< 1 Chronicles 28 >

1 David summoned all the leaders of Israel to come to Jerusalem. He summoned the leaders of the tribes, the leaders/commanders of the groups that worked for the king, the commanders of 100 soldiers, the commanders of 1,000 soldiers, those who were in charge of the property and livestock that belonged to the king and his sons, all the palace officials, and his mighty soldiers and bravest warriors.
И Давид сабра у Јерусалим све поглаваре Израиљеве, поглаваре племенске и поглаваре од редова који служаху цару, и хиљаднике и стотинике, и који беху над свим благом и стоком царевом, и синове своје и дворане и јунаке и све људе храбре,
2 David stood up and said, “My fellow Israelis, listen to me. I wanted [IDM] to build a temple to be a place where we would put the Sacred Chest of Yahweh, where it would stay permanently. And I made plans to build it.
И уставши цар Давид на ноге рече: Чујте ме, браћо моја и народе мој! Ја бих наумио да сазидам дом где би почивао ковчег Господњи и да буде подножје ногама Бога нашег, и приправих шта треба за зидање.
3 But God said to me, ‘You are not the one who will [arrange to] build a temple for me [MTY], because you are a warrior and you have killed many people [MTY] [in battles].’
Али ми Бог рече: Нећеш сазидати дом имену мом, јер си ратник и крв си проливао.
4 “But Yahweh, the God to whom we Israelis belong, had chosen me and my descendants to be the kings of Israel forever. [First] he chose the tribe of Judah, and from the people [MTY] of Judah he chose my family, and from my father’s sons he chose me to be the king over all of Israel.
Али Господ Бог Израиљев изабра ме из свега дома оца мог да будем цар над Израиљем довека; јер Јуду изабра за вођу, и из дома Јудиног дом оца мог; и између синова оца мог би му воља да мене постави царем над свим Израиљем.
5 Yahweh has given me many sons, but from them he chose my son Solomon to be the next king to rule [MTY] the kingdom of Israel.
А тако између свих синова мојих (јер много синова даде ми Господ) изабра Соломуна, сина мог да седи на престолу царства Господњег над Израиљем.
6 He said to me, ‘Solomon your son is the one who will [arrange to] build my temple and the courtyards around it, because I have chosen him to be [like] my son and I will be [like] [MET] his father.
И рече ми: Соломун, син твој, сазидаће мој дом и тремове моје, јер њега изабрах себи за сина, и ја ћу му бити отац.
7 I will enable his kingdom to endure forever if he continues to obey my laws and commands, like you are doing now.’
И утврдићу царство његово довека, ако буде постојан да извршује заповести моје и законе моје као данас.
8 “So now, while all [you people of] Israel, all of you who belong to Yahweh, are watching, and while God is listening, I command you [leaders] to carefully obey all the commands of Yahweh our God, in order that you may continue to possess this good land and enable your descendants to inherit it forever.
Сада дакле пред свим Израиљем, збором Господњим, и да чује Бог наш, кажем вам: Држите и тражите све заповести Господа Бога свог, да бисте држали ову добру земљу и оставили је у наследство синовима својим након себе довека.
9 “And you, my son Solomon, must know God like I know him, and you must serve him faithfully and because you want to. You must do that because he knows what everyone is thinking and he understands the reasons that people do what they do. If you seek [to know] him, he will heed your prayers. But if you abandon/reject him, he will abandon/reject you forever.
А ти, Соломуне сине, знај Бога оца свог, и служи му целим срцем и душом драговољном; јер сва срца испитује Господ и сваку помисао зна; ако Га устражиш, наћи ћеш Га; ако ли Га оставиш, одбациће те засвагда.
10 Yahweh has chosen you to [arrange to] build a temple for him. So think about [what I have said], and be strong and do what [he is wanting you to do].”
Види сада да те је Господ изабрао да сазидаш дом за светињу; буди храбар и ради.
11 Then David gave to his son Solomon [the scroll on which were written] the plans for the main rooms of the temple, its porch, its storerooms, all the other upper and lower rooms, and the Very Holy Place where God would forgive the sins that people had committed.
Тада предаде Давид Соломуну сину свом слику од трема и од кућа његових, и од ризница и од соба и од клети унутрашњих, и од места за заклопац очишћења,
12 David wrote for him the plans that God’s Spirit had put into his mind for building the courtyards and all the rooms that surrounded the temple, including the room where the money and other valuable things that were dedicated to God would be kept.
И слику од свега што беше смислио за тремове дома Господњег и за све клети унаоколо и за ризницу дома Божијег и за ризницу од светих ствари,
13 He gave Solomon instructions for the groups of priests and other descendants of Levi, about all the work that they must do to serve in Yahweh’s temple, and about taking care of all the things that would be used in the work at the temple.
И за редове свештеничке и левитске и за сваки посао у служби у дому Господњем и за све посуђе у дому Господњем;
14 He wrote down how much gold and how much silver should be used to make all the items in the temple:
Злато под меру за судове златне за сваку службу, и сребро за све судове сребрне под меру, за све судове за сваку службу;
15 how much gold for making the gold lampstands and the lamps, how much silver to make the silver lamps and lampstands,
Под меру за свећњаке златне и жишке златне, по тежини сваког свећњака и жижака његових, и за свећњаке сребрне по тежини сваког свећњака и жижака његових, према потреби сваког свећњака;
16 how much gold for making the table on which [the priests would put] the sacred bread, how much silver to use to make the other tables,
И злата под меру за столове на којима ће стајати хлебови постављени, за сваки сто; и сребра за столове сребрне;
17 how much pure gold for the meat forks and the bowls and the cups, how much gold for each gold dish, how much silver for each silver dish,
И за виљушке и за котлиће и за зделе злата чистог, и за златне чаше под меру, за сваку чашу, и за сребрне чаше сребра под меру за сваку;
18 and how much pure gold to make the altar for [burning] incense. He also gave to Solomon his plans for making the golden statues of winged creatures that would be above the Sacred Chest of Yahweh, [like] a chariot for him.
И за олтар кадиони чистог злата под меру; и слику од кола златних херувима, који ће раширивши крила заклањати ковчег завета Господњег.
19 Then David said, “I have written [all these plans] while Yahweh was directing [MTY] me. He has enabled me to understand all the details of his plan [for the temple that is to be built].”
То ми је све дошло писано руком Господњом да бих знао све како шта треба урадити.
20 David also said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do this work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, because Yahweh our God will be with/helping you. He will not fail [to help] you or abandon you until you finish all the work of making his temple.
И тако рече Давид Соломуну, сину свом: Буди слободан и храбар, и ради, не бој се и не плаши се, јер ће Господ Бог, Бог мој, бити с тобом, неће те оставити нити ће одступити од тебе, докле не свршиш сав посао за службу у дому Господњем.
21 The groups of priests and [other] descendants of Levi are ready to begin their work at the temple, and every man who has a special skill will help you in all the work. And my officials and the other people will obey you, whatever you command them to do.”
А ево редови свештенички и левитски за сваку службу у дому Божијем; и имаш уза се за сваки посао људи драговољних и вештих сваком послу, и поглаваре и сав народ за сваку заповест своју.

< 1 Chronicles 28 >