< 1 Chronicles 12 >

1 David went to Ziklag [town] to escape from [King] Saul. While he was there, many warriors came and joined him, and they helped him when he fought battles.
ESTOS son los que vinieron á David á Siclag, estando él aún encerrado por causa de Saúl hijo de Cis, y eran de los valientes ayudadores de la guerra.
2 They carried bows [and arrows]. They were able to shoot arrows and to sling stones. They could use either their right arms or their left arms to do that. They were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin.
Estaban armados de arcos, y usaban de ambas manos en tirar piedras con honda, y saetas con arco. De los hermanos de Saúl de Benjamín:
3 Their leader was Ahiezer. Next in command was Joash. They were both sons of Shemaah from Gibeah [city]. [These are the names of some of those warriors: ] Jeziel and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth; Beracah; Jehu from Anathoth [town];
El principal Ahiezer, después Joas, hijos de Semaa Gabaathita; y Jeziel, y Pheleth, hijos de Azmaveth, y Beracah, y Jehú Anathothita;
4 Ishmaiah from the Gibeon [city], who was a leader of the thirty mighty warriors; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, and Jozabad from Gederah [town];
E Ismaías Gabaonita, valiente entre los treinta, y más que los treinta; y Jeremías, Jahaziel, Joanán, Jozabad Gederathita,
5 Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah, and Shephatiah from Haruph [town];
Eluzai, y Jeremoth, Bealías, Semarías, y Sephatías Haruphita;
6 Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer and Jashobeam, who were descendants of Korah;
Elcana, é Isías, y Azareel, y Joezer, y Jasobam, de Coré;
7 Joelah and Zebadiah, who were sons of Jeroham, from Gedor [town].
Y Joela, y Zebadías, hijos de Jeroham de Gedor.
8 Some men from the tribe of Gad [east of the Jordan River] joined David when he was at his fortress in [the caves in] the desert. They were brave warriors who were trained for fighting battles and able to use shields and spears well. They [SYN] were as fierce as [SIM, MTY] lions, and they could run as fast as [HYP, SIM] deer/gazelles on the hills/mountains.
También de los de Gad se huyeron á David, [estando] en la fortaleza en el desierto, muy valientes hombres de guerra para pelear, dispuestos [á hacerlo] con escudo y pavés: sus rostros como rostros de leones, y ligeros como las cabras monteses.
9 Ezer was their leader. Next in command was Obadiah. Next was Eliab.
Eser el primero, Obadías el segundo, Eliab el tercero,
10 Next was Mishmannah. Next was Jeremiah.
Mismana el cuarto, Jeremías el quinto,
11 Next was Attai. Next was Eliel.
Attai el sexto, Eliel el séptimo,
12 Next was Johanan. Next was Elzabad.
Johanán el octavo, Elzabad el nono,
13 Next was [another man whose name was] Jeremiah. The last was Macbannai.
Jeremías el décimo, Machbani el undécimo.
14 Those men from the tribe of Gad were all army officers. Some of them commanded 1,000 soldiers, and some of them commanded 100 soldiers.
Estos fueron capitanes del ejército de los hijos de Gad. El menor tenía cargo de cien hombres, y el mayor de mil.
15 They crossed [to the west side of] the Jordan [River] during March, [at the time of the year] when the river was flooded. They chased from there all the people who lived in the valleys on both sides of the river.
Estos pasaron el Jordán en el mes primero, cuando había salido sobre todas sus riberas; é hicieron huir á todos los de los valles al oriente y al poniente.
16 Some other men from the tribe of Benjamin and from Judah also came to David in his fortress.
Asimismo algunos de los hijos de Benjamín y de Judá vinieron á David á la fortaleza.
17 David went out [of the cave] to meet them and said to them, “If you have come peacefully to help me, I am eager to have you join with me. But if you have come to enable my enemies to capture me, even though I [SYN] have not done anything to harm you, I hope/wish that the God whom our ancestors (worshiped/belonged to) will see it and condemn/punish you.”
Y David salió á ellos, y hablóles diciendo: Si habéis venido á mí para paz y para ayudarme, mi corazón será unido con vosotros; mas si para engañarme en pro de mis enemigos, siendo mis manos sin iniquidad, véalo el Dios de nuestros padres, y demándelo.
18 Then [God’s] Spirit came upon Amasai, who was another leader of the thirty [greatest warriors], and he said, “David, we want to be with you; you who are the son of Jesse, we will join you. We know that things will go very well [DOU] for you and for those who are with you, because your God is helping you.”
Entonces se envistió el espíritu en Amasai, príncipe de treinta, [y dijo]: Por ti, oh David, y contigo, oh hijo de Isaí. Paz, paz contigo, y paz con tus ayudadores; pues que también tu Dios te ayuda. Y David los recibió, y púsolos entre los capitanes de la cuadrilla.
19 So David welcomed those men, and he appointed them to be leaders of his soldiers. Some men from the tribe of Manasseh also joined David when he went with the soldiers of Philistia to fight against Saul’s [army]. But David and his men did not really help the army of Philistia. After the leaders of Philistia talked [about David and his soldiers], they sent David away. They said, “If David joins his master Saul again, we will all be killed {his army will kill all of us}!”
También se pasaron á David algunos de Manasés, cuando vino con los Filisteos á la batalla contra Saúl, aunque no les ayudaron; porque los sátrapas de los Filisteos, habido consejo, lo despidieron, diciendo: Con nuestras cabezas se pasará á su señor Saúl.
