sacrifice for you].”
dhe, si falënderoi, e theu dhe tha: “Merrni, hani; ky është trupi im që është thyer për ju; bëni këtë në përkujtimin tim”.
25 Similarly, after they ate their meal, he took a cup [MTY] [of wine]. He [thanked God for it. Then he gave it to his disciples], saying, “[The wine in] [MTY] this cup [represents] [MET] (OR, is) my blood [that will flow from my body] ([to put into effect/to establish]) the new agreement [that God is making with people]. Whenever you drink wine in this way, do it to remember that [my blood flowed for you].”
Gjithashtu, pas darkës, mori edhe kupën, duke thënë: “Kjo kupë është besëlidhja e re në gjakun tim; bëni këtë sa herë që të pini, në përkujtimin tim”.
26 [Remember that] until the Lord [Jesus] returns [to the earth], whenever you eat the [bread that represents his body] and drink the wine [MTY] [that represents his blood], you are telling other people that he died [for you].
Sepse sa herë të hani nga kjo bukë ose të pini nga kjo kupë, ju shpallni vdekjen e Zotit, derisa ai të vijë.
27 So, those who eat that bread and drink that wine [MTY] in a way that is not proper [for those who belong to the Lord] are guilty of [acting in a way that is contrary to what] our [Lord intended when he offered] his body [as a sacrifice] and his blood [flowed when he died].
Prandaj ai që ha nga kjo bukë ose pi nga kjo kupë e Zotit padenjësisht, do të jetë fajtor i trupit dhe i gjakut të Zotit.
28 Before any believer eats that bread and drinks that wine [MTY], he should think carefully about [what he is doing],
Por secili të shqyrtojë vetveten dhe kështu të hajë nga buka e të pijë nga kupa,
29 because if anyone eats [the bread that represents Christ’s body] and drinks [the wine that represents his blood] without recognizing that all God’s [people should be united, God will] punish him [for doing that].
sepse ai që ha dhe pi padenjësisht, ha dhe pi një dënim për veten e tij, sepse nuk e dallon trupin e Zotit.
30 Many people in your group are weak and sick, and several have died [EUP] because of [the way they acted when they ate that bread and drank that wine].
Për këtë arsye ka në mes jush shumë të dobët e të sëmurë, dhe shumë vdesin.
31 If we would think carefully about what we [are doing], [God] would not judge [and punish] us [like that].
Sepse, po të shqyrtonim veten tonë, nuk do të gjykoheshim.
32 But when the Lord judges [and punishes] us [for acting wrongly], he disciplines us [to correct us], in order that he will not [need to] punish us when he punishes [the people who do not trust in Christ] [MTY].
Por kur gjykohemi, ndreqemi nga Zoti, që të mos dënohemi bashkë me botën.
33 So, my fellow believers, when you gather together to eat [food to remember the Lord’s dying for you], wait until everyone [has arrived so that you can find out who does not have enough food].
Prandaj, o vëllezërit e mi, kur mblidheni për të ngrënë, pritni njeri tjetrin.
34 Those who are so hungry [that they cannot wait to eat until everyone else has arrived] should eat in their own homes [first], in order that when you gather together God will not judge [and punish them for] ([being inconsiderate of/not being concerned about]) [others]. And when I come [to Corinth] I will give you instructions about other matters [concerning the Lord’s Supper].
Dhe në qoftë se dikush ka uri, le të hajë në shtëpi, që të mos mblidheni për dënim. Dhe gjërat e tjera, kur të vij, do t’i rregulloj.

< 1 Corinthians 11 >