< 1 Chronicles 22 >

1 Then David said, “Here, [at the edge of Jerusalem, ] is where [we will build] the temple for our God Yahweh, and where [we will make] the altar for burning the offerings that the Israeli [people will bring].”
And Dauid seide, This is the hows of God, and this auter is in to brent sacrifice of Israel.
2 So David commanded that the foreigners who lived in Israel must gather together. [When they did that, ] he appointed [some of those] men to [cut huge] stones [from the quarries] and to smooth their surfaces, to be used to build the temple of God.
And he comaundide that alle conuersis fro hethenesse to the lawe of Israel `schulden be gaderid `of the lond of Israel; and he ordeynede of hem masouns for to kytte stoonys and for to polische, that the hows of the Lord schulde be bildid;
3 David provided a large amount of iron for making nails and hinges for the doors in the gates of the temple. He also provided so much bronze [for making the altar and various utensils], that no one could weigh it all.
also Dauid made redy ful myche yrun to the nailes of the yatis, and to the medlyngis and ioyntouris, and vnnoumbrable weiyte of bras;
4 He also provided [money for buying] a large amount of cedar logs. Because there was a huge number of them, no one was able to count them. Those were logs that men from Tyre and Sidon [cities] sent to David.
also the trees of cedre myyten not be gessid, whiche the men of Sidonye and the men of Tyre brouyten to Dauid.
5 David [provided all those things because he] thought, “My son Solomon is still young and he does not know what he needs to know [about building], and the temple of Yahweh must be (magnificent/very beautiful). It must be a glorious building that will become famous, and people throughout the world must consider it to be glorious/splendid. So now I will begin to prepare for it to be built, [and Solomon will be responsible for building it].” So David collected a great amount of building materials before he died.
And Dauid seide, Salomon, my sone, is a litil child and delicat; sotheli the hows, which Y wole be bildid to the Lord, owith to be sich, that it be named in alle cuntrees; therfor Y schal make redi necessaries to hym. And for this cause Dauid bifor his deeth made redi alle costis.
6 [When] David [was old, he] summoned his son Solomon, and told him that he should arrange for a temple to be built for Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis [worshiped].
And he clepide Salomon, his sone, and comaundide to hym, that he schulde bilde an hows to the Lord God of Israel.
7 He said to him, “I wanted [IDM] to build a temple to honor [MTY] Yahweh, my God.
And Dauid seide to Salomon, My sone, it was my wille to bilde an hows to the name of `my Lord God;
8 But Yahweh told [a prophet to tell] me, ‘You have killed many men [MTY] in the battles that you have fought. I have seen the blood of all the people whom you killed, so you will not be the one who will arrange for a temple to be built to honor me [MTY].
but the word of the Lord was made to me, and seide, Thou hast sched out myche blood, and thou hast fouyt ful many batels; thou mayst not bilde an hows to my name, for thou hast sched out so myche blood bifor me;
9 But you will have a son [who will be king of Israel after you die]. He will be a man who is peaceful and quiet, [not a man who kills others]. And I will cause that there will be peace between him and his enemies who are in all the nearby lands. His name will be Solomon, [which sounds like the word for peace]. During the time that he is king, people in Israel will be peaceful and safe.
the sone that schal be borun to thee, schal be a man most pesible, for Y schal make hym to haue reste of alle hise enemyes bi cumpas, and for this cause he schal be clepid pesible, and Y schal yyue pees and reste in Israel in alle hise daies.
10 He is the one who will arrange for a temple to be built to honor me [MTY]. He will be [like] a son to me, and I will cause some of his descendants to rule [MTY] over Israel forever [HYP].’
He schal bilde an hows to my name; he schal be to me in to a sone, and Y schal be to hym in to a fadir, and Y schal make stidefast the seete of his rewme on Israel withouten ende.
11 “So now, my son, I hope/wish that Yahweh will help you, and enable you to be successful in arranging for building the temple of Yahweh, your God, which is what he said that you would do.
Now therfor, my sone, the Lord be with thee, and haue thou prosperite, and bilde thou an hows to `thi Lord God, as he spak of thee.
12 I also hope/wish that he will enable you to be wise and to understand what you need to know, and enable you to obey his laws while you rule over Israel.
And the Lord yyue to thee prudence and wit, that thou mow gouerne Israel, and kepe the lawe of `thi Lord God.
13 If you carefully obey all the laws and regulations/commands that Yahweh gave to Moses to give to us Israeli people, you will be successful. So be steadfast/strong and courageous. Do not be afraid of anything, and do not become discouraged!
For thanne thou maist profite, if thou kepist the comaundementis and domes, whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises, that he schulde teche Israel; be thou coumfortid, and do manli, drede thou not `with outforth, nether drede thou `with ynne.
14 “I have tried hard to provide [materials] for [building] the temple of Yahweh. I have provided nearly 4,000 tons of gold, and nearly 40,000 tons of silver. I have also provided a very large amount of iron and bronze; no one has been able to weigh it all. I have also gathered/provided lumber and stone [for the walls of the temple], but you may need to get some more of those things.
Lo! in my pouert Y haue maad redi the costis of the hows of the Lord; an hundrid thousinde talentis of gold, and a thousynde thousynde talentis of siluer; sotheli of bras and irun is no weiyte, for the noumbre is ouercomun bi greetnesse; Y haue maad redi trees and stoonys to alle costis.
15 There are many men [in Israel] who have good ability to cut big stones for making stone walls, and carpenters, and men who are very skilled at making various kinds of things.
Also thou hast ful many crafti men, masouns, and leggeris of stonys, and crafti men of trees, and of alle craftis,
16 There are many men who know how to make things from gold and silver and bronze and iron. So now [I say to you], begin the work [of building the temple], and I hope/wish that Yahweh will help/be with you.”
most prudent to make werk, in gold, and siluer, and bras, and in yrun, of which is no noumbre; therfor rise thou, and make, and the Lord schal be with thee.
17 Then David commanded that all the Israeli leaders must assist Solomon. He said to them,
Also Dauid comaundide to alle the princis of Israel, that thei schulden helpe Salomon,
18 “Yahweh our God is certainly with/helping you [RHQ]. He has allowed you to have peace with all the nearby nations [RHQ]. He has enabled my [army] to conquer [IDM] them, so now Yahweh and my people control them.
his sone, and seide, Ye seen, that `youre Lord God is with you, and hath youe to you reste `by cumpas, and hath bitake alle enemyes in youre hoond, and the erthe is suget bifor the Lord, and bifor his puple.
19 Now you must obey Yahweh completely. Help Solomon to arrange for building the temple for Yahweh God, in order that you can bring the Sacred Chest that contains the Ten Commandments and the other sacred items that belong to God into the temple that you will build to honor Yahweh.”
Therfor yyue youre hertis and youre soulis, that ye seke `youre Lord God; and rise ye togidere, and bilde ye a seyntuarie to `youre Lord God, that the arke of boond of pees of the Lord be brouyt in, and that vessels halewid to the Lord be brouyt in to the hows, which is bildid to the name of the Lord.

< 1 Chronicles 22 >