20 When David went to Ziklag, these were the men from the tribe of Manasseh who went with him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, [another man whose name was] Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai. Each of them had been a commander of 1,000 men [in Saul’s army].
Así que viniendo él á Siclag, se pasaron á él de los de Manasés, Adnas, Jozabad, Jediaiel, Michâel, Jozabad, Eliú, y Sillethai, príncipes de millares de los de Manasés.
21 They were all brave soldiers, and they helped David to fight against the groups of men who roamed throughout the country, robbing people. So those men became commanders in David’s army.
Estos ayudaron á David contra aquella compañía; porque todos ellos eran hombres valientes, y fueron capitanes en el ejército.
22 Every day more men joined David’s men, and his army became large, like [SIM] the army of God (OR, a very huge army).
Porque entonces todos los días venía ayuda á David, hasta hacerse un grande ejército, como ejército de Dios.
23 These are the numbers of soldiers who were ready for battle who joined David at Hebron [city]. They came to help him to become the king of Israel to replace Saul, as Yahweh had promised would happen.
Y este es el número de los principales que estaban á punto de guerra, y vinieron á David en Hebrón, para traspasarle el reino de Saúl, conforme á la palabra de Jehová:
24 There were 6,800 men from Judah, who carried shields and spears.
De los hijos de Judá que traían escudo y lanza, seis mil y ochocientos, á punto de guerra.
25 There were 7,100 men from the tribe of Simeon. They were all strong warriors trained to fight battles.
De los hijos de Simeón, valientes y esforzados hombres para la guerra, siete mil y ciento.
26 There were 4,600 men from the tribe of Levi.
De los hijos de Leví, cuatro mil y seiscientos;
27 Jehoiada, who was a leader descended from Aaron, was in that group of descendants of Levi, and there were 3,700 men with him.
Asimismo Joiada, príncipe de [los del linaje de] Aarón, y con él tres mil y setecientos;
28 Zadok, a strong young soldier, was also in that group, and there were 22 other leaders from his clan who came with him.
Y Sadoc, mancebo valiente y esforzado, con veinte y dos de los principales de la casa de su padre.
29 There were 3,000 men from the tribe of Benjamin who were Saul’s relatives. Most of them had previously wanted one of Saul’s descendants to be the king.
De los hijos de Benjamín hermanos de Saúl, tres mil; porque aun en aquel tiempo muchos de ellos tenían la parte de la casa de Saúl.
30 There were 20,800 men from the tribe of Ephraim who were all brave warriors and trained for fighting battles and famous in their own clans.
Y de los hijos de Ephraim, veinte mil y ochocientos, muy valientes, varones ilustres en las casas de sus padres.
31 There were 18,000 men from the half of the tribe of Manasseh [that lived west of the Jordan River]. They were all chosen to go and help David become the king.
De la media tribu de Manasés, diez y ocho mil, los cuales fueron tomados por lista para venir á poner á David por rey.
32 There were 200 men who were leaders from the tribe of Issachar, along with their relatives. Those leaders always knew what the Israelis should do, and they knew the right time to do it.
Y de los hijos de Issachâr, doscientos principales, entendidos en los tiempos, y que sabían lo que Israel debía hacer, cuyo dicho seguían todos sus hermanos.
33 There were 55,000 men from the tribe of Zebulun. They were all experienced warriors and knew how to use all kinds of weapons well. They were completely loyal to David.
Y de Zabulón cincuenta mil, que salían á campaña á punto de guerra, con todas armas de guerra, dispuestos á pelear sin doblez de corazón.
34 There were 1,000 officers from the tribe of Naphtali. With them were 37,000 soldiers, each carrying shields and spears.
Y de Nephtalí mil capitanes, y con ellos treinta y siete mil con escudo y lanza.
35 There were 28,600 soldiers from the tribe of Dan, all trained to fight battles.
De los de Dan, dispuestos á pelear, veinte y ocho mil y seiscientos.
36 There were 47,000 experienced soldiers from the tribe of Asher, all trained to fight battles.
Y de Aser, á punto de guerra y aparejados á pelear, cuarenta mil.
37 There were also 120,000 soldiers from the area east of the Jordan [River who joined David]. They were from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh. They had all kinds of weapons.
Y de la otra parte del Jordán, de los Rubenitas y de los de Gad y de la media tribu de Manasés, ciento y veinte mil con toda suerte de armas de guerra.
38 All those men were soldiers who volunteered to be in David’s army. They came to Hebron wanting very much to enable David to be the king of all of the Israeli people.
Todos estos hombres de guerra, dispuestos para guerrear, vinieron con corazón perfecto á Hebrón, para poner á David por rey sobre todo Israel; asimismo todos los demás de Israel estaban de un mismo ánimo para poner á David por rey.
39 The men spent three days there with David, eating and drinking, because their families had given them food to take with them.
Y estuvieron allí con David tres días comiendo y bebiendo, porque sus hermanos habían prevenido para ellos.
40 Also, their fellow Israelis came from as far away as the area where the tribes of Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali lived, bringing food on donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen. They brought a lot of flour, fig cakes, raisins, wine, [olive] oil, cattle and sheep. And throughout Israel, the people were very joyful.
Y también los que les eran vecinos, hasta Issachâr y Zabulón y Nephtalí, trajeron pan en asnos, y camellos, y mulos, y bueyes; y provisión de harina, masas de higos, y pasas, vino y aceite, bueyes y ovejas en abundancia, porque en Israel había alegría.

< 1 Chronicles 12 